California Cops beat the snot out of some drunk guy outside a bar

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
There is no back story with this youtube video, so it doesn't say why the police were called out. What you see is some heavy set guy in a blue shirt standing outside of what looks like a bar in north California. When the police get out, you see them immediately start beating the guy with their batons. You can hear the "cracking" sounds each time they land a blow. They guy just stands there and takes it until he is completely incapacitated.

They used so much pepper spray the people filming this got it in there mouths and eyes standing out a good distance away. I imagine this guy may have ended up in a hospital.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Funny I also saw him make a move at the cop right at the beginning.
JCM800's Avatar
Funny I also saw him make a move at the cop right at the beginning. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
yep, that's all they were waiting for so they could give him a beat down.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
yep, that's all they were waiting for so they could give him a beat down. Originally Posted by JCM800
LOL, yea, don't flinch, dont' move.. shit any excuse for the cops to have a fun beat down!
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
One other thing to note when I see videos like this, you keep hearing the officers yelling "relax, relax , quit moving, and resisting", all the while they are cracking the persons head with a baton, or kneeing them in the back twisting arms, or pepper spraying in the face. You think most people could endure that and "be still" in the manner that is being yelled at them? Nope..
Pink Floyd's Avatar
yep, that's all they were waiting for so they could give him a beat down. Originally Posted by JCM800
So in the same situation are you saying you would wait for him to continue the attack, risking your own safety just to be politically correct? The correct response to an attack is to disable the attacker not sit back and hope he stops. You have to wonder what is going on in the mind of a man who would initiate a confrontation with cops all around him. I would like to see the blood tests on this guy.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
So in the same situation are you saying you would wait for him to continue the attack, risking your own safety just to be politically correct? The correct response to an attack is to disable the attacker not sit back and hope he stops. You have to wonder what is going on in the mind of a man who would initiate a confrontation with cops all around him. I would like to see the blood tests on this guy. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
In my opinion, I think it would be far better to re-train cops (get the "us versas them") mentality out of their heads, and teach/train them on de-esculation techniques. In other words utililze critical thinking skills and psychology techniques that might be used on a case by case approach, instead of a quick "knee-jerk" reaction to beat or tazer someone on the smallest of provocations.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
In my opinion, I think it would be far better to re-train cops (get the "us versas them") mentality out of their heads, and teach/train them on de-esculation techniques. In other words utililze critical thinking skills and psychology techniques that might be used on a case by case approach, instead of a quick "knee-jerk" reaction to beat or tazer someone on the smallest of provocations. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
That sounds nice, but have you ever tried to reason with a violent drunk or anyone on drugs. Your approach would have to be used if there victims involved, i.e. he was holding a gun to someones head, but in a case of no victim there is no need to play nicey nicey and risk injury to the police. It is easy to sit back and say what you would do in such a situation, but the best approach is to disable the attacker as quickly as possible. A cop cannot afford to take an attack without immediate response from him. They probably exercise more restraint than I would.
JCM800's Avatar
So in the same situation are you saying you would wait for him to continue the attack, risking your own safety just to be politically correct? Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
no, not at all .....if the cops are called to a scene because of you, and you then start a fight with them, resist, or whatever can pretty much expect them to react like that in most cases.
There is no back story with this youtube video, so it doesn't say why the police were called out. What you see is some heavy set guy in a blue shirt standing outside of what looks like a bar in north California. When the police get out, you see them immediately start beating the guy with their batons. You can hear the "cracking" sounds each time they land a blow. They guy just stands there and takes it until he is completely incapacitated.

They used so much pepper spray the people filming this got it in there mouths and eyes standing out a good distance away. I imagine this guy may have ended up in a hospital. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
I have to disagree on this one.

He was squared off with a cop on the left side of the picture and appeared to make a move at him right as the cop that got out of the squad car hit him on the side of the leg with the baton.

Clearly they were already in the process of arresting this guy for something when the video started. You don't know what that was. Maybe he was a belligerent drunk who beat up somebody. Maybe they caught him selling drugs. In any event, he is built like a bull and appears determined NOT to be arrested.

They kept telling him to get down on the ground - sometimes while hitting him, sometimes while not. And he repeatedly refused to get down. He just keep making that loud angry grunting sound, like some crazed animal.

If he simply laid down and put his hands behind his back, none of that would have happened. And the cops did appear to have probable cause to arrest.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Dumb fucker should have immediately got on the ground - he wasn't complying with the officer's reasonable commands.
Depends on if it was a gay bar or not.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Depends on if it was a gay bar or not. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
When you go to gay bars, how many fat guys do you see?
When you go to gay bars, how many fat guys do you see? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You sound like the voice of experience.

You should check with IBH. He is the expert on all things gay or tranny.
JL is a authority on gay bars Gets his fudge packed weekly.