Wacko Environmentalist Logic

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
They are poisoning one species of trout in favor of another!


State fisheries biologist Dave Lentz poured poison into a remote High Sierra stream and watched quietly as every rainbow and golden trout in the water turned belly up.
After the rotenone spread along 11 miles of Silver King Creek last Wednesday, other biologists poured in a neutralizing agent, making the river again habitable — and a suitable home for the rarest trout in the world..............
lostincypress's Avatar
and they lost!

TOXICS, a non-profit
corporation; WILDERNESS WATCH, a
non-profit corporation; THE
non-profit corporation; and
LAUREL AMES, an individual,

official capacity; UNITED STATES
DUNKELBERGER, in his official

The insanity of Gore groupies...........destroy us for no reason............I hope we don't follow Australia.......

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking idiots. Deny! Deny! Deny!

Gotta be tough being so unhappy 24/7.

Why not jut end it?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Excellent video Whirlaway - good post.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Fucking idiots. Deny! Deny! Deny!

Gotta be tough being so unhappy 24/7.

Why not jut end it?

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You either missed the point or didn't watch the video.
Fucking idiots. Deny! Deny! Deny!

Gotta be tough being so unhappy 24/7.

Why not jut end it?

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
50-I boned momma...1-I let you bone her...

what you going to do about it BITCH?
What is shrinking is NOT the polar ice caps; but Al Gore's climate change agenda and his tax exempt non profit "Climate Reality Project."

"....according to a review of the nonprofit’s tax filings, show the change has been severe. In 2009, at its peak, Gore’s group had more than 300 employees, with 40 field offices across 28 states, and a serious war chest: It poured $28 million into advertising and promotion, and paid about $200,000 in lobbying fees at the height of the cap-and-trade energy bill fight on Capitol Hill.

Today, the group has just over 30 people on staff and has abandoned its on-the-ground presence — all of its field offices have since shut down — in favor of a far cheaper digital advocacy plan run out of Washington. Advertising expenses have decreased from the millions to the thousands, and the organization no longer lobbies lawmakers. Donations and grants have declined, too — from $87.4 million in 2008 to $17.6 million in 2011, and many of its high-profile donors have drifted away, one telling BuzzFeed she now sees the group’s initial vision as “very naïve.”

The wacko environmental extremists are losing the debate and they are slowly coming back to reality. In today's Salon, radical journalist Naomi Klein (The Shock Doctrine and No Logo), acknowledges as much:
I think there is a very deep denialism in the environmental movement among the Big Green groups. And to be very honest with you, I think it’s been more damaging than the right-wing denialism in terms of how much ground we’ve lost. Because it has steered us in directions that have yielded very poor results. I think if we look at the track record of Kyoto, of the UN Clean Development Mechanism, the European Union’s emissions trading scheme – we now have close to a decade that we can measure these schemes against, and it’s disastrous. Not only are emissions up, but you have no end of scams to point to, which gives fodder to the right. The right took on cap-and-trade by saying it’s going to bankrupt us, it’s handouts to corporations, and, by the way, it’s not going to work. And they were right on all counts. Not in the bankrupting part, but they were right that this was a massive corporate giveaway, and they were right that it wasn’t going to bring us anywhere near what scientists were saying we needed to do lower emissions. So I think it’s a really important question why the green groups have been so unwilling to follow science to its logical conclusions. . .

I think the Big Green groups are becoming deeply irrelevant. Some get a lot of money from corporations and rich donors and foundations, but their whole model is in crisis.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-06-2013, 08:41 AM
The wacko environmental extremists are losing the debate and they are slowly coming back to reality. In today's Salon, radical journalist Naomi Klein (The Shock Doctrine and No Logo), acknowledges as much:
I think there is a very deep denialism in the environmental movement among the Big Green groups. And to be very honest with you, I think it’s been more damaging than the right-wing denialism in terms of how much ground we’ve lost. Because it has steered us in directions that have yielded very poor results. I think if we look at the track record of Kyoto, of the UN Clean Development Mechanism, the European Union’s emissions trading scheme – we now have close to a decade that we can measure these schemes against, and it’s disastrous. Not only are emissions up, but you have no end of scams to point to, which gives fodder to the right. The right took on cap-and-trade by saying it’s going to bankrupt us, it’s handouts to corporations, and, by the way, it’s not going to work. And they were right on all counts. Not in the bankrupting part, but they were right that this was a massive corporate giveaway, and they were right that it wasn’t going to bring us anywhere near what scientists were saying we needed to do lower emissions. So I think it’s a really important question why the green groups have been so unwilling to follow science to its logical conclusions. . .

I think the Big Green groups are becoming deeply irrelevant. Some get a lot of money from corporations and rich donors and foundations, but their whole model is in crisis.
http://www.salon.com/2013/09/05/naom...ement_partner/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Naomi Klein's the ''The Shock Doctrine'' is an great read.

On the eco note...greed will always win out.

What Whirly does not understand that what Klien is saying is that the solution is wrong, not that there is a problem.
What WTF doesn't understand is that I agree the solutions offered by the environmental extremists are wrong......they also have the man-made causation wrong, along with their solutions.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The wacko environmental extremists are losing the debate and they are slowly coming back to reality. In today's Salon, radical journalist Naomi Klein (The Shock Doctrine and No Logo), acknowledges as much:
I think there is a very deep denialism in the environmental movement among the Big Green groups. And to be very honest with you, I think it’s been more damaging than the right-wing denialism in terms of how much ground we’ve lost. Because it has steered us in directions that have yielded very poor results. I think if we look at the track record of Kyoto, of the UN Clean Development Mechanism, the European Union’s emissions trading scheme – we now have close to a decade that we can measure these schemes against, and it’s disastrous. Not only are emissions up, but you have no end of scams to point to, which gives fodder to the right. The right took on cap-and-trade by saying it’s going to bankrupt us, it’s handouts to corporations, and, by the way, it’s not going to work. And they were right on all counts. Not in the bankrupting part, but they were right that this was a massive corporate giveaway, and they were right that it wasn’t going to bring us anywhere near what scientists were saying we needed to do lower emissions. So I think it’s a really important question why the green groups have been so unwilling to follow science to its logical conclusions. . .

I think the Big Green groups are becoming deeply irrelevant. Some get a lot of money from corporations and rich donors and foundations, but their whole model is in crisis.
http://www.salon.com/2013/09/05/naom...ement_partner/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Pretty good admission on her part, I admire her for admitting the movement has been wrong and the right wing critics of their tactics were spot on.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-06-2013, 10:03 AM
What WTF doesn't understand is that I agree the solutions offered by the environmental extremists are wrong......they also have the man-made causation wrong, along with their solutions. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If you do not think man has anything to do with GW you are nutso. Do I think there is much we can do about it, not really. These eco wacko's are as bad as the bible thumpers.
"Anything" ?????????????

WTF does that mean ? Another meaningless backtrack from WTF..............

How much of global warming do you believe is "man made" ?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-06-2013, 10:31 AM
"Anything" ?????????????

WTF does that mean ? Another meaningless backtrack from WTF..............

How much of global warming do you believe is "man made" ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
All the man made part that the scientist have shown. No back track there. No do you want to go address your Syrian blunder in that other thread where you did not know about different segments fighting Assad.