What makes some gals loose / stretched out and others rather tight?

landon's Avatar
Tale of two strippers (many others too) who I did otc:

A (28) was very selective (who she played with, excluding certain types of customers, etc.) she said (SS?) and is now married after a coupla of early divorces. Her ad on SA said she prefers older, successful professional. She is really good and seems to have a nice tight one (but not too tight). When I met her did her itc and she said she had a couple of clients. Dunno if she still has them as is never prob booking her. On first session otc she said sex her hobby and she does not believe in monogamy. Have been seeing her coupla yr as she is keeper girl. While she no longer dances she sees me and possibly some others. It is easy to get off with her plus she is not druggie or ROB like B sometimes was. She gives it to me how I want....and does not her relationship interfere with her providing to me as he is cuckhold she has under control supposedly unaware of her little sideline. What makes her special she not much with anyone else besides me and him.

B (24), lots of tats met thru friend and did her at his house coupla times. Danced as Ricks South (Sugars) but has been on backpage. Now hooked with rich Sugar Daddy but still sees clients. She would rush things and not that tight but ok. As time went on its like hers got stretched out. Friend told she doing certain scuzzy types of guys many for free bc they BF. It was much harder to get off with her and I dont think she as tight as A (what coulda stretched her out over time?). A total of 24 sessions with her. Dumped her for A bc B would not give it to me how I want it plus tough to get off with her. Once I took B to dinner after session and she hustled waiter (very disrespectful). A friend has been doing her about 6 years and she sees him even though she is living with much more well to do man (Sugar Daddy) who just moved her into new house he built. She does not let that interfere with her getting out and doing some business although she spends nights with this Sugar Daddy at his house.....Friend would tell me how she would go offline for around a week bc she was in love with some new BF but these never lasted more than a few days or week. Friend tells me I am lucky A has not found some rich SD like B.

My question what made B so loose - taking lots of them or some really big ones? Both A and B are white although B is Cajun.
blowpop's Avatar
Vaginal tightness is typically about muscle tone and anatomy. Even the guys with the giant equipment aren't going to permanently deform a vagina; they're designed to pass newborns, and I don't think any of us has something with the girth of a baby's head swinging between his knees.

So the "looser" girl may have started being a bit bigger down there, and doesn't have good muscle tone. The tighter girl could have started smaller and perhaps does her kegels religiously. God bless her.
landon's Avatar
Yes blowpop she is definitely a gift from god. Have done many others but she is sort of the Heisman WR of them all if you know what I mean.
simpleton's Avatar
This is most likely caused by constant pounding by a huge monster cock, fisting or making a Mickey's wide mouth disappear up in there.

I had a gf that would shoplift a 16oz coors lite for me by sticking it up her koochie. You know those cans of beer on ice at gas stations. That girl was a keeper.
Still Looking's Avatar
This is most likely caused by constant pounding by a huge monster cock, fisting or making a Mickey's wide mouth disappear up in there.

I had a gf that would shoplift a 16oz coors lite for me by sticking it up her koochie. You know those cans of beer on ice at gas stations. That girl was a keeper. Originally Posted by simpleton
Holly Molly, thank god you drink beer and not play baseball!

Just saying....
pyramider's Avatar
The loose one is probably recovering from Thunder*Cock.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Well I don't thinck it has anyting to do with monster cocks or havings kids. Most likely genetics. Also, really wet pussy doesn't seem near as tight as not so wet pussy. Pussy tightness of lack thereof has nothing to do with a persons race. As far as the OPs idea that she is not as tight as she used to be it is probably just that...and idea. Sounds like you conviced yourself she is not that good due to other issues.
doc_nasty123's Avatar
get you some vinegar for that loose one and you'll be fine. LOL!!!!

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-01-2011, 10:23 PM
get you some vinegar for that loose one and you'll be fine. LOL!!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPd3w...eature=related Originally Posted by doc_nasty123
Alum works better.
Or a green persimmon. LMAO
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Has she seen DED?
Has she seen DED? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
No...but she has seen EA

Landon, "B" needs to do more Kegel exercises
Yes, genetics plays a part in tightness of a vagina. And if a woman has a baby, that can make a difference. Having multiple partners would not make much of a difference. And the inside of the vagina is elastic--a large penis isn't going to make a difference either. Most women can benefit by regular exercise. Dr. Ann
Randall Creed's Avatar
Good thread.

There's no WORSE feeling in the world than being in some loose pussy.
  • LynnT
  • 06-02-2011, 11:49 PM
There are exercises to do down there.. tighten her up. I exercise regularly.
Kegels, kegels, kegels. I do mine regularly. Not only are they good for muscle tone, they are very good for improving a ladies ability to orgasm.