Sandbox or Litterbox

RickForFun's Avatar
A lot is not always better than a little. The stuff that has been filling our Sandbox is not what I come on a hooker board to read. A little is fine, but post after post is a bit much. This is just my opinion, but Damn.
Bababoeuy's Avatar
You don't think the providers are interested in the Libor rate-fixing scandal? LOL... Why just last week a provider and I discussed (while we were doing mish) what Bernacki's next move should be to lower the unemployment rate. The provider suggested QE3 over Operation Twist. Probably because she had a short position in the SPX and a buy to cover at 1350.
DallasRain's Avatar
I feel ya babe....

is this better????

RickForFun's Avatar
The LIBOR scandal is a crime and people should go to prison but probably never will. It has been a tax on citizens of the entire world! Crooks at the top "making" the market for their gain and the loss of everyone else. Now if she had been with me, she would have taken the long position in the SPX. Sorry you could not offer her that. lol Nothing personal.
RickForFun's Avatar
Yes Dallas, that is better.
Bababoeuy's Avatar
The LIBOR scandal is a crime and people should go to prison but probably never will. It has been a tax on citizens of the entire world! Crooks at the top "making" the market for their gain and the loss of everyone else. Now if she had been with me, she would have taken the long position in the SPX. Sorry you could not offer her that. lol Nothing personal. Originally Posted by RickForFun

Very true but I got a great Head and Shoulders formation from there!
DallasRain's Avatar
hows this???? lol

SEE3772's Avatar
Don't think many people comprehend on what's unfolding!
Just trying to look out and warn as many people as possible.
I would think that people would want to know so they could try to protect themselves.
If I would have posted something like a football player and how much they make that would have been cool? But tell me. How does that effect you? I could care less myself. You don't see me responding with mindless jokes about issues that really don't matter. So why respond like a child?
Bababoeuy's Avatar
The message is good but eccie might be the wrong platform for your message. No one here is going to go out and buy shares of GLD, IAU, or short the SPX. They either don't have the funds, the know how or they would rather spend it on 'a good time' with a provider or a table dance.
In the same vein, you wouldn't go on Barron's blog and post an alert that some girl on BP is using fake pictures.
SEE3772's Avatar
Never know?
I don't read Barron's.
SEE3772's Avatar
Bababoeuy, point well taken.
As a trader who worked for the CME for 10 years I know that if people just focused on real issues sometimes we could turn this around.
SEE3772's Avatar
Who cares right!
I've already made plans for me, my family and my girlfriend to leave America.
Guess that makes me like them.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Who cares right! Originally Posted by SEE3772
Take it to the National Board. Politics, finance and current events are hammered on there everyday, and everyone is free to argue and/or lie as they see fit.
SEE3772's Avatar
The Sandbox is a collection of "off-topic discussions". Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a "wide variety of other topics" can be found here. If it's NOT hobby-related, then you're in the right place!

Guess I thought I was in the right area.
No one is aguing. It's only a discussion. So why are you asking me to post somewhere else? I did not force anyone to read the information or lie.
Everything I posted is reality. Information that may help those who want it.
If you read the posts I'm not giving anyone financial advice because I don't have a license to do that anymore. I was only trying explain what I'm doing.
If someone disagrees fine I understand. I did not agree with the "SPX" long position that lost 38% of it's value in 2008. That's some really bad financial advice for those who know how to read and comprehend a chart. "IMHO" It's gained a few percent since then but everything is slowing down, again. The only thing that's keeping everything from crashing worse than 08' are the endless hopeless desperate tactics by the FED. "IMHO" Selling short paper to buy long paper has not and does not work. "Libor" The FED "IMHO" is only destroying the Bond Market everytime they Twist. Furthermore, easing is very inflationary and also has not and does not work. Guess that's why financial institutions around the world are very worried and issuing alerts about Hyperinflation of the dollar.
"IMHO" of course.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Sandbox is a collection of "off-topic discussions". Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a "wide variety of other topics" can be found here. If it's NOT hobby-related, then you're in the right place!

Guess I thought I was in the right area.
No one is aguing. It's only a discussion. So why are you asking me to post somewhere else? I did not force anyone to read the information or lie. Originally Posted by SEE3772
The National Sandbox Forum will better accommodate your desire to "discuss" these issues -- seriously. For instance, there have already been two threads on LIBOR @:

Discussions there often become heated arguments because those who post in the National Sandbox are often very opinionated (I know, I'm one of them -- but there are a couple of others from the NOLA board that infrequently post there as well). Sometimes the discussions are enlightening. Many times they are not. Nevertheless, you are more apt to find others more willing to engage your ideas in the National Forum than in the NOLA Forum. That's just the way it is.