storms - evacuation

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hey all

the present storm is currently a tropical storm, no reason to evacuate from this baby air monster.

Generally, I wouldn't bother to evac if its Cat 1 - 3, Cat 4 - maybe depending where its headed, Cat 5 - who knows this thing is so rare it doesn't make landfall at that category.

anyway, how do you handle getting rooms?

I tried to book rooms in hotels above I-12, but there weren't any available. I did find hotels with rooms available in the Lafeyette area and Donaldsonville area.

is there a better way to do this?
DallasRain's Avatar
wow--i got home just at the right time...........I live in a 3rd floor apartment in garden district,so i am thinking I will be ok........I am from texas and have been through numerous tornadoes,but only one hurricane.......I am prepared with supplies/full tank of gas/and an evacuation plan......I am keeping my .fingers crossed that it won't be as bad as they are saying.

I am not sure which direction is best to evacuate to...I was planning somewhere like Alexandria or Natchez
havinfuntwo's Avatar
Storms tend to go north and east when the hit land, so a better evac location might be the Houston area, austin, etc. Evacs to the east with this event will still likely get you lots of rain and wind.
Northshore fills up with locals, early!
Alex...still could get some good storm up there!
Natchez...just don't
If you are going north...Shreveport maybe...Dallas much better!
Where ever you go, have fun!
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks,I appreciate the advice! I was not sure where to go

my only problem is how to get my family of 3 grown kids,an SO,4 cats,me and a 2 year old in my pickup! lol

Dilbert were you here for Katrina??
SEE3772's Avatar
I moved to New Orleans from Chicago in 2007.
Went to Orlando for Gustav.
I moved back to Chicago 4 weeks ago.
I was talking to friends last night who live in Nola.
About 50 50.
Some are staying, some went north of the city and a few left Louisiana.
If I still lived there... I would stay and ride this one out.
But I lived in Metairie by the lake.... my street did not flood during Katrina. As long as you have plenty of food, water and other emergency essentials... "Y" you should be ok.
Everyone be safe!
I think this one is going to be more of a rain even rather than a Gustav, Rita, Ike and Katrina. This is a big ole storm (size wise) and there is going to be a lot of rain. Unlike Katrina, Ike and Rita, Gustav crushed BR (a freaking water oak came through my roof) and it is still in the back of my mind.

Right now I am not bugging out and I seriously doubt I will - at least before the storm hits. If it is bad I will go to Orange Beach like I did after Gustav. I am also looking for Sandbags because when it rains a ton my garage floods.

Thankfully I filled my truck up yesterday morning. The lines at those filling stations are nuts.
I wouldn't worry a bit for now. Isaac is not gonna do shit to New Orleans. If you have evacuate, the best way is to go to Hammond. Period. I was in Hammond for Katrina and the rest of the hurricane season. Nothing happen beside lost of power. But don't take my word for it. The further north the better because the storm or hurricane will slow down when they hit the land.
I survived Andrew in 91 and Katrina in 05, ain't sweatin this one!
Wiley64's Avatar
If the current track remains, the impact is expected to be much higher than Katrina or Gustav.
