Don,t save me!

  • alaxe
  • 10-18-2011, 02:32 PM
A little Info about so called provider rescue groups, I,ve been A provider for 30 years now, A long time. So I remeber the old Iceberg slim pimps of the late 70,s. However about 10 years ago, the so called rescue groups started poping up like wildfire , Well the one in kc called vernica,s voice is the one they sent me to after I got busted by kck PD 5 years ago. well I wanted to know more about them, I didn,t like what I found out. they are not helpful , If you are happy with your job as a provider, & they won,t give any Info about the place If you don,t agree with the atitute that all the clients abuse the providers, So I came away with the Idea that they just abuse the 501 c3 statis to milk the state,s money . & spread disinfo to hurt the clients that the courts so willing send them for the john school program.
ScubaBad's Avatar
Umm, ok, thanks for the info, but I'm really not sure what you are trying to say, explain or warn us about.
Lone Oak's Avatar
Say what? They get state aid for trying to help providers quit being providers but, how do they rub on the clients? I'm confused.
Alaxe has been around the boards for a long time, as she says, she has been a provider for 30 years . . . she is sometimes difficult to decipher (and she is aware of that fact - LOL) - I believe she is attempting to convey her dissatisfaction with Veronica's Voice, that she believes the people in charge of VV to be of poor character, that VV was not helpful for her, that she believes VV subscribes to the "policy" that every client (in his act of being a client) abuses the provider, and that they (VV) are more interested in filling their own pockets with money from grants, "john school", etc., than truly helping someone . .

If I missed anything Alaxe, let me know.


- Jackie
ScubaBad's Avatar
Jackie, thank you for the cipher. Next time around, I'll be able to do it myself.

Helping people can be a true calling. It really is too bad that there are so many organizations that take advantage of people, contributions, donations, etc. They pay their executives exorbitant salaries and seem to throw money away and don't really do much good.
Thanks for the decoding Jackie

when I read it that is what I thought she was saying but was not 100%
That sounds pretty accurate. I spoke to a girl recently who was sent to them as well. I basically told her to tell them what they want to hear and she'll be through it in no time. She's a good girl... knows the deal... been doing this for a while and knows that whole deal is a card game where the house always wins... unless you've got the ace up your sleeve to know that the whole thing is BS.
  • alaxe
  • 10-19-2011, 02:52 PM
y Aes, jacki & fireserpant, you understand what I,m saying , But the sadness of the whole thing is when the client gets caught in a sting, they try to make it seem like he,s got a real problem with his sex life & the lawer will sometimes send him to a theipast to fix his sex addicction, LOL.However its just a kickback deal, the real losers are his famliy ,who must hear all about the bullshit. & the providers who are put in danger , Because the safe nice clients are afaied to see anybody or as often is the case the PD & lawer fill his mind with Images of sick & drugged out girls . and big pimps just waiting to rob them. & what for because the assholes in the state goverment don,t like hookers.
  • alaxe
  • 10-19-2011, 02:59 PM
y Aes, jacki & fireserpant, you understand what I,m saying , But the sadness of the whole thing is when the client gets caught in a sting, they try to make it seem like he,s got a real problem with his sex life & the lawer will sometimes send him to a theipast to fix his sex addicction, LOL.However its just a kickback deal, the real losers are his famliy ,who must hear all about the bullshit. & the providers who are put in danger , Because the safe nice clients are afaied to see anybody or as often is the case the PD & lawer fill his mind with Images of sick & drugged out girls . and big pimps just waiting to rob them. & what for because the assholes in the state goverment don,t like hookers.
I would not go as far as to say those in state
goverment do not like "hookers"
Just publicly.
Can anyone say two-faced???
  • alaxe
  • 10-22-2011, 06:36 PM
Hey, I would not say the deck is stacked one way or the other & I do have alot of Insider knowhow on police culture , I,m from CA the cops mostly leave the girls alone there, to much other crime & the girls will get in their face & rat them out. But it is also very corrupt in LA. And as for the resuce orgs, theres only a few. the diffrece is they do outreach & pass out condoms & clean neddles , They do have AD Vice , & depending on the years that you have in as a provider you can most often avoid them altogether. Its all know how & Training. the main diffrence in the midwest is the courts have co-opted the rescue places in order to generate fine revenue from the clients, & that makes it unsafe for all providers , !. The nice guy stays away, the less respectfull clients fill the void. 2. The lawers & city make all the money as the lawers sponserd the End Demand Bill, meaning that the clients now are targeted more. I hope I,ve cleared up any misconseptions.
  • alaxe
  • 10-22-2011, 06:42 PM
Hey, I would not say the deck is stacked one way or the other & I do have alot of Insider knowhow on police culture , I,m from CA the cops mostly leave the girls alone there, to much other crime & the girls will get in their face & rat them out. But it is also very corrupt in LA. And as for the resuce orgs, theres only a few. the diffrece is they do outreach & pass out condoms & clean neddles , They do have AD Vice , & depending on the years that you have in as a provider you can most often avoid them altogether. Its all know how & Training. the main diffrence in the midwest is the courts have co-opted the rescue places in order to generate fine revenue from the clients, & that makes it unsafe for all providers , !. The nice guy stays away, the less respectfull clients fill the void. 2. The lawers & city make all the money as the lawers sponserd the End Demand Bill, meaning that the clients now are targeted more. I hope I,ve cleared up any misconseptions.
Lone Oak's Avatar
Well.. my shrink says my "sex addiction" is my business and it's all good. VV and LE can just go fuck themselves, I've got business to attend to.
I know a couple of people over at VV and I would definitely say they are geared more towards street walkers and ladies with addictions and ladies who are staying in other shelters and visiting VV as a sort of AA or NA meeting in addition to trying to keep off the streets. I think it's a good program IMO.
You've got to keep in mind that street walkers do not screen at ALL (to my knowledge) and are more likely to get the clients who will mistreat them and run afoul of pimps and other dangers.
Alaxe, you mentioned "AD Vice." What kind of vice squad is that?

Hey, I would not say the deck is stacked one way or the other & I do have alot of Insider knowhow on police culture , I,m from CA the cops mostly leave the girls alone there, to much other crime & the girls will get in their face & rat them out. But it is also very corrupt in LA. And as for the resuce orgs, theres only a few. the diffrece is they do outreach & pass out condoms & clean neddles , They do have AD Vice , & depending on the years that you have in as a provider you can most often avoid them altogether. Its all know how & Training. the main diffrence in the midwest is the courts have co-opted the rescue places in order to generate fine revenue from the clients, & that makes it unsafe for all providers , !. The nice guy stays away, the less respectfull clients fill the void. 2. The lawers & city make all the money as the lawers sponserd the End Demand Bill, meaning that the clients now are targeted more. I hope I,ve cleared up any misconseptions. Originally Posted by alaxe