Commie Donnie INDICTED --- LOCK HIM UP !!

SplashyZebo's Avatar

Hillary raising a toast with BIG SMILES tonight, my brothers ..... REJOICE !!

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bambino's Avatar
Our country is unrecognizable. In just two years:

Our adversaries are forming an alliance.

Inflation is soaring.

The FBI is completely weaponized.

The U.S. dollar is on its way out.

Invasion on the southern border.

We are on the brink of WW3.

And now political opponents are getting arrested.

Build. Back. Better.

Be careful what you wish for
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Hillary raising a toast with BIG SMILES tonight, my brothers ..... REJOICE !!

free image hosting Originally Posted by SplashyZebo

has it? the case is shaky to say the least. there's a long way to go before "Justice" is served, or not.

recall that Cyrus Vance Jr as a federal prosecutor in NYC declined to bring this case.

the FEC reviewed this case and found no campaign violation and declined to bring this case.

the DOJ reviewed this case and found no campaign violation and declined to bring this case.

butt Alvin Bragg thinks he has a case. read below how solid his case really is ..

i'd recommend not cooking any victory omelettes just yet. i'd wait till the conviction egg is laid or ya might be eating a nothing omelette

Manhattan DA Insiders Worry the Trump Hush Money Case Is Weak Sauce

252 Jose Pagliery
Wed, March 29, 2023 at 3:37 AM CDT

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Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Reuters

The indictment that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is currently seeking against former President Donald Trump—over his payment to silence a porn star about their sexual affair—is based on a crime that was so flimsy it was never viewed as a standalone criminal case, according to three attorneys who have worked on that investigation.

These insiders spoke to The Daily Beast on the condition of anonymity, because they are not authorized to discuss the ongoing criminal investigation.

A grand jury may soon decide whether to indict Trump for faking business records and dodging campaign finance laws when he used his company—the Trump Organization—and his personal “fixer”—Michael Cohen—to quietly pay hush money to the adult film star Stormy Daniels to keep the revelation from derailing his 2016 presidential campaign. Journalists from around the globe are now staking out a courthouse in downtown New York City, awaiting the possible arrest of the former American president.

it's Bragg's contention Trump had to pay off Daniels with campaign funds simply because he was running for President. interesting claim since the FEC (Federal Election Commission) determined years ago there was no campaign law violation.

What’s the Holdup With the Trump Indictment?

But that criminal probe is just a small slice of a much more expansive criminal investigation into Trump’s lies to banks, insurance companies, and government agencies.

Bragg, who inherited the investigation from his predecessor, Cy Vance Jr., shut down the wider operation soon after entering the office—and only recently revived this narrow portion as a single case.

His decision to bring back what has been deemed the “zombie” case surprised several insiders who have been briefed on the various iterations of the Stormy Daniels case over the years.

“The Stormy case was the easiest, the most straightforward, but had the risk of being nothing more than a misdemeanor. The business fraud case had more heft, but was complex and sprawling, and much more difficult. There was never any discussion of breaking them apart,” one source told The Daily Beast.

What initially drew prosecutors to the case was the way the Trump Organization paid back Cohen in separate checks broken up over a year, engaged in a monthly cover-up using this private business while Trump was in the White House.

so if Trump had paid Cohen as a lump sump it's fine, payments are not?

But New York County prosecutors never considered pursuing the hush money case by itself, because, for one thing, investigators on the DA’s Trump team couldn’t even agree whether Trump committed a serious crime.

Faking business records is merely a misdemeanor in New York, and three sources said Vance wouldn’t greenlight an indictment that would involve a historic law enforcement action against a former president—all to land Trump less than a year at the city’s notoriously violent jail on Rikers Island.

Possible Trump Indictment Delayed After Grand Jury Meeting Gets Called Off

Still, they determined this particular criminal charge could be bumped up to a felony if business records were faked to commit or hide a separate crime—a fact prosecutors wrestled with for months. A recent tell-all memoir by an ex-prosecutor who previously led that team, Mark Pomerantz, goes into vivid detail explaining how he had to resort to building a “creative legal theory” to pursue the case.

One version entailed this local DA attaching the state charges to the federal crime; after all, the whole idea was that Trump had failed to properly log the hush money payment publicly in closely scrutinized reports filed to the Federal Election Commission. But chaining state-level business records charges to an alleged federal crime would open Pandora’s Box, according to one source, because doing so would conspicuously highlight how this should have been a federal case instead.

did i mention the FEC determined there was no election law violation?

And that was quite the risk, because the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York had already chosen not to indict Trump.

Federal prosecutors aggressively went after Cohen and even categorized Trump as “Individual-1,” but they stopped there. The feds gave immunity deals to get incriminating information from the Trump Organization chief financial officer who cut the checks, Allen Weisselberg, and the National Enquirer media executive who helped broker the hush money deal, David Pecker.

“The hush money case had no exact state charge. It should have been the feds,” said a second person who spoke to The Daily Beast.

Assistant district attorneys and their outside advisers were also unclear about whether this novel approach would even hold up in court.

“DANY would have to argue that the intent to commit or conceal a federal crime had converted the falsification of the records into a felony. No appellate court in New York had ever upheld (or rejected) this interpretation of the law,” Pomerantz wrote in People vs. Donald Trump: An Inside Account. “There was a big risk that felony charges would be dismissed before a jury could even consider them.”

The DA team’s second version was even more of a stretch. This one involved attaching the business records charge to a bonkers underlying crime: viewing Stormy Daniels’ attempts to sell her story on the eve of the 2016 election as her trying to extort Trump. In his book, Pomerantz acknowledges this is “a somewhat awkward construction” that would act as if “Trump was, in effect, a blackmail victim.” That would turn Trump’s payment into money laundering, he figured. But the “soft-core extortion” theory, as Pomerantz called it, was hoisted on its own petard.

Trump ‘Committed Crimes,’ Prosecutor Wrote Before Quitting Manhattan DA’s Office

“Legally, the hush money payment had not become dirty money until [Stormy Daniels] received it, so neither Cohen nor Trump had committed money laundering by sending it,” Pomerantz wrote in his book.

The book says Vance twice commissioned outside lawyers—a rare step that’s nearly unheard of for such a law enforcement office—to research the matter. Vance decided against any criminal charges in late 2019 and revisited the decision in early 2021, but he ultimately decided against it.

The final nail in the coffin, though, seemed to come when Bragg inherited the case at the start of 2022. In his book, Pomerantz recalls a Feb. 9, 2022, meeting during which Bragg said he “could not see a world” in which he would use Cohen as a witness to indict Trump. On Tuesday, a spokeswoman for the office said that four people who were present at the meeting disputed that recollection.

Joe Tacopina, one of Trump’s defense lawyers on this case, told The Daily Beast he wasn’t surprised that lawyers who have long been close to this investigation have their reservations about making the Stormy Daniels matter a standalone criminal case. “I’ve spoken to two FEC chairmen. It’s not even close. I don’t understand how they could do this. It’ll eventually get tossed aside,” Tacopina said.

did i mention the FEC determined there was no election law violation?

However, skeptics could view Bragg’s recent decision to hire a top attorney at the Department of Justice as a way to overcome concerns that the state case can’t hold up on its own—or is somehow weakened by the DOJ’s decision to not charge Trump even after leaving office. Matt Colangelo, who left an extremely prominent position as the nation’s acting associate attorney general, previously worked on fraud investigations against Trump at the New York Attorney General’s Office.

And Bragg has apparently come around on Cohen, making him a key witness before the grand jury that’s poised to indict Trump any day now.

Still, these three sources cheered on Bragg for taking on the case—and noted that this could merely be the first iteration in a larger investigation.

Karen Friedman Agnifilo, who served as the previous DA’s top deputy for years, said the Stormy Daniels case merits more serious consideration than it has received so far.

“I disagree with people who think this is not an important case. This was Donald Trump’s first attempt at interfering in an election. He did it in 2016 and again in 2020. In terms of what it represents, I think it’s significant,” she said, noting that the DA was smart to move on this first because the statute of limitations might run out in May.

“The 11 payments to Michael Cohen—then recording false information in the business records—were done by a sitting president who was in the Oval Office at the time. I don’t know how anyone could view this as not serious,” she said.

once again Bragg contends Trump should have paid Cohen via the Trump campaign. for a personal matter. the fact that Daniels threatened to go public simply because Trump was running for president is extortion. it doesn't make it a campaign expense.

but don't take my word for it. take the word of the FEC and the DOJ who each separately determined there was no campaign law violation and thus Bragg's basis of record keeping fraud .. is fraudulent.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Justice? LOL.

Hilda just settled with the FEC for over Steele dossier, a document made up out of whole cloth that cost taxpayers potentially into the billions in fake investigations, and hamstringed the government for years. Trump pays a whore, like everyone here, and the world stops spinning.

It’s a joke, purely a political prosecution because democrats are well aware that Trump is in a good position to win in 24.
SplashyZebo's Avatar
Trump is in a good position to win in 24. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
LOL, sure he is.

I recall him bragging about his "yuge rallies" in 2020 and Mighty Joe still managed to whip his Commie ass by 9 million votes, all without Joe leaving his basement and still wearing his jammies!

China Don learned a VERY painful lesson since 2015 -- DO NOT FUCK WITH THE DEMOCRATS .... he'll lose every time he does that !!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hillary disagrees.

I’d love to hear about how Trump is anywhere near a communist, btw. How about enlightening us rubes, if you don’t mind.
SplashyZebo's Avatar
And now political opponents are getting arrested.

Be careful what you wish for Originally Posted by bambino
Hillary warned China Donnie not to fuck with her with the stupid "Lock Her Up" chants in 2016. She tried to tell the draft-dodging asshole that he was playing with fire by insulting a great woman of immense power and tremendous popularity with the American people. And now look at who's laughing last and who is going to prison?

So keep on poking the bear, righties --- Hillary, Obama, and Joe will unleash a fearsome hell on you like you've never seen and you will deeply regret ever pissing the American people off.
rmg_35's Avatar
The radical far-right conspiracy theory jackasses are all up in arms that the lying ass tangerine turd has been indicated. Get used to it. This is the first to many for this treasonist asshole piece of shit. Love to see the radical far-right trying to defend him.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-30-2023, 06:17 PM
Hillary warned China Donnie not to fuck with her with the stupid "Lock Her Up" chants in 2016. She tried to tell the draft-dodging asshole that he was playing with fire by insulting a great woman of immense power and tremendous popularity with the American people. And now look at who's laughing last and who is going to prison?

So keep on poking the bear, righties --- Hillary, Obama, and Joe will unleash a fearsome hell on you like you've never seen and you will deeply regret ever pissing the American people off. Originally Posted by SplashyZebo


I guess all of us on the right can finally start loading up our magazines.

Younze all can line up with Antifa and the Pink Pistols, and all the other noobs and get down to boogalooing.

Better me than my nephews.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-30-2023, 06:19 PM
The radical far-right conspiracy theory jackasses are all up in arms that the lying ass tangerine turd has been indicated. Get used to it. This is the first to many for this treasonist asshole piece of shit. Love to see the radical far-right trying to defend him. Originally Posted by rmg_35
This has been an expectation since 2016, but it took this long to create the bullshit to finally do it.
bambino's Avatar
Yes, it’s official. President Trump has been “indicted.”

All I hear is it’s go time ��

There’s MULTIPLE things that I’ve shown for nearly 7 months that show it’s all a part of the Operation.

“There’s a storm coming, wait for it.”

“We have it all. We’ve caught them all.”

Now, I’m not God, duh, and I’m not receiving direct Intel or anything of that nature, nor do I know what’s coming tomorrow, but we’re a Nation of Laws and Orders… and I live day to day by knowing what those say.

This WHOLE operation has been a joint operation with world allies to expose the Federal Corporation of elite Judges, Lawyers, Politicians, Governors, Attorney Generals, etc. plus war on all kinds of trafficking and exposing stupid wars that the Industrial Complex TV Generals started and didn’t have the balls to stand up to RINOS. AND a Quantum Financial System being installed all over the world as the U.S. Treasury Secretary has already made known the U.S. is bankrupt.

Hence why the Federal Continuity Directives 1 & 2 outline that all THREE BRANCHES of Government are in a Continuity of Government with issue dates of January 17, 2017, and June 13, 2017, with operational dates of 2018-2022 and 2020-2024.

The Military is under a DIRECT ORDER by Donald John Trump with Executive Order 13912 found in 10 US Code 1209, that’s a MILITARY ORDER separate from Civil and Federal Law.

The Donald became an official WARTIME PRESIDENT with 50 U.S. Code 33 Section 1541 use of National Emergencies (10 of them; the last two very specific.) plus MULTIPLE other Laws and Orders.

You’re all witnessing History, which is why it’s very important to try to read and understand the Laws, Orders, Regulations, and Code language because it ALL forms a Blueprint and a movie of a controlled operation taking place.

If all of it is “stupid” and all the names I’ve been called and HATE I’ve received and DEATH THREATS are for nothing then explain why EVERY single Executive Order that DONALD TRUMP declared National Emergencies with a DIRECT MILITARY ORDER along with Executive Order 13912 have been EXTENDED to 2024… why?

First off, how are THAT many Americans so DUMB and BLIND to see he’s not the same Joe?

How are THAT many Americans so DUMB to say it’s “plastic surgery gone wrong”…?

How are THAT many Americans so DUMB to not see ALL of the BLUNDERS, mishaps, gaffs, and not question anything?

Dumb, Lazy, Complacent, Self-Entitled, Spoiled. Let me get back to what made me go viral.

How come “Biden” hasn’t shut down Gitmo? Campaigned half of 2020 on that topic.

How come he’s never mentioned Space Force from his stammering flapping flesh?

How come the United States Army gave him a full grade Military Funeral Service with 3 cannons?

How come Trump received the full grade Military and Constitutional Inauguration service by the OFFICIAL PRESIDENTIAL SALUTE BATTERY with 4 cannons (Presidential Inaugurations)?

We are a Nation of Laws and Orders that’s been ran by a bunch of lying, cheating, corrupt, pompous ass Career Politicians for 150 years… Republicans and Democrats.

It’s ALL a part of the plan. It’s unfortunate many Americans still refuse or simply don’t want to read the Blueprint that will show you what’s going on.

I’ve been on a few videos explaining why if they did arrest him what the play could be…

I’ve refrained from using Q, even though it’s VERY real… Q said “the first arrest will shock the world.”

The problem is… 75% of Americans cannot simply say: Judicial, Legislative, and Executive, when asked the 3 branches of government.

So, what percentage knows Military Laws and Federal Laws or will read a Blueprint…

Still about 95% who are CLUELESS to the simplicities of Government.

So, it had to be done this way. For those few of you who know what’s going on… hang on! It’s part of the plan.

If you’re tired of hearing that? Well, we’re tired of you being tired… cowboy up or get off the ship.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Conspiracy theorists? LMFAO! Some nobody tries to revive a case that every alphabet agency in the country, already hell bent on prosecuting him for ANYTHING, said ‘na, nothing to see here’ and his defenders are conspiracy theorists? Do you live in a house with no mirrors?

Regardless, I hope there’s a loooooong trial. That Alina Habba chick is a fuckin BABE.

Edit: Hey, Splashy, we’re still waiting to hear about how Trump even remotely resembles a communist.
bambino's Avatar
There’s a LOT of AWESOME codes in this official statement by CIC Trump.

This particular arrest has nothing to do with Election Interference… major comm that it is ALL part of the plan.

Oh but that’s the beaut! They’re ALL being exposed and Military is the ONLY way ��

“We have it all. We’ve caught them all.” ��

“All crimes and evidence of will be displayed to the public in full accordance with the law.” ��

It has EVERYTHING to do with Election Interference because Election Interference was about trapping and exposing ALL Governors, Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, DOJ, CIA, FBI, etc. the whole corrupt system.

Executive Order 13848 proves EVERYTHING. “Election Interference” signed TWO MONTHS before ANY Election under CIC Trump which means the ONLY evidence they (Military) had was 2016 and prior ��

In that order… “although no foreign power has altered the outcome OR vote tabulation”…

Didn’t say domestic…


Outcome means ALL your votes..

Vote Tabulation means ALL electoral count as defined in 3 US Code 15…

It’s VERY keen and specific on the RINOS and Deep State.

It trapped ALL Governors, Attorney Generals, and Judges who didn’t apply and uphold the LAWS in 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections.

All 3 Branches of Government are under a Continuity of Government as outlined in Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2… which means the Courts, Congress, and President knows what’s going on… ☠️

Hence why it’s TITLED a Continuity of Government and time only moves forward ��

Amazing how I’m on record saying EO 13848 is the most important piece of Legislation since the Declaration of Independence…

It’s freakin’ EPIC ��

“Pretty soon we’re going to put our beautiful Flag on the surface of MARS”…

Military Auxiliary Radio System ��

All in the FCD1 and 2… Emergency Response Groups, Emergency Communications, National Emergencies ��

“We’re going to obliterate the Deep State.”

“We’re going to tear down some bad and ugly buildings and build new cities.”

“We’re going to decimate street gangs and crime by 75-85%”

All speeches from November 2022 to present day by CIC Trump…

Military Tribunals starting in June as reported by the New York Times December 29, 2021 ☠️

All these Aircraft flying low altitudes, many Reconnaissance Aircraft charting out maps = Emergency Response Groups…

The National Guard out of their state jurisdictions every single day since Executive Order 13912… CIC Trumps DIRECT MILITARY ORDER ☠️

It all adds up. It’s getting GOOD and CLOSE ������
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-30-2023, 06:42 PM
There’s a LOT of AWESOME codes in this official statement by CIC Trump.

This particular arrest has nothing to do with Election Interference… major comm that it is ALL part of the plan.

Oh but that’s the beaut! They’re ALL being exposed and Military is the ONLY way ��

“We have it all. We’ve caught them all.” ��

“All crimes and evidence of will be displayed to the public in full accordance with the law.” ��

It has EVERYTHING to do with Election Interference because Election Interference was about trapping and exposing ALL Governors, Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, DOJ, CIA, FBI, etc. the whole corrupt system.

Executive Order 13848 proves EVERYTHING. “Election Interference” signed TWO MONTHS before ANY Election under CIC Trump which means the ONLY evidence they (Military) had was 2016 and prior ��

In that order… “although no foreign power has altered the outcome OR vote tabulation”…

Didn’t say domestic…


Outcome means ALL your votes..

Vote Tabulation means ALL electoral count as defined in 3 US Code 15…

It’s VERY keen and specific on the RINOS and Deep State.

It trapped ALL Governors, Attorney Generals, and Judges who didn’t apply and uphold the LAWS in 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections.

All 3 Branches of Government are under a Continuity of Government as outlined in Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2… which means the Courts, Congress, and President knows what’s going on… ☠️

Hence why it’s TITLED a Continuity of Government and time only moves forward ��

Amazing how I’m on record saying EO 13848 is the most important piece of Legislation since the Declaration of Independence…

It’s freakin’ EPIC ��

“Pretty soon we’re going to put our beautiful Flag on the surface of MARS”…

Military Auxiliary Radio System ��

All in the FCD1 and 2… Emergency Response Groups, Emergency Communications, National Emergencies ��

“We’re going to obliterate the Deep State.”

“We’re going to tear down some bad and ugly buildings and build new cities.”

“We’re going to decimate street gangs and crime by 75-85%”

All speeches from November 2022 to present day by CIC Trump…

Military Tribunals starting in June as reported by the New York Times December 29, 2021 ☠️

All these Aircraft flying low altitudes, many Reconnaissance Aircraft charting out maps = Emergency Response Groups…

The National Guard out of their state jurisdictions every single day since Executive Order 13912… CIC Trumps DIRECT MILITARY ORDER ☠️

It all adds up. It’s getting GOOD and CLOSE ������ Originally Posted by bambino

What the fuck are you even talking about?

matchingmole's Avatar
They had better put chicken wire in the toilet.....he will try to escape.