Wild Card Searches?

I don't think the wild card search works.

Example: I was looking for a review I did on BrookeButtons.

My searches for my reviews on 'Brooke' came back empty.

I tried 'Brook*' and that was empty as well.

The search did not work until I searched on 'BrookeButtons'.

Seems like a wild card search should be enabled.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-26-2010, 07:25 PM

I just tried a search with the Search tab at the top of the page using the keyword Brooke* in all New York forums and received the following results...


I cannot tell you why you received the results you described without more specific information about how you did your search. Screenshots would be helpful. A good free tool for capturing them is MWSnap.

It can be found here... MWSnap site

Get back to us if you need more help or if you were able to resolve this issue on your own.


This was the one I had been looking for that would not come up for me:

Review: BrookeButtons - Yes, She Really is an Indy & the Tat is being reworked
03-01-2010 07:22 AM
by Laker
9 796 Independent Provider Reviews - Upstate New York
I'll try some more to try to figure out what I did wrong.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-26-2010, 09:31 PM
You are welcome. Let us know how you make out.