Ladies leaving or being banned

I just read in another post that there are a sizable number of ladies who have either been banned or left on their own accord but are active on other sites. I didn't want to hijack jaynes jibberish, but I am curious to know who these ladies are.

I don't chat, I stay in my little corner, and never visit other sites (don't have the time). Can somebody enlighten me on who these girls are? The only one that comes to mind is Tara, and, well, having gotten in her crosshairs before, that one is not that surprising.
Yeah Tara is the only one I can think of, but if you are a Tara supporter, you gotta go for theatrics and over-generalizations. Unless you have been the lucky recipient of a Tararistic threat ("I'm gonna tell my boyfriend!!!"), you can't truly enjoy her absence

The truth of the matter is, the other sites suck. So anyone saying that all the girls are going somewhere else, is full of shit. I don't see a mass exodus to Ecraps happening any time soon, so I guess you are stuck with us, Bizz
People come and go all the time. What I have noticed is not so much an increase in turnover, but the more esablished members, including providers making fewer posts. I have been on the board only a little over a year, but I have noticed its far less friendly that it was.

A big part of that is the size of the membership. When we were far smaller, if someone misbehaved, the membership would be all over the offender. Often , the mods would not even get involved because the members policed themselves. Now, as we approch 100k members, the number of less desireable people gos up and those who just dont like the BS stay quiet because the A** holes jump in to defend thier own.

This can be reversed if the quiet majority stop endoursing bad behavior by staying quiet. When someone is out of line, respectfully call them out on it. Most aholes are really bullys and cowards. If they consistaly get called out on their bad behavior, they will either quit or end up getting banned because they will stike back outside the rules

Members get banned because they cannot play by the rules. I realy don't have a lot of regret about them being gone.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 08-15-2011, 09:26 PM
Ahhhh -- but what if the asshole bully (cowards) are mods who mindlessly enforce rules which have no validity?
Ahhhh -- but what if the asshole bully (cowards) are mods who mindlessly enforce rules which have no validity? Originally Posted by Go4it

Watch your mouth lest you be given points for your foolishness!!!

You love all moderators and admin and that is that!! If not, you do not belong here! I am paraphrasing, but that's what I was told by an owner, so mind your P's and Q's!!! You love everyone, or you hate ECCIE and there is no in between!

I'm kinda kidding but I'm really not!! That's the funniest part!!
Dammit bubba, see what happens when you take things off topic? Really all I wanted was

A. A list of these mystery girls no longer here but advertising elsewhere. I hate to feel like I'm missing out.

B. All the people who keep claiming that women are leaving in droves to stop yelling "the sky is falling" if it's not.

Now I have to go spank Dannie and make her write "I will not be a naughty girl on a escort board because things here are super duper serious" 100 times on the chalkboard.
Ranchhand's Avatar
I dont know anything about a lot of ladies leaving for other sites. Dannie I think maybe you got your wires crossed somewhere. No where in my mod handbook does it say anyone has to love me. That would be some wishful thinking though.
LazurusLong's Avatar
There are no other "review" sites the ladies are flocking to.

There ARE multiple other advertising sites that may also be free or even cost a few dollars per ad that the ladies can avail themselves of and I've noticed that many of the ladies not posting here anymore (For example, Tara is supposedly doing quite well without the drama of her white knights trying to defend her or her black knights constantly attacking every review).

The biggest issue I hear is that the number of 'self important reviewers" on ECCIE who think that because they make claims they can make or break providers with threats of bad reviews or posts in other reviews, become a non issue the moment a provider stops posting ads here and trying to get reviews here.

Quality providers rarely need reviews IF she takes care of business. Seriously, how often does LovingKayla actually post ads on here?

Sites that many members put down, whether it is BP or EROS to just name 2 can make a lot more money for providers over the cheap fucks who will call demanding a 'special" because they post reviews or have what they consider "influence on a silly hooker board.

More paying clients find escorts other places such as Backpage for the simple reason they don't want the associated drama that comes from having cyber stalkers who contribute NOTHING except attacks when a member or a provider makes a post.

If a provider has put ALL her income eggs in ONE basket, namely ECCIE, she is at the mercy of those self-appointed review fuckers.

But if she is wise and does what others did when too many assholes who "ruled" ASPD during times when people like myself were banned for years there branch out to other pastures for posting ads, especially places where they can include things they can't do any longer here, they might be surprised.
I like this's elegant, well-designed, informative, up-to-date and professionally maintained. It's the main course; other sites are side dishes or after-dinner mints. Not to mention the wonderful Providers and clients here. This place rocks.
Sorry about the off-topic response, Bizz..but I'll bet the successful Providers out there are all here in addition to other sites. If I was a Provider and had to pick only one site, this would be it.
Chevalier's Avatar
This can be reversed if the quiet majority stop endoursing bad behavior by staying quiet. When someone is out of line, respectfully call them out on it. Most aholes are really bullys and cowards. If they consistaly get called out on their bad behavior, they will either quit or end up getting banned because they will stike back outside the rules. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
I'm skeptical. They don't quit and usually they (and their posse) charge forth into battle, without quite taking it to the point of being banned. At most, it's a short ban and then they're right back conducting business as usual. Although there may have been some instances where your suggested approach was successful, I'm not sure I can think of any, once a SJMB gets to a certain size. It's easier for everyone else to just avoid the assholes and perhaps find other places to spend time.

And that's no big deal, really. Some may find the environment here unpleasant but no one has to stay around. They can find other information sources, or they can just read the ads and reviews on ECCIE and leave all the discussion fora to the assholes. There is more to life than the discussions on a SJMB.
...The biggest issue I hear is that the number of 'self important reviewers" on ECCIE who think that because they make claims they can make or break providers with threats of bad reviews or posts in other reviews, become a non issue the moment a provider stops posting ads here and trying to get reviews here.

Quality providers rarely need reviews IF she takes care of business. Seriously, how often does LovingKayla actually post ads on here?

Sites that many members put down, whether it is BP or EROS to just name 2 can make a lot more money for providers over the cheap fucks who will call demanding a 'special" because they post reviews or have what they consider "influence on a silly hooker board.

More paying clients find escorts other places such as Backpage for the simple reason they don't want the associated drama that comes from having cyber stalkers who contribute NOTHING except attacks when a member or a provider makes a post.

If a provider has put ALL her income eggs in ONE basket, namely ECCIE, she is at the mercy of those self-appointed review fuckers.

But if she is wise and does what others did when too many assholes who "ruled" ASPD during times when people like myself were banned for years there branch out to other pastures for posting ads, especially places where they can include things they can't do any longer here, they might be surprised. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Couple of thoughts:

I never considered myself a cheap fuck. Guess I did not realize so many guys use this site as leverage over a lady's business. I always figured that the guys on BP, etc. were the cheap fucks, trying to find a lady to do A, B, and C for less than the last lady. Me, I guess I am so thankful that a cute lady will see a balding, grey haired overweight old fart like myself, I try to treat them like gold.

I do agree that a lady should never have all her eggs in one basket. When ASPD crashed, how many ladies were left scrambling to re-work their business model? At least by belonging to more than one board, a lady can determine where the underworld of providing has migrated to. Not like you are going to see an ad in the Dallas Morning News.

Finally, some ladies attract drama. Tara, for all or her good qualities that her WKs loved, just knew how to piss people off. Old addage, any publicity is good publicity, does have its limits. Lot of people here have learned that the hard way. Don't want to beat Tara's dead horse, but even with all of the drama, she still seemed to be doing quite well for herself. Even though her and I did not click, I still think she is probably a pretty nice person away from the business aspects of the world.

Lastly, a lot of ladies do seem to be finding other advertising venues, downsizing their business model, or just reaching that point of retirement. I think if the economy was better, if there were more civilian jobs out there, a lot more ladies would have moved into new career choices by now.

PS: It takes a lot of time for a lady or a guy to maintain multiple presences on multiple boards. (OK, no jokes about the ladies and guys with multiple personalities that allow them to do this without any effort). I gave up on other boards because of time constraints. Just ain't time to be on multiple sites and really keep abreast of the local issues. But a lady must in order to keep a varied clientele happy and to respond to their needs.
Valentine Michael's Avatar
Chevalier's Avatar
There are no other "review" sites the ladies are flocking to. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Some ladies don't encourage, or even discourage, reviews altogether. Some ladies ask for reviews to be posted on other sites, not just ECCIE. And at least one lady in the not-too-distant past told me that she'd appreciate a review -- but she specifically did not want a review posted on ECCIE.

Anecdotal evidence, not a statistical survey. Take it for what it's worth. *shrug*

I've noticed that many of the ladies not posting here anymore Originally Posted by LazurusLong
That too.
Dammit bubba, see what happens when you take things off topic? Really all I wanted was

A. A list of these mystery girls no longer here but advertising elsewhere. I hate to feel like I'm missing out.

B. All the people who keep claiming that women are leaving in droves to stop yelling "the sky is falling" if it's not.

Now I have to go spank Dannie and make her write "I will not be a naughty girl on a escort board because things here are super duper serious" 100 times on the chalkboard. Originally Posted by TheBizz
On the 'A' part of your request, I would doubt a list could be provided. I'd be surprised and wonder what good it would do to track ladies who have departed either on their own or after being banned. That would seem to be a lot of work for little reward other than satisfying plain curiosity.

On the 'B' part, every time I've logged in and randomly checked the Dallas provider showcases, the number has shown it's increasing. Looks like it's a state of some old faces leaving and newcomers coming in to take their places.

Don't think the sky is falling or even threatening to at all. I have to think we have one of the very best selections of ladies to choose from anywhere.... period.
nbs4143's Avatar
I know of some providers that just stop posting on here because of the BS and bad drama... but are very active... I can't name them but they are well known here...