
There seems to be an influx of new gentleman to our little playground, and that is a great thing! We're thrilled to have you here.

However, I've noticed lately that some gentlemen seem to have the perspective that it's better to write a 'Harlequin Romance Novel' type of review, versus giving a detailed account of what actually transpired during our date.

Without stepping on anyone's feelings...I'd like to clearly state---it does a great disservice to the lady that's put everything she has into making sure that your fantasy became a reality, when you leave vital details out of the review.

We are all here for a brutally honest account of how you felt about each and every thing we did to put a smile on your face! The good, the bad, the ugly--and everything in between!

We ALL want to hear it, trust me. Forget Harlequin Romance, we want Penthouse Forum Letters! Give us the dirty details! No-holds barred. If we were thin-skinned, we wouldn't be escorts. At least not very good ones!

I personally love my reviews. They help me gain a better perspective on what my gentleman friends like and don't like, and they help me adjust myself accordingly--to offer you an even better experience than I have before. Reviews are most definitely a learning experience for us all! None of us are experts; there's always a little room for improvement.

SO, PLEASE TELL IT LIKE IT IS --Inquiring minds want to know!
Maybe you could give us some examples recent reviews which were written in "Harlequin Romance" style?
Sure! No problem, Lily. I have recently noticed 2 reviews in particular--one of them was yours, I believe. The other was for Sweet and Little. I've also personally experienced similar types of reviews in the past...but it was a while ago, so I couldn't pinpoint it to give you a proper example. The responses here all indicate that the reviewer didn't want to "kiss and tell..." And yet again, the responses indicate that there was no ROS...

I haven't personally seen the BCD, but it was pretty easy for me to deduct from all the ensuing comments that they were both lacking in vital details!

Which is really a shame, because both you and SweetNLittle are two of Arkansas' top-quality providers!!! In my humble opinion, anyway. And I think that both of you ladies definitely deserve a review worthy of your services.

Again, I really wasn't trying to insult anyone---I just wanted to share my opinion...with hopes that it would help us all out.
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  • PSD
  • 02-20-2011, 05:45 PM
Maybe you could give us some examples recent reviews which were written in "Harlequin Romance" style? Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Not sure "Harlequin romance" style is the best description, but kinda hard to miss them. Lame indeed! Surely no PA credit granted based on these lame reviews...
I'll chime in and say what I said in one of the review threads. While Ginger hasn't read the "Rest of the Story" she reads well between the lines. The lack of details is staggering -- A dis-service to the provider, especially one who is considered to be, in Ginger's words, top-quality. A dis-service to the reviewer - it does nothing to build his credibility speaking for an experience provided a top quality provider. A dis-service to other hobbyiest looking for valid research making a decision about what provider to see, whether he's in the community here or visiting.

Bottom line. It ain't rocket science! Lilly and SNL deserve better.

Pardon, me. I'll climb down off my soapbox.
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  • PSD
  • 02-20-2011, 06:00 PM
I'll chime in and say what I said in one of the review threads. While Ginger hasn't read the "Rest of the Story" she reads well between the lines. The lack of details is staggering -- A dis-service to the provider, especially one who is considered to be, in Ginger's words, top-quality. A dis-service to the reviewer - it does nothing to build his credibility speaking for an experience provided a top quality provider. A dis-service to other hobbyiest looking for valid research making a decision about what provider to see, whether he's in the community here or visiting.

Bottom line. It ain't rocket science! Lilly and SNL deserve better.

Pardon, me. I'll climb down off my soapbox. Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn

I totally agree, Ark... Lilly and SNL put a lot of effort into this. Read the review guidelines, folks!
Lonesome's Avatar
BB....isn't it about time you offered a course on review writing?
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  • moe
  • 02-20-2011, 07:39 PM
I'll chime in and say what I said in one of the review threads. While Ginger hasn't read the "Rest of the Story" she reads well between the lines. The lack of details is staggering -- A dis-service to the provider, especially one who is considered to be, in Ginger's words, top-quality. A dis-service to the reviewer - it does nothing to build his credibility speaking for an experience provided a top quality provider. A dis-service to other hobbyiest looking for valid research making a decision about what provider to see, whether he's in the community here or visiting.

Bottom line. It ain't rocket science! Lilly and SNL deserve better.

Pardon, me. I'll climb down off my soapbox. Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn
I totally agree
BB....isn't it about time you offered a course on review writing? Originally Posted by Lonesome
I'd be happy to Lonesome, but it would take additional work on my part. If I agreed to tutor someone, I'd have to make a visit to confirm the accuracy of the data. It would be tough work, but somebody's got to do it, right? So if you'd like to attend the Arklookn School of Review Writing, simply notify the provider you're going to review and pay her for my visit so I can confirm the data for you.

Seriously, the sticky's in the Reviews section give a very detailed "how to". As I recall, there was a thread posted by another experienced dawg in the main area about a year ago. Mac is always good at dregging up the history. Or maybe Random or Huck can find it.

It's really a matter of simply telling it like it is or was, realizing it was your experience. Expecting the same results may vary from hobbyiest to hobbyiest, but I've always found doing the basic research, then treating the provider with respect while using your best manners usually pays big dividends.
I would really like to emphasize that in no way did I mean to insult anyone, even the reviewers cited that lacked details in their attempts. Sometimes I'm too honest for my own good? Everyone has to start somewhere, & it's not usually at the sometimes a little subjective criticism is in order.

I encourage all hobbyists to read the sticky about writing a review & keep writing. And if BB's offering a class--take it! This guy knows what he's talking about. Especially when it comes to anything related to sushi & the hobby!

P.S. I hereby volunteer to be BB's teaching tool in his 'How to write a review' class.
These appear to be new members, I think we are best off giving them the benefit of the doubt first time around even when it can be frustrating to do each time we get a new member. I want to see the AR board and community grow and I know of several guys who are active in the hobby that do not post any reviews because they got slammed with insults the first time they tried to write one. If they would have received helpful replies maybe we would be getting some intel from them that would be beneficial to everyone. Now, if it is the exact same the second time then it is fair game in my book.
Logan135's Avatar
I've seen a couple ladies and and written one review....the stickied thread in the independent review section was most helpful in my attempt. The link to the guide is.. the new avatar Ginger!! RED looks good on you!!
I've seen a couple ladies and and written one review....the stickied thread in the independent review section was most helpful in my attempt. The link to the guide is.. the new avatar Ginger!! RED looks good on you!! Originally Posted by Logan135
You are the perfect example of a "newbie" that read the sticky & got several pats on the back for your review--from several experienced Eccie guys. And no discouragement meant to those that didn't...trial and error is the only way to learn!

Awww! Thank you so much for your compliment, Logan! Razorback Red just happens to be my favorite color!
I for one appreciate the constructive critism Ginger. It's good to know what us expected for the reviews from a providers standpoint.
These appear to be new members, I think we are best off giving them the benefit of the doubt first time around even when it can be frustrating to do each time we get a new member. I want to see the AR board and community grow and I know of several guys who are active in the hobby that do not post any reviews because they got slammed with insults the first time they tried to write one. If they would have received helpful replies maybe we would be getting some intel from them that would be beneficial to everyone. Now, if it is the exact same the second time then it is fair game in my book. Originally Posted by randomuser