I find it very interesting

FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have been having some issues with a variety of things. Due to these issues I have asked 3 different times in 3 different ways for my account to be temporarily disabled. I find out that it still hasn't been done. Why wasn't it done? It no longer matters if my account gets disabled or not now because by the end of the day the issues will be resolved. However,wouldn't it bother you if you have asked for your account to be disabled and it never was? Please also know that I had asked 2 mods. This is another reason why I haven't answered any texts,ph calls,emails, or pm.I haven't been able to.
You could just turn off pm's, turn off sig line, delete avatar, put Account Disabled in custom title, and never log in again?
Attention seeking to the very end... SMDH
Not stopping traffic no more i guess.....
phaedrus's Avatar
Did you give them a reason as part of the request?
One of the strange rules of eccie is that disabling or deactivating an account has to have a reason and the mods can't do anything without one.
I imagine you could pm a mod from another forum as well and they would take care of it.
I pm you back but you never got back to me
Samcro84's Avatar
Another one leaving. Damn you Austin guys are running them off.

She ain't leavin
nuglet's Avatar
right!! THE good ones do stick around.
Whispers's Avatar
I pm you back but you never got back to me Originally Posted by ynot_y
Of course not. How could she play the victim if she did?
I pm you back but you never got back to me Originally Posted by ynot_y
Like I thought... attention seeking... per usual.
Ho just go away!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well, it looks like some people cannot comprehend what they have read.
First off even in this thread I have stated a reason as to why I wanted my account to be temporarily disabled. "Due to a variety of issues". Guys simply have to say "I dont have the time." I wanted my account disabled for security issues. Btw, during all of this I have watched some questionable things go on while I have been logged out of my account. Secondly, how am I to respond to a pm when I have stated in this thread that I haven't been able to to respond to a pm, text,email,ph call,etc. So why send me a pm?

How is it that I'm looking for attention when I am asking to have my account disabled? That's the opposite of seeking attention.

Where am I saying I'm a victim of anything?I never once said that I was a victim. What I had asked the readers was "wouldn't it bother you (as in the reader) that if you have asked for the account to be disabled and it wasn't done how would you feel about it." So where is the victimolgy in that?

In what way is this thread a threAD?Is there any pics,donations, skills, playing hours, ect listed? So how is this a thread? Only 2 people actually tried to be helpful in the topic. The rest choose to attack. I will say the attacks are very unimaginative to say the very least. Bunch of broken record players in my opinion.

Last of all why would I put in my my title line "account disabled "? To me that's a lie.I have no reason to deceive people about my status. Only people that have a reason to want to deceive others choose to do so. As for me ,good or bad, I will always tell the honest truth as I see it at the time.

Still NO real communications at this time. No pm,text,ph calls,or emails.
Blah blah blah long winded whore, there's a contact us link on the right hand side of this very page, it goes directly to administration.
Use it and leave!
And be smart enough to list a reason why so they will get rid of you!

In case you are too stupid to find it

Adios low class hooker...
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I have asked 3 different times in 3 different ways for my account to be temporarily disabled ... I had asked 2 mods ... Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
I'm not 100% on this but I believe only an admin can handle your request.

No doubt it's frustrating that a mod hasn't yet replied back, but eventually one will reply and remind you of his "voluntary" status. Lol.

I hope your security issues are now resolved. Maybe as a result of this thread you'll get an official answer to file away for future reference which, hopefully, you'll never have occasion to use (at least not for security reasons).
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Slowly, I am getting my communications back.Here is a good example of what I am talking about- I have had my status marked as "incognito mode " for what a year or more now. During this time I noticed that my status was marked green even knowing I'm logged out and couldn't log back in. So I ask someone to send a pm saying to log me out. Within 5 mins my status was marked blue. How is this possible? I'm watching this from a different ph from the the other person's ph and both phones do this at the same time. I literally watched this happen. So, 1)why was the status changed in the first place?2) when I hadn't logged in for 2 days but someone else sends a pm the status was changed in less than 5 mins before my very eyes 3) when I logged in the next day I had to changed it back to "incognito mode ".

As for RR are you trying to say that every hobbiest and provider is stupid for not knowing about that link? No, I'm not going anywhere or retiring. I'm simply asking questions and making sure that stuff is set up correctly. Until I'm satisfied with these issues I'm not responding to the pms. There isn't a accessible ph/text line or any email account set yet . So for the rest of the comprehending and understanding hobby community thank you for your patience in this matter.