The more you know

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  • Lia88
  • 10-02-2018, 03:18 PM
Do yall read our Bios?

Just curious. If not is it because you don't have time to or Just not interested in getting to know us or what we prefer really?

For example people who read my bio would find out I'm hardly ever available for short notice

We would really appreciate if yall read our Bios.

Another question lol

I noticed alot of guys say it's a turn off for girls to have alot of reviews. They prefer them to "Appear" utr...but Did you all know that most think its a turn off for guys to have alot of reviews too?

That ends this segment of:

The more you know lol
Glad you asked. I read the bios but the reviews tell the truth. I really don’t like surprises so I read all the reviews to hear about the activities and how the provider (and clients) interact. A good concise bio is really good though.

I’d rather girls with reviews so I know what I’m getting into. Many good reviews means she’s a pro and not flaky. Why do girls not like guys to have many reviews?
I read bios, but not intently. I mostly read them to judge physical attractiveness, get rate info and the provider AA/NBA preference.

As for reviews, if there is a glowing review from a member I follow who has shown himself to have similar taste in women, then I'm in. If not, I then read lots of reviews to get a since of whether we would be compatible.

As for the 3 main agencies servicing the Baton Rouge market, they know my preference and can basically contact me at any time to recommend a new friend and I'm in if our schedules match.

Now as it relates to the timeliness of my request, I try to be respectful of the ladies time. However, because I'm married with kids and work multiple jobs I have a very limited time window to hobby. But sometimes my schedule suddenly frees up and when it does I beat the pavement trying to find someone who's available with short notice.
Yes reading once Bio is a helpful and good thing to get to know the provider and what she likes and what she dislikes. The reviews tell if a provider is consistent in her work ethic or not. It's sort of like getting a review on a job. A performance review rather on a regular 9 to 5 job in the real world. I value everyone's opinion. Let's see what the other guys and gals have to say.

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I've also heard that guys don't like it when ladies have many reviews. Shame, they could miss out on some consistently awesome ladies.
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  • Lia88
  • 10-02-2018, 06:58 PM
These Are all some very good clear answers.

Appreciate the response from all

But it's not all the guys who write many reviews. It makes it somewhat look like it's just a notch. Or makes it seem like when your seeing each provider there will be some sort of comparison to one another. Makes it less like a connection and more mechanical. And we all know there has to ne SOME KIND OF CONNECTION for it to be great. It is sex. Although more reviews are great bc it gives us providers a chance to see what you like and do not like. So that is a plus.

Just my opinion. Noone has to agree and that's fine. We are all welcomed to have our own outlook on things as well as opinions.

Just seems more like a checklist will be used instead of letting things take a natural course. As anything dealing with sex should.

And I'm seeing more that utr or low volume girls are becoming more of the crown and glory in this profession. When in reality in this profession there's no such thing as a low volume or utr provider. Because if you advertise openly your neither imo. I'm sure some wil disagree and like I saud that's okay with me.

But Utr is more of a SB. Not escort
Most of the guys I know don’t write reviews. Many have said that if they notice a girl who has multiple reviews in a short period of time, they assume she’s really high volume. I don’t know if that is a fair assessment. But I’ve heard it a bunch of times.
I noticed alot of guys say it's a turn off for girls to have alot of reviews. They prefer them to "Appear" utr...but Did you all know that most think its a turn off for guys to have alot of reviews too? Originally Posted by Lia88
I like both. It doesn't matter if a girl has a lot of reviews to me. It's amazing how some guys here can deceive themselves. I like to know what I can expect and her track record over time. Guys should do reviews regardless. This is first and foremost an INFORMATION board.
I read bios, but not intently. I mostly read them to judge physical attractiveness, get rate info and the provider AA/NBA preference. Originally Posted by DeepThunder69
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  • Lia88
  • 10-02-2018, 10:03 PM
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 10-02-2018, 10:04 PM
Information board of half truths, fabricated stories, and inflated encounters lololol
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 10-02-2018, 10:10 PM
The main reason for this post.

Read our Bios lol
Yall have a Nice night.
Information board of half truths, fabricated stories, and inflated encounters lololol Originally Posted by Lia88
True, but it’s like my father told me about life in general. “You have to be able to sift through the bullshit and get to what matters!”
Yes. Appearance is the first thing, followed by research. Bio is part of the research. Reviews, a few is a must, too many is a kinda meh. Short notice could be a pain, but sometimes it could be easier than planning. Guess that depends. One of the best things I like is that certain women do participate in friendly discussion on social media. :-)
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 10-03-2018, 03:06 PM
Yes. Appearance is the first thing, followed by research. Bio is part of the research. Reviews, a few is a must, too many is a kinda meh. Short notice could be a pain, but sometimes it could be easier than planning. Guess that depends. One of the best things I like is that certain women do participate in friendly discussion on social media. :-) Originally Posted by ddog76
I love a great discussion. Especially when were all respecting each other and no name calling.

'Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one but they think each others stink.'

I mean at least were talking about Something different then that Damn AA thread I keep seeing pop up almost every day lol whew. That thread has been ran over, dragged and run into the ground....