Advice on public sex at adult cinema

Hello. I've searched the forums on keywords for public sex, theater, etc. but the subject seems to be more about stories than dos/don'ts on doing it in public.

Question: what is your advice if I want to have a quick BJ and short K9 in an adult theater? My plan is to just do a quickie in front of everyone then after a few minutes, go get a private room and finish each other off. Oh, I also plan on picking a more decent theater and bringing my own disposable bed sheet to lay on the fucking couch.

I'm sure a lot have done this so I would like input on fulfilling my public fucking fantasy without landing in jail or getting caught.

If there is a thread on this already, please point out where I can find it and read it for myself.

Thanks for the input gents.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
interesting question. i would say you have made plans and will not listen to me when i say Don't do it.
roadfun's Avatar
What you described could land you in jail (or at least ticketed). I also have heard it happens without someone getting caught by the men in black (or blue).
Luthasis's Avatar
Lets see. If you plan on doing a movie theater. I recommend a movie that has been out for awhile as well the first showing. Stadium seating is preferred, more room to maneuver with a less chance of crowds. Back row is best cause it gives you a view of the comings and goings of the theater itself. Be careful though there is the possibility of being discovered by the projectionist if you sit under the projection window and don't forget about the theater checker. About 15-20 minutes into a movie, theaters are required to be checked by wandering ushers for quality control and pervs like us. Once the usher with the cone-light makes their rounds your pretty much good to go.

...Stay Horny My Friends.
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  • 08-05-2013, 06:18 PM
Have a friend who got to do a little jail time and a new addition to his public record.
I would concur with the others, not a good plan.
Lets see. If you plan on doing a movie theater. I recommend a movie that has been out for awhile as well the first showing. Stadium seating is preferred, more room to maneuver with a less chance of crowds. Back row is best cause it gives you a view of the comings and goings of the theater itself.
...Stay Horny My Friends. Originally Posted by Luthasis
He mentioned it being at an adult cinema ... still have to concur ... bad plan.
glensx88's Avatar
Do places like that even exist anymore, dont most only have the private viewing rooms? Gloryholes can be a turn on though kinda nostalgic.
Lido was active last year
LucadeJure's Avatar
If you're determined to do this ... might I recommend having legal representation already lined up.

Who is the brave, exhibitionist lady you have in mind?

Another thought is that you could research the Lifestyle parties. I've never been.
Cunnilinguists's Avatar
Why don't you Google Paul Reubens (Pee-Wee Herman) and see how this worked out for him in 1991.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Just don't sit in front of Paul Rubens at the skin flicks.
Iron Chef's Avatar
Just go hit a swinger club and do it in front of a bunch of people who will watch. There is nothing better then getting a BJ while drinking a beer and chatting up a couple who is watching you. (personal experience!)

I would recommend 13th floor
or Colette's
Just go hit a swinger club and do it in front of a bunch of people who will watch. There is nothing better then getting a BJ while drinking a beer and chatting up a couple who is watching you. (personal experience!)

I would recommend 13th floor
or Colette's Originally Posted by Iron Chef
The Chef is on target. You can also consider couples nights at Xposed or Lido's. Think they may be more friendly to what you desire.
If you're single and you life wouldn't be ruined if you get caught, then go for it!

If you're married and you're thinking about having a good time with someone other than your wife AND getting caught would throw your life into chaos then do NOT do it. However, if you decide that doing this is worth the risk..please send me your wife's contact information. When she sees the recording(s) of your shenanigans (don't believe for a second that someone won't be taking a video of your sexually deviant public behavior) she'll be in the mood to take you to court for more than half of the community share, child support (if you have children...hopefully they're too young to realize what Daddy did), and whatever else a judge might award her AND..I've always found newly-made ex-wives to be very ready for new dick inside of them.

Don't do it.
CONCLUSION: Thanks for the advice everyone (I do listen to good advice) and have decided that my lady friend and I try 13th Floor or Colette's. The original plan was indeed to go to couples night at Xposed. I've already researched Xposed, but will now check into 13th floor next since I've heard more good things about that place. Thanks again everyone.