Stench of ABC debate

It must be really bad, look at this headline
Ally of Clintons: ABC Must Probe Whether Debate Rigged

Read it here
adav8s28's Avatar
It must be really bad, look at this headline
Ally of Clintons: ABC Must Probe Whether Debate Rigged

Read it here Originally Posted by farmstud60
When asked about what was his plan for Healthcare, Trump said he had a concept of a plan.

Was that a rigged question? The Wall Street Journal said Trump lost the debate. The WSJ is just as conservative as Newsmax.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
When asked about what was his plan for Healthcare, Trump said he had a concept of a plan.

Was that a rigged question? The Wall Street Journal said Trump lost the debate. The WSJ is just as conservative as Newsmax. Originally Posted by adav8s28

The people determine the winner and we will know in November.
txdot-guy's Avatar
It must be really bad, look at this headline
Ally of Clintons: ABC Must Probe Whether Debate Rigged

Read it here Originally Posted by farmstud60
Sure let's have an unwanted, unneeded, politically motivated investigation so that Trump can claim the democrats cheated no matter the actual findings of the investigation. No thank you.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The people determine the winner and we will know in November. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Rigging things is the only way they can win.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems that the deck is stacked against the poor MAGAs. Everybody’s out to get them. The fix it in!

Pssst …. You get more votes, you win. You don’t, you whine.

Great link. I really can’t believe so many people believe Newsmax, the Loch Ness Monster and the theory of Atlantis.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
The moderators did not have a damn thing to do with Trump getting his ass kicked in that debate. Trump's lack of self-control did. All Harris did was bait that old fool and his stupid ass took the bait hook line and sinker each time like the geriatric idiot that he is.

He just can't control himself. The guy would have a cake walk to the White House if he was simply capable of sticking to facts and not ranting on and on about unsubstantiated nonsense. That's not on the moderators. That's on him.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
The moderators did not have a damn thing to do with Trump getting his ass kicked in that debate. Trump's lack of self-control did. All Harris did was bait that old fool and his stupid ass took the bait hook line and sinker each time like the geriatric idiot that he is.

He just can't control himself. The guy would have a cake walk to the White House if he was simply capable of sticking to facts and not ranting on and on about unsubstantiated nonsense. That's not on the moderators. That's on him. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Keeping on topic, I was watching Tuesday night at 8pm, is there any chance we were watching different debates? By the way, read different sites and watch a few videos on the internet. Her glow from the other night is wearing off as people are starting to realize how the deck was stacked against President Trump.

Here is something interesting that kind of proves my point.

Did Harris Get a Debate Bump?

A small one – and it was quick. Even before Taylor Swift gave Harris her endorsement via Instagram post, the Democrats had moved from even-money underdogs to –115 favorites or thereabouts at the sportsbooks, and the prediction markets had Harris’s chances of taking the White House at around 55%.
That’s the same picture we’re getting as we go to press Thursday morning. Even with the negative press Trump has received for his debate performance, and the reports of undecided voters in swing states turning to Harris, the support that Trump does enjoy is rock-solid at this point.
In the political world, we still have a long way to go. And before anybody get's all excited that commiefornia kammy has 55% chance of winning, it will change many times up and until Nov. 5th. Being up 5% at this point allows for a feel good moment, nothing more.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

Pssst …. You get more votes, you win. You don’t, you whine.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Keeping on topic, it appears that in 2016 Clinton got more votes, but she sure was whining. Right now the election boils down to 7 states, not the general population.

2016 Election Results

Candidate Party E Votes Popular Votes ✓
Donald J. Trump Republican 304 62,984,828
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 227 65,853,514
Lucas McCain's Avatar
DJ, all you are doing is parroting Trump's usual victim bullshit. I've already heard it all before. You typing out his usual whining when things don't go his way makes it no less nonsensical to non MAGAs.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The moderators did not have a damn thing to do with Trump getting his ass kicked in that debate. Trump's lack of self-control did. All Harris did was bait that old fool and his stupid ass took the bait hook line and sinker each time like the geriatric idiot that he is.

He just can't control himself. The guy would have a cake walk to the White House if he was simply capable of sticking to facts and not ranting on and on about unsubstantiated nonsense. That's not on the moderators. That's on him. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

did they have a damn thing to do with being blatantly biased?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
DJ, all you are doing is parroting Trump's usual victim bullshit. I've already heard it all before. You typing out his usual whining when things don't go his way makes it no less nonsensical to non MAGAs. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Unless they share his grievances…
Seems that the deck is stacked against the poor MAGAs. Everybody’s out to get them. The fix it in!

Pssst …. You get more votes, you win. You don’t, you whine.

Great link. I really can’t believe so many people believe Newsmax, the Loch Ness Monster and the theory of Atlantis.

hahahahahahahahah Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
.I can’t believe how many are brainwashed thinking
the mainstream media reports facts when it is obvious propaganda
The moderators did not have a damn thing to do with Trump getting his ass kicked in that debate. Trump's lack of self-control did. All Harris did was bait that old fool and his stupid ass took the bait hook line and sinker each time like the geriatric idiot that he is.

He just can't control himself. The guy would have a cake walk to the White House if he was simply capable of sticking to facts and not ranting on and on about unsubstantiated nonsense. That's not on the moderators. That's on him. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Bull pucky , the fact checker moderators lied, and they didn’t challenge Harris on her lies. So basically 3 bullies attacking 1 person
txdot-guy's Avatar
Bull pucky , the fact checker moderators lied, and they didn’t challenge Harris on her lies. So basically 3 bullies attacking 1 person Originally Posted by farmstud60
This entire thread is a joke. Lots of people in here carrying Trump’s water for him. You claim that the moderators are biased but they didn’t have anything to do with Diaper Mouth Don spewing his hatred and lies.

His unhinged behavior and his outright lying are what doomed him. Not fact checking. And if he actually told the truth even just a few times maybe the moderators would have had the time to press Harris on some of her non answers.

But I do think it’s massively hypocritical to call anyone on that stage a “bully” except the one person who deserves it Donald Trump. It’s also very wrong to say the moderators “lied”. I didn’t hear a single lie from either of them. If you think that they lied then please enlighten us!