Ci ci. Waterfalls on skip the games

Long piping chicks's Avatar
Beware of her she has undersireable men who will try to rob u phone number 814 812.0963,u been warned on east lake road the light house apartments don’t go men in erie
relaxedman's Avatar
That is a shame. I have been seeing Cici since she hit the scene. I will add that last week I contacted her about a visit and she came back with a weird reply. She mentioned her rates are set and she is low volume and she cannot take less than a certain amount and so on. The weird part is she knows me and how much I pay was within her range. I also never questioned her about rates. I decided to pass and cross her off of my list due to the strange behavior.

Thank you for the heads up. It sounds like she is getting mixed up with bad company.
Long piping chicks's Avatar
Exactetly relaxedman she’s with street thugs now &that what threw me off to ,the way she was talking like folks where telling her what to say &they were .but I had to see if she was still legit,my 2nd mistake I met up with her &alll hell broke loose let’s just say I gotta away just in time ,I was lucky