another heroic moment in the annals of blue state leftism

health care workers who volunteered and went to help in new york during the corona virus crisis will owe state income tax

Cuomo addressed the issue Tuesday at a news conference.
"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money when I can't even pay the essential services."

notice the equating of not collecting tax with spending, which is, in effect, a continuing claim of "ownership" by leftist politburo members

not to mention the buck passing to we, the people, to fund their profligacy
HoeHummer's Avatar
There’s nothing that doesn’t brings on the roids rage, eh?

Were the “volunteers” paid? The story was woefully ambiguous about that.
of course they were paid you numbskull

that's what income tax is based on, income, at least so far it is
HoeHummer's Avatar
Then why shouldn’t they pays taxes, kind and nots at all rude sir?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I recall that an equation needs to balance, i.e. both side need to be equal.
Couldn't they just spend less $$ in NY? That could be a thing. Right?
well to volunteer to help, and risk your life, and your family's life when you return home, unless you are quarantined for weeks, and travel to a foreign land (so to speak) as a sojourner to render aid

and then find you must pay tax to the people you are trying to help and not just that but spend time and money to just prepare the dumb returns next year

well that takes the cake that stacy abrams ate
The Cuomocaust is progressing as planned.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Taxing people volunteering to work in that sewer and purposefully sending Covid + people into nursing homes. That’s one hell of a governor New York has got there, maybe Fredo’s actually the smart one.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Just because it's a surprise to the evangelical types (which it wasn't) and to you (which is no surprise) doesn't make it anything other than a long-standing law. People that worked after Katrina paid Louisianna state income tax, etc.

Any state that has a state income tax requires you pay taxes on income earned there after a certain number of days has passed (varies from state to state) or over a certain amount.
The "volunteers" wages are typically higher than states without state income taxes. It sounds like these people were contractors although it doesn't say.

What I noticed is a nothing-burger complaint. And an attempt to add a negative aspect to the situation.
Typical trumpy/fox/you spin.
It's from Fox. They've left out pertinent information. Samaritan's Purse is run by Billy Graham's son. An evangelical operation. Fox didn't report surprise from anyone else.
The idea their vice president/comptroller/finance people didn't know their people were liable for state taxes is BS. Even more concerned about paperwork? Cry me a river.

health care workers who volunteered and went to help in new york during the corona virus crisis will owe state income tax

Cuomo addressed the issue Tuesday at a news conference.
"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money when I can't even pay the essential services."

notice the equating of not collecting tax with spending, which is, in effect, a continuing claim of "ownership" by leftist politburo members

not to mention the buck passing to we, the people, to fund their profligacy Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
If they didn't get paid they wouldn't owe taxes.

There’s nothing that doesn’t brings on the roids rage, eh?

Were the “volunteers” paid? The story was woefully ambiguous about that. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
  • oeb11
  • 05-06-2020, 11:26 AM
imbedded in cuomo's statement are two givens in leftist ideology that fly in the face of Americanism

1. that not collecting tax is "spending" - a claim, in effect, of state ownership of all one earns, and that the state spends what is the state's in allowing you to keep some of it


2. that shame is on the federal government for not bailing out profligate states, and not on the state for its condition - in effect the negation of federalism. states that are mindful and careful now must support the grasshoppers of the country

as far as the income earned while in a leftist hell hole:

to be paid by your employer, who might be based in a freer state, while you are volunteering in a blue state, takes not one thing from the blue state, in fact you are giving to the blue state

so now money you would have earned anyway outside their clutches, is now within their grasp merely because you helped them

quite the gratefulness
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The only people quoted were building a temporary building in Central Park.

Besides, shouldn't the "volunteers" have to pay the same taxes on their wages as the residents?
They're already in the profession. They're already willing to take the risk since they have already taken the risk somewhere else. The vast majority of the health-care professionals who have traveled from disaster to disaster knew they would owe the taxes.
I haven't heard any complaints from them. Just the people with a political reason. Y'all included.

You don't know anything about the compensation they are getting. The people quoted are getting lodging, laundry, transportation, and a per diem (because the company they work for sent them there). They don't pay taxes on that money.
Nothing to see here.

well to volunteer to help, and risk your life, and your family's life when you return home, unless you are quarantined for weeks, and travel to a foreign land (so to speak) as a sojourner to render aid

and then find you must pay tax to the people you are trying to help and not just that but spend time and money to just prepare the dumb returns next year

well that takes the cake that stacy abrams ate Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The risk in Toad Suck Arkansas is a wee bit less than in Manhattan. Most volunteers are there because their home base hospitals are empty and they’ve been laid off.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're a funny guy.

Not collecting is not collecting tax revenue.
Mealy-mouth all you want. All you're doing is espousing your warped version of things.
They don't claim to own the fruits of your labors. The tax is the charge for growing them there.
The only link you provided is a Fox-spun story.
You can now blather on.
imbedded in coumo's statement are two givens in leftist ideology that fly in the face of Americanism

1. that not collecting tax is "spending" - a claim, in effect, of state ownership of all one earns, and that the state spends what is the state's in allowing you to keep some of it
where do you come up with this shit? it's just like the assholes who say the opposite political party is glad the shit has hit the fan in the country. true trumpys, you can't accept any responsibility for anything and you try to project your own inner slime on to everybody else.

2. that shame is on the federal government for not bailing out profligate states, and not on the state for its condition - in effect the negation of federalism. states that are mindful and careful now must support the grasshoppers of the country

as far as the income earned while in a leftist hell hole:

to be paid by your employer, who might be based in a free state, while you are volunteering in a blue state, takes not one thing from the blue state, in fact you are giving to the blue state
the quoted company is based in N.C., a state income tax state. they happen to be in a blue state this time, they are taking wages for what they give to the blue state. and no state has money stashed for this. New York pays more into the feds than they get out of it, unlike many red states. the deficit they're talking about comes from dealing with the virus. they're just the first state to need the money.
so now money you would have earned anyway outside their clutches, is now within their grasp merely because you helped them

quite the gratefulness Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They don't claim to own the fruits of your labors.
Orly? If they don’t own it why is the decision on how much they get up to the them. If they don’t “own” it, they sure as shit control it, at the point of a gun.