Auction for a good cause.

Guest121917-1's Avatar
If you feel the need to start drama...please stay out of this....i will close the thread.

As some of you may know my dad commited suicide about a month ago. I completely understand but for some reason the insurance company doesnt honor the reason.

So i dont want to just give my mom a couple hunderd dollars. I want to do more.....

She has been left with a large amount of medical and every day bills for my dad was the primary bread winner. Im coming to you with a honest heart.

Im auctioning a time of your life.

Dinner (cooked by your very own), something relaxing, and something mind blowing.

I will not keep a dime of no this is not a threAD. Im doing this for my mom.

Its a silent auction.

You will message me your bid. I will privately inform the highest bidder of their status.

The auction closes July 10th at midnight.

Auction starts off at 100.00

Ready set go!!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
DG.... I'm so very sorry for your loss.. I lost my dad the same way about a year and a half ago... I don't have much to offer please but if you need someone to talk to who understands and has been there I here for you
SOULFLY's Avatar
Sorry to hear that
Best of luck with your auction.
sue_nami's Avatar
you have my sympathies and hope u raise some funds hun. what a bad month for you. warm hugs and best wishes this works well!!
Passion2015's Avatar
Very sorry for your loss.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Thanks guys. I've accepted what I can't change. Now to focus on my mom and helping her.

This will be fun let's start bidding
I'll PM you my bid.

Sorry for your loss. And thank you for offering such a memorable, pleasurable time for such a good cause.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
YAY first bid....

So to make things fun I am going to make this an open bid so everyone can see what they are bidding. Plus I am adding an overnight to the bucket of fun!!!

Bidding is now at 250..

This is now a night to have as much fun as possible...... Cant wait to have fun!!!
Freedom42's Avatar
Bidding $300
Still Looking's Avatar
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Come on guys...I'm not that bad in bed am I??
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Well, thar's always folks thet'll bid $1 onna home fore-close-yure awk-shun jus' ta see if'n they kin git a house fer $1.
Still Looking's Avatar
Come on guys...I'm not that bad in bed am I?? Originally Posted by Daddys Girl

How about you describe each item....

Dinner (cooked by your very own):

Something relaxing:

And something mind blowing:

dearhunter's Avatar
Guest121917-1's Avatar
I reviewed a private bid at 10 this morning for 500