Hi ladies, how can I tell if a woman is flirting or just chatty?

I've always been very nervous around attractive women. I have a hard time going up and starting conversations with women I don't know. Every now and then I'll be out an a woman will start talking to me. I always tell myself she's probably just outgoing and friendly, doesn't mean she's interested in me. Last week I took my kids to Six Flags and was waiting for them to get off a ride. This really pretty lady started talking to me and we started talking about our kids and how much they enjoyed six flags. We talked for a few minutes and I kept thinking to myself how pretty she was. I didn't see anyone around that looked like an SO. Would it be creepy for me to give her a complement and say something like you have really pretty hair? How can I try to figure out if she's interested?

Drop in a radom fishing line like, "I bet your husband is looking forward to the 'blah blah blah' game this weekend."

Or talk about sports with the kids and then ask if her husband coaches.

Find something in the conversation and then swerve in a question that makes her have to acknowledge a husband or state she's not married.

Then, depending on her answer, swoop in (can I take you to lunch sometime?) or back off.
pyramider's Avatar
Ask about her taint ...
playerplano's Avatar
Generally if she is still talking to you ( not you keep talking and she isn't ) and keeps engaging she is interested. Women have a ton of practice not talking to guys they are not interested in. I agree with THN (smart woman there !) take the conversation toward "Oh my boyfriend /husband ..... " and if she is available ask her out.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Look at her ring finger first
if you see a one move along if not go for it
tpepsi's Avatar
Look at her ring finger first
if you see a one move along if not go for it Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Never seen a ring block a hole.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Good advice from THN and Gina. I might add, eye contact is a very good indication.

Of course, you could also pull out your wallet and thumb through a few benjamins, that might get the conversation started.
37OH55V's Avatar
Cloudancer's comment on eye contact is sound advise & pretty much dead on just like THN's comment & playerplano's comments. The ring finger theory is old school and really doesn't apply in today's world cause so many ladies wear a ring on their ring finger to avoid the undesirable geeks.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-10-2016, 11:41 PM
Grab her tits lol
Ask about her taint ... Originally Posted by pyramider
You mean like "how's your taint" or "nice taint"?
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 01-12-2016, 10:17 AM
Good topic!

What if she does have a husband, has a ring finger but is also flirting? How would one determine that?
It takes some skill and confidence; but asking "are you flirting with me, I mean, I hope you are flirting with me", when said with coy charm, it can be a great way to break the ice.

If she is married she will likely tell you no, but will be smitten with you that you think she is attractive enough to hit on. And if she is game, she will likely lead you in to the next line.
Ask her rates and see what happens??

(kidding of course)
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 01-19-2016, 09:24 PM
Rate would be a 2ct diamond
Give yourself a break Man !

For a great deal of my life I felt the same way. And I have discovered that very pretty women often have a much tougher road to walk. Meaning: They get hit on by every make and model of asshole.

We all want the same thing : To be appreciated, to be wanted and desired, to be told we are handsome / pretty, and to be loved. And yep, great sex along with that. Everyone wants to get laid !

Smile, chat her up like THN said, look for your own clues, don't be frightened as she is just as human as you. Be bold ( Chics dig that ). ASK HER ! " Please, and I am simply being transparent here, but may I ask if you are... ( fill in the blank ) as I find you very interesting.

Nothing crude ( at first ) .

And try this : " I don't know if anyone has told you this today, but let me be the first to tell you you are a very attractive woman. " Then see what she says.

See how she reacts. Nothing ventured nothing gained ( or lost ! ).