
the pragmatist's Avatar
A couple of questions:
1. In "SEARCH" mode: I've noted that certain searches will not be recognized which were previously. For example "vivianknights" does not come up, but "vivianknight"; "vivian knight" and "vivian knights" all do. I know that the first is a valid search parameter, and worked flawlessly as recently as a couple of weeks ago.

2. Will the new format no longer show "Currently Logged On"?

That is all.

The Pragmatist
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'm getting 252 returns searching for vivianknights currently
the pragmatist's Avatar
Perhaps my settings are off. The most I've gotten are 36. Would you mind sharing your parameter settings?
VivianKnights, I tried going to your website and it says it is up for sale.
Yeah, I haven't been able to access it for a couple of years, myself. Since most of the information was the same, I only use eccie and preferred 411 now.
Yeah, I haven't been able to access it for a couple of years, myself. Since most of the information was the same, I only use eccie and preferred 411 now. Originally Posted by VivianKnights
Thanks. Wasn't sure if you knew since it is the website link in your profile.

BTW, Killer Body.
Awww, thanks! I'll go take that link off now...