LPGA new dress code

VitaMan's Avatar
It has been talked about for some time. Now the LPGA tour is going ahead
with a dress code - probably needed so it doesn't turn into a babe tour.

But golf is made of precise rules and regulations. How to describe this new regulation in the rulebook ?

Rule 82.25-19

"Anything that makes guys want to suck your tits is prohibited."

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah, the cameramen were shooting from some positions that make you want to watch. That tall Norwegian girl in the short skirt was showing a very nice panty clad ass when she would get the ball out of the hole. It is a shame they are so duplicitous with their attitude toward sex sells.
I am betting the ones that called for these changes are uglier than a dogshit on your shoe.

I do understand that some of these "women" dressed like they were gong to lounge around a cold house all day. If they want to make them look "professional" make em wear suits.
Kit Walker's Avatar
The golf is not why I watch them the ladies tour. There are some shot makers, but I Just like to watch the babes. Not many of the leaders that are Anglo any more.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep. Some of them Koreans are just plain ass butt ugly.
VitaMan's Avatar
It's not easy making a living playing golf. Although it seems like an easy life watching it.

You don't know what tournaments you get to play in. There is no prize money unless you make the cut for the weekend. Every week you have expenses. It's seasonal, so there is a lot of down time with no way to earn money. You have to travel all over the place. Either you have a sponsor or independently have money.

Then there are the lucky 15 to 20 in every sport that make huge money.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They should join eccie and if they miss the cut they can at least cover expenses.
VitaMan's Avatar
On the other hand, golfers produce absolutely nothing. All they do is put a small white ball in a hole. So who cares if they get paid ?

The entertainment value ? Not if you're an ugly blubbery woman. Hence......the babe value.
TryWeakly's Avatar
The picture doesnt work
VitaMan's Avatar
Picture is there. What's wrong with your computer, bro ?
^^^^ It only works for you dude.

blocked for third party viewers

is this what you wanted us to see

VitaMan's Avatar
Guess they changed it. No more free hosting. Have to pay.