
VitaMan's Avatar
Remind you of anyone you know......

Bonobos are one of humankinds closest living relatives, yet most people are not even aware that bonobos exist. These great apes are complex beings with profound intelligence, emotional expression, and sensitivity. The most unusual and compelling feature of bonobos is their society–matriarchal, egalitarian, and peaceful. Bonobos are also well-known for their creative and abundant sexual activity. Their gentle and amorous nature has led some people to call them the Make Love, Not War¯ primate.

Sexual activity plays a large role in bonobo society; it is used for pleasure, social bonding, and conflict resolution. Bonobos are extremely diverse in their social and sexual interactions. They do not form permanent monogamous partnerships and have sex without regard to age or gender, except for avoidance of relations between a mother and her adult sons.
Do they have a 12" tall version yet?
Slitlikr's Avatar
Lmao! ^^^