Farewell Space Shuttle Program

SweetKimberly's Avatar
Today is a sad day in history as Atlantis returns to Earth. The benefits and products the shuttle program have contributed to society are endless.

For example:

Artificial Heart
"Jaws of Life"
Home Insulation
Improved breathing apparatuses worn by firefighters and deep sea divers
Fire retardant materials used by firefighters and NASCAR drivers
Hybrid and Electric Cars
Panoramic Photography
Web-Based Mapping
NASA Nanotubes help advance brain tumor research
Gave us ability to peer deep inside a hurricane
Created safer drinking water

Not to mention satellites which gave us things like:

Satellite Radio and TV
Weather Tracking
Cell Phones

I think it's sad that the shuttle program is over.

What are your thoughts?
nuglet's Avatar
hmm, my thoughts? About you, in a dimmed room and time to kill...
Oh, you meant about the space program..... I think that now that it's going civvie and commercial, things will really begin to... well..TAKE OFF. Tourism is actually now at it's dawn, several companies are competing for contracts.. NASA lit the fuse... now let the fireworks begin..
googol^googol's Avatar
How far have we come as a society in 30 years?

I remember how big a deal it was when Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1983. When I watched the pre-flight press conference with the Atlantis astronauts it didn't even occur to me to notice that one of the astronauts was a woman.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-21-2011, 08:03 PM
The Shuttle era was a very vital part of our space program. During that time we learned, as well as developed, many things that will serve us well now and in the future.

Also, for a great detailed look at the space program you should get the series called When We Left Earth The NASA Missions. It should not be missed. Really!

bmecme's Avatar
I have worked with many brilliant minds that went on to further advance the shuttle program at NASA. It is definitely a sad time to know it is ending, but I am personally excited about the possibility of space tourism!