Newbie friendly faves?

Long time listener, first time caller

Hey all,
I'm new to the hobby and having trouble finding newbie friendly providers. I know it's for their safety but I'm a little nervous to complete the screening requirements many (and P411) require if I don't already have OK's from others.
I'd like to get started but can't give out my ID/LinkedIn/etc...

Any and all suggestions are appreciated!
so you trust a complete stranger to meet up with you, have sex, dont rob you, rip you off, hurt you, nor give you a disease, but you dont trust them with your linkedin or id with all private details blurred out? you might want to reevaluate yourself in this case. if you are too scared for her to see your linkedin, then what are you even doing?

if you are willing to do basic screening then you wouldnt have any problems getting a newbie friendly gal.
adav8s28's Avatar
Long time listener, first time caller

Hey all,
I'm new to the hobby and having trouble finding newbie friendly providers. I know it's for their safety but I'm a little nervous to complete the screening requirements many (and P411) require if I don't already have OK's from others.
I'd like to get started but can't give out my ID/LinkedIn/etc...

Any and all suggestions are appreciated! Originally Posted by cloz0106
Try looking at this thread on OH2. It's a thread with a list of newbie friendly providers. Go thru the list and see if you can find one that you can work with.!