Warrants Search

Crzytxn's Avatar
I have a dear friend, who has been in and out of the legal system for several years. After speaking with her today, she voiced a concern over a potential arrest warrant still existing. I have checked the local LE agencies, without much luck. I was hoping one of the attorneys among us, could give me some direction as to who I might contact on her behalf. The lady is attempting to straighten her life out, and would like to attempt to resolve any possible legal issues, prior to being arrested.
Please reply via PM, if you have any information.

Joe Buck's Avatar
If she thinks she has an outstanding warrant and she wishes to get the matter resolved I suggest she hire an attorney to look into it. If there is in fact an outstanding warrant he can find out and begin the process of getting the matter resolved for her.
Crzytxn's Avatar
What would an attorney charge ?
ShysterJon's Avatar
I have a dear friend, who has been in and out of the legal system for several years. After speaking with her today, she voiced a concern over a potential arrest warrant still existing. I have checked the local LE agencies, without much luck. I was hoping one of the attorneys among us, could give me some direction as to who I might contact on her behalf. The lady is attempting to straighten her life out, and would like to attempt to resolve any possible legal issues, prior to being arrested.
Please reply via PM, if you have any information.

Crzy Originally Posted by Crzytxn
This forum isn't intended to replace advice from a qualified attorney. In my opinion, this forum exists to share information regarding HOBBY-RELATED legal issues, although there's no rule barring a member from posting about something unrelated to the hobby.

I'm always suspicious when a hobbyist posts a question on behalf of who I assume is a provider. When this happens, I wonder why the fuck a provider is telling her client about her personal life, and why the fuck a hobbyist gets involved in a provider's personal life. To find a warrant, the inquirer needs the defendant's name and date of birth. Why the fuck would a provider disclose this information to a hobbyist? To me, it's crossing the line that should exist between hobbyists and providers. Pay the girl her money and fuck her and stay the fuck out of her personal life. You're not her savior, mentor, or daddy -- you're her client.

I also wonder in these situations why the provider doesn't post her question herself if it's a matter of concern to her. If she isn't an Eccie member, then who cares about her question?

Of course, if the OP's 'friend' isn't a provider, then why are you posting in a hooker board legal forum in the first place?

I also don't get this "Here's my public post. PM me your answer." If you want answers to your questions to be private, don't post in a public forum -- message someone privately with your question. I answer questions here, and I'm sure other members do, too, to SHARE INFORMATION PUBLICLY so others can learn.

Regarding the OP's question, the answer depends on WHERE the 'friend' may have a warrant -- that is, what jurisdiction -- what city or county. There's no central database in Texas containing warrant information. The OP writes, "I have checked the local LE agencies, without much luck." I don't know WTF that means. Are you calling every city and county in Texas? Why don't you ask your 'friend' what jurisdiction issued the warrant?

btw, you don't have to pay to get information about a warrant. A person with a warrant can contact the agency that issued the warrant and get the information. An attorney can do the same thing. White knights? Probably not. Also, the information in an info-for-sale database might not include warrant information, especially if the warrant is recent.
Crzytxn's Avatar
Thanks for the information sir. As this is not a hobby related question, I realize now that posting here, was a mistake. My friend is not a provider, and her offenses were not hobby related. { Forgery, Hot Checks }As no database exists, wouldn't hiring an attorney would be a waste of money as well?

Thanks everyone for your help
ShysterJon's Avatar
Crzytxn: Check your PMs.
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Thanks for the information sir. As this is not a hobby related question, I realize now that posting here, was a mistake. My friend is not a provider, and her offenses were not hobby related. { Forgery, Hot Checks }As no database exists, wouldn't hiring an attorney would be a waste of money as well?

Thanks everyone for your help Originally Posted by Crzytxn
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to call the district attorney or sheriff in every county where she think she wrote a hot check to see if she has a warrant! She can call and say she wants to turn herself in.

And an attorney will probably cost an arm and a leg to do the same thing you can do on your own, well, he'll have his assistant do it.
Cpalmson's Avatar
ShysterJon hit the nail on the head. Everything depends on the jurisdiction. I wanted to do a background check on several people. Even by contacting my local Clerk of Courts, I was unable to get the info about warrants. The only info the court had was about already established cases-- not warrants. The best way to find out the information is to contact the local sheriffs office or police dept, Most of these agencies have a warrant's division or office. They should be able to provide you with the info. Now, sometimes they might not. If one is concerned for their own person, I would recommend consulting a local criminal defense attorney to do the check. Yes, it may cost you some $$$, but at the same time, it provides you with attorney/client privilege protection if you do indeed have a warrant.
It doesn't cost a penny to ask an attorney what he/she will charge to do a warrant check. As others have stated, it doesn't cost a thing to inquire at the associated court/jurisdiction. I would think just a few hundred $ to hire a go-between. Well worth the investment IMHO.