Does anyone remember Gov. Abbotts press circus after Uvalde massacre?

I remember thinking how stupid he was parroting the role LE played in this massacre. I thought surely he has more info than the average citizen has. As the earliest details were being aired, my first thought was this doesn’t pass the smell test, yet a short time later there sits the Governor of this great state repeating BS that was hard to believe.

Point being lots on this board would make great Governors, they see a bullshit article written by a bullshit specialist and take it as gospel if it favors their point of view. Then citizens ponder what is wrong in America.
ICU 812's Avatar
In any disaster, early reports are always inaccurate, and Governor Abbot was given bad information. We all want to hear about something good in times of chaos and he was trying to find something good.

I find no complicity on the part of Gov. Abbot in the tragedy that was Uvalde immediately following the event.

From my perspective as a conservative voter, here is plenty to coalmine about with Gov Abbot, but that press conference is not one of them.
winn dixie's Avatar
gov wheels was given bad/wrong info at the start. It was his mistake to cheerleader so early when reports were differing so greatly. Anyways fuck wheels and his illegal block of abortions in Texas
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He was afraid people would want to defund the Uvalde CISD police.
Precious_b's Avatar
He was afraid people would want to defund the Uvalde CISD police. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Considering all the personal, equipment and training they had on site, that could be interpreted as a true point showing the results of all that fiscal payout.