For the ladies - Reference requests from un-established girls

I just wanted to know in general how established girls feel about getting reference requests from girls that are not established.

I know it isnt easy to get established, but do you have concerns about having an unknown girl pointed to you as a reference? I would assume you do some research for the girl as you would do for a guy, but I dont know that I feel comfortable with sharing names to a girl that is unknown just to prove that I am known.

I know that there a definitely girls that do out of their way to help others on this site (as well as some girls who clearly dont), but what are some thoughts on this.
algrace's Avatar

Ladies, input please...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Id at least want to see an ad or something even if its on bp. If its a lady ive never heard of with no posts or reviews id usually just try to pull something up via google.

Id hate to accidentally give a reference to someones wife lol