Republicunt party scamming money from old people

southtown4488's Avatar
southtown4488's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That is sleazy. Reprehensible. The RNC should be charged with mail fraud. I think this is a criminal action. Anyone who sent money should get treble damages, and the perps, including Priebus, should stand trial.
pyramider's Avatar
The democrats do the same thing. This is not a GOP issue...
Yes it's a scam but not from a political party per se. It's just scammers who are also able to draw up fliers and mailings via computer they look authentic but they aren't. They do the same thing with Police and Sheriff Depts.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is like joining AARP, you may as well just give your money straight to the Democrats.
Same as the unions, they just launder the money first before turning it over to them.
  • DSK
  • 04-16-2016, 09:44 AM Originally Posted by southtown4488
Advertising people do it also, it is sleazy, but if someone sends me a bill labeled past due and I look at it and know I don't owe the money, I just laugh at them and throw it away.

You are a partisan hack if you think your allies don't do similarly stupid shit.

All you can do sometimes in life is just kick someone's ass and fire them, then tell them to fuck off when they want their job back. That's what they should do with the jackass who came up with this shit, issue an apology, and tell Rachel Maddox that we like pretty, conservative lipstick lesbians, not ugly bitches like her.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar Originally Posted by southtown4488
You do realize that the GOP in Washington is different from the RNC. This is the RNC and you look like an idiot. One would be an official government act and the other is an advertising ploy from a group that has lost just about all of their credibility. Same sort of thing from the left.

So attack, condemn, and make fun of but do it to the right people nitwit.
This applies to you too Southtown:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If Democrats do the same thing, or use other misleading methods to raise money, the should be prosecuted, too. But this one is beyond the pale. Prosecute them!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
IF democrats do the same thing??? Joe Biden- they (the GOP) want to put you all back in chains.
Almost any democrat for the last 40 years- the GOP will take away your social security (or your benefits, welfare checks, healthcare, right to an abortion, etc.) if they take control of the house.
The GOP is responsible for 9/11, it was an inside job.
Bush stole the election.
The GOP wants your grandparents to eat dog food.
The GOP wants to throw your grandma off a cliff (in her wheelchair).
The GOP wants to start a war because war is good for the business buddies.

Choose one, they're all used almost everytime. Hillary already using the vote, abortion, and social security.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You already know I despise both major parties, JD. Why do you defend the Republicans on this? Do you think if the Democrats get away with dirty politics, the Republicans should, too? You're just as big a partisan hack as the Obamatons on here.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
IF democrats do the same thing??? Joe Biden- they (the GOP) want to put you all back in chains.
Almost any democrat for the last 40 years- the GOP will take away your social security (or your benefits, welfare checks, healthcare, right to an abortion, etc.) if they take control of the house.
The GOP is responsible for 9/11, it was an inside job.
Bush stole the election.
The GOP wants your grandparents to eat dog food.
The GOP wants to throw your grandma off a cliff (in her wheelchair).
The GOP wants to start a war because war is good for the business buddies.

Choose one, they're all used almost everytime. Hillary already using the vote, abortion, and social security. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You already know I despise both major parties, JD. Why do you defend the Republicans on this? Do you think if the Democrats get away with dirty politics, the Republicans should, too? You're just as big a partisan hack as the Obamatons on here. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

he's not. he's just saying the Dems have been talking doom and destruction at the hands of the Repubs. both parties have their faults. i agree with that part. there's no left or right anymore. only the establishment.
southtown4488's Avatar
old guy is right, if the Dems did the same thing. . . provide evidence or shut the hell up.
anyone defending this sort of bullshit is exposing themselves for being a true cunt. u care more about party affiliation than the well being of actual people.
southtown4488's Avatar
Political mailers are rarely calm or even-keeled documents. The same campaigns that declare they’re cruising to victory on cable news will turn around and send potential supporters emails or letters with breathless requests for cash. But the Republican National Committee appears to have found a way to raise the stakes from “we desperately need your help” to “you have to give it to us.” To wit, an RNC mailer that has been going around with a big, bold “NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY” that conveniently looks an awful lot like an overdue bill.

There has been a rash of recent reports of people being confused—and, frankly, scared—when opening a version of that letter, including in California, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. In case the all-caps “NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY”—stamped on the envelope and the letter itself—doesn’t grab the recipient’s attention, there’s also an attached donation slip disguised somewhat convincingly as a bill, complete with a “PAST DUE” notice, circled in red, as well as text that reads, “*** IMMEDIATE RESPONSE REQUESTED***”. The letter’s signee? Republican National Chairman Reince Preibus.