Where is the outrage on here!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-19-2016, 04:58 PM
Voter irregularities in large numbers, but I have not seen a peep about it here.


Why not, I wonder? Could it be because two of the three areas mentioned are heavily low-income, black, and 1st/2nd gen citizens? The third is just lower-middle class.

My mother was a polling volunteer well into her upper 80s (by the way, a registered Republican her whole life though that means little either way). She had at least one horror story every year. Year old paper ballots with the wrong names delivered to the voting place. No machines. Fire alarm tests going off multiple times during the voting day.
About the same thing happened in Arizona for one. People were still in line to vote, when the election was called.
Voter irregularities in large numbers, but I have not seen a peep about it here.


Why not, I wonder? Could it be because two of the three areas mentioned are heavily low-income, black, and 1st/2nd gen citizens? The third is just lower-middle class.

My mother was a polling volunteer well into her upper 80s (by the way, a registered Republican her whole life though that means little either way). She had at least one horror story every year. Year old paper ballots with the wrong names delivered to the voting place. No machines. Fire alarm tests going off multiple times during the voting day.
Originally Posted by Old-T

"not seen a peep"? http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...ht=voter+fraud

Queens resident George Mack said he came to P.S. 52 in Springfield Gardens to vote right at 6 a.m. He, and about 50 other early voters, learned all three machines on site were broken. Volunteers at the school told voters to place their ballots in a slot, and they would all get processed later.

“It’s a recipe for disaster,” said Mack, 55, who voted for Hillary Clinton.

This guy has nerve complaining about something being a recipe for disaster, when he goes and votes for Clinton.

Queens resident George Mack said he came to P.S. 52 in Springfield Gardens to vote right at 6 a.m. He, and about 50 other early voters, learned all three machines on site were broken. Volunteers at the school told voters to place their ballots in a slot, and they would all get processed later.

“It’s a recipe for disaster,” said Mack, 55, who voted for Hillary Clinton.

This guy has nerve complaining about something being a recipe for disaster, when he goes and votes for Clinton.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Even if he hadn't voted for Mrs.Slick Willy, his ballot would have reflected that he did before he left the polling station. It's dem Noo YAWK dumbascraps, doncha know ! Wonder if Shrillary will breakout the " absentee " cemetery voters to whip Babblin Bernie even more ?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-19-2016, 05:56 PM
Typical IIFFy short attention span.

You reinforce my point--you are quick to castigate the wrongs of the Libs, but you rejoice in the wrongs that favor your point of view. I am really surprised you don't advocate arresting all Dems as they show up at the polls. Oh, you probably will advocate that come November.
Even if he hadn't voted for Mrs.Slick Willy, his ballot would have reflected that he did before he left the polling station. It's dem Noo YAWK dumbascraps, doncha know ! Wonder if Shrillary will breakout the " absentee " cemetery voters to whip Babblin Bernie even more ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
The system is rigged anyway. This is going to be a hot summer, and not because of Global Warming. More and more people are getting tired of the political bullshit.

Typical IIFFy short attention span.

You reinforce my point--you are quick to castigate the wrongs of the Libs, but you rejoice in the wrongs that favor your point of view. I am really surprised you don't advocate arresting all Dems as they show up at the polls. Oh, you probably will advocate that come November.
Originally Posted by Old-T

Yeah a Canadian/Texan named Cruz goes into DJT's back yard in Maine and wins a Landslide at a caucus... And you want to lecture me about voter fraud... I did not hear you talking about that 0ld-Turkeytard...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Voter irregularities in large numbers, but I have not seen a peep about it here.


Why not, I wonder? Could it be because two of the three areas mentioned are heavily low-income, black, and 1st/2nd gen citizens? The third is just lower-middle class.

My mother was a polling volunteer well into her upper 80s (by the way, a registered Republican her whole life though that means little either way). She had at least one horror story every year. Year old paper ballots with the wrong names delivered to the voting place. No machines. Fire alarm tests going off multiple times during the voting day.
Originally Posted by Old-T
this is nothing new and nothing that hasn't been posted about in this forum before. voter fraud is an age old tactic. and even when out right fraud isn't in play, broken voting machines and out of date materials are also part of it.

in the days of the interwebs, you'd think a reasonably secure website (define secure on the interwebs .. lol does not compute!) could be set up for people to validate their votes.

the idea would be this .. once people vote and the results are tallied, people should be able to go see that their vote was counted, for the candidate they intended, and ":confirm" the vote. then, crunch the numbers and see if they correspond to the "official" (sic) tally. if not, then there's an potential discrepancy.

i can't recall which .. but one of the Big Three Sci-Fi authors of the Golden Age .. i think Heinlein who in many ways was a progressive .. if not a socialist at heart, proposed in one of his novels i read that in the future, voting would be handled by a computer that would select the most "average joe" in the country, and that "average joe" would then vote on all major issues. interesting idea!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-19-2016, 07:17 PM
this is nothing new and nothing that hasn't been posted about in this forum before. voter fraud is an age old tactic. and even when out right fraud isn't in play, broken voting machines and out of date materials are also part of it.

in the days of the interwebs, you'd think a reasonably secure website (define secure on the interwebs .. lol does not compute!) could be set up for people to validate their votes.

the idea would be this .. once people vote and the results are tallied, people should be able to go see that their vote was counted, for the candidate they intended, and ":confirm" the vote. then, crunch the numbers and see if they correspond to the "official" (sic) tally. if not, then there's an potential discrepancy.

i can't recall which .. but one of the Big Three Sci-Fi authors of the Golden Age .. i think Heinlein who in many ways was a progressive .. if not a socialist at heart, proposed in one of his novels i read that in the future, voting would be handled by a computer that would select the most "average joe" in the country, and that "average joe" would then vote on all major issues. interesting idea! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Agree with everything you said here. But it is like baseball umps--they only blow calls when it goes against MY team. The other they got right!

And life became hell for that voter--if the administration went bad, everyone blamed them.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why don't they check these these things before Election Day? You can't trust the major parties.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Agree with everything you said here. But it is like baseball umps--they only blow calls when it goes against MY team. The other they got right!

And life became hell for that voter--if the administration went bad, everyone blamed them.

Originally Posted by Old-T
and i shall raise my glass of Dewar's and coke to your mom in toast for her efforts manning voting polls.


  • DSK
  • 04-19-2016, 09:32 PM
Voter irregularities in large numbers, but I have not seen a peep about it here.


Why not, I wonder? Could it be because two of the three areas mentioned are heavily low-income, black, and 1st/2nd gen citizens? The third is just lower-middle class.

My mother was a polling volunteer well into her upper 80s (by the way, a registered Republican her whole life though that means little either way). She had at least one horror story every year. Year old paper ballots with the wrong names delivered to the voting place. No machines. Fire alarm tests going off multiple times during the voting day.
Originally Posted by Old-T
To me, it shows that the process needs security measures, among them voter ID to ensure the integrity of the process.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
To me, it shows that the process needs security measures, among them voter ID to ensure the integrity of the process. Originally Posted by DSK

you mean like .. proving you are an American to vote? please .. why bother? lol

those dems need those 10 illegal million votes. how else are they going to win?
To me, it shows that the process needs security measures, among them voter ID to ensure the integrity of the process. Originally Posted by DSK
Thank God for electoral college, otherwise the DNC corruption in NYC, CHI and LA would drive national politics forever. We would be living Idiocracy every day.

I've been saying for years that eventually we will have to prove almost unmistakably who we are in order to vote and it will done by something electronic within our possession, perhaps our cell phone.