The Dims got caught cheating ... again:

I B Hankering's Avatar
De Blasio Team Violated Campaign Finance Laws, Report Says

An investigation by the New York State Board of Elections found evidence of flagrant violations of campaign finance law by a team of people that Mayor Bill de Blasio created to raise money for Democrats running for the State Senate in 2014, according to a confidential board report....

“The evidence demonstrates that the de Blasio team coordinated its fund-raising activities” with the campaigns of several candidates and routed contributions to them through the county and statewide committees “in order to evade contribution limits and to disguise the true names of the contributors,” according to the report.

Risa S. Sugarman, the board’s chief enforcement counsel, wrote in a memo to board commissioners, “I have determined that reasonable cause exists to believe a violation warranting criminal prosecution has taken place.” She added, “The violations discovered by this investigation can only be described as willful and flagrant.”

... hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions from union political action committees and others poured into the local Democratic county committee in October 2014, shortly before the election.

(NYT) Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And your piss poor selection of retorts has WHAT to do with the OP, EKIM ? Get back to picking those dingleberries !
  • DSK
  • 04-24-2016, 02:18 PM
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Big tall cheating sumbitch with a very ugly wife - he should resign to show he has any honor at all.
And your piss poor selection of retorts has WHAT to do with the OP, EKIM ? Get back to picking those dingleberries ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

eeehbuhhhrrrr is a "Independent" voxsplainer...

Big tall cheating sumbitch with a very ugly wife - he should resign to show he has any honor at all. Originally Posted by DSK
Well he's a lying lib, so he has to prove he has NO honor to be part of THAT party. He'll never resign. He'll do a Clinton, " I did NOT..." BS explanation and the friggen media will give him a pass.....because he IS a lying liberal.
lustylad's Avatar
Big tall cheating sumbitch with a very ugly wife.... Originally Posted by DSK
That's why he was elected - his wife is not just an ugly African-American, she's also bisexual... that's a TWOFER for the libtards!

His only real competition was from a creepy Jewish pervert who sexted dick pics to women he met online while married to a Muslim Hildebeest worshipper!

I think a dyke also ran against him, but de Blasio's bisexual wife trumped her for the LGBT vote.

Bottom line - Nowadays you gotta have serious libtard CREDENTIALS to run for Mayor of New York City!
eeehbuhhhrrrr is a "Independent" voxsplainer...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Brain dead Trumpazoid.
I want to blow woonby again. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Brain dead Trumpazoid. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

LOLing dick sucking 0zombies...

How does it feel to go thru life as if every day is April 1st? eehhhbuhhrrrrr?

Put another cow pattie on the fire, boy...

LOLing dick sucking trumpazoids...

How does it feel to go thru life as if every day is April 1st? eehhhbuhhrrrrr?

Put another cow pattie on the fire, boy...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You are a poster child for the dumbing down of America, whiffy.

bambino's Avatar
He's a pretty big creep, even for a liberal. A big supporter of Hillary too. There's a shock.
lustylad's Avatar
Seriously, this asshole Bill de Blasio epitomizes all the worst qualities of lib-retards today. Peggy Noonan, who lives in NYC and writes for the WSJ, had him pegged two years ago when she wrote "What a small and politically vicious man New York's new mayor is."

The guy is an unrepentant Sandinista. It's been 30 years and he's still fuming about Ronald Reagan and the contras. Even Nicaraguan Sandinista founder Daniel Ortega toned down his ideology (tactically and temporarily) - but not de Blasio.

We really need to stop all these fucktards - Bill de Blasio, Bernie Sanders, the Hildebeest and their ilk. Otherwise they will stop at nothing to make slaves of us all.

And don't forget - de Blasio is bought and OWNED by the New York Teachers Union, which stands against any and every proposed reform of New York's failed public school system. You see, they don't want future generations of Americans to be properly schooled, smart or successful. They only want to keep everyone down and stupid and voting for Democrats ad infinitum.

"When a man says he will raise taxes to achieve a program... and is quickly informed that that program can be achieved without raising taxes, and his answer is that he wants to raise taxes anyway, that man is an ideologue.

And ideologues will sacrifice anything to their ideology."