Was Trump aware of his campaign manager's involvement with the deposed leader of Ukraine?

Interesting...guess Trumps' staff doesn't do much background checking...?


From the New York Times.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yes but it didn't matter because Fox News Senior guy George Will says Trumpie won't release his tax returns because they may show he is deeply involved in dealing with Russia oligarchs.

Both of these morons are going down in election flames and they have the nerve to say Hilary is crooked. lol
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary IS crooked.
Hillary IS crooked. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And Trump is squeaky clean is that your point?
LexusLover's Avatar
And Trump is squeaky clean is that your point? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
"Clean" is always relative. Compared to Hillary "Bonnie" Clinton, yes!

Bonnie and Clyde Clinton started their lawless career early:

I B Hankering's Avatar
And Trump is squeaky clean is that your point? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Hildebeest made her "millions" as a "public servant", Lubed Wide-ass, and that should concern you. But too often you dim-retards -- since Tammany Hall days -- disingenuously dismiss that as "honest graft", right, Lubed Wide-ass?
LexusLover's Avatar
Hildebeest made her "millions" as a "public servant", Lubed Wide-ass, and that should concern you..... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm sure it doesn't ....

Interesting...given this revelation now and Trump hoping Russia finds Hildabeast's emails.

They're all crooked assholes but keep the "crookedness" here...don't pal up with Russia for ANYTHING...shit.
I might would rather seen him accept funding from the Mexican Government than Russia. Hell, he needs money to build that wall!

Ha....of course "I was just being sarcastic" .....famous words...
bambino's Avatar
Interesting...given this revelation now and Trump hoping Russia finds Hildabeast's emails.

They're all crooked assholes but keep the "crookedness" here...don't pal up with Russia for ANYTHING...shit. Originally Posted by Prolongus
It's a global economy, which means there are global crooks. Don't be naive.
Certainly not naive...Trump picking Manafort for his campaign manager was no accident. Of all people to choose from, why Manafort?

Trumps kids must have stopped at the first line of Manafort's resume: world-wide political consultant (to Marcos, right before he was deposed!!!).

"Hey Dad! Sis and I found a cool guy to help us! He knows foreign policy!!!"

Appearances, appearances...
LexusLover's Avatar
Appearances, appearances... Originally Posted by Prolongus
Yes, and I'm sure that's why HillaryNoMore appointed Nagin to head up the Haiti "rebuilding" task force ....

........ since he was familiar with "rebuilding" his own bank account from disasters .....

Nagin had only 21 counts in his bribery etc charges.

Keep it among thieves.
bambino's Avatar
Certainly not naive...Trump picking Manafort for his campaign manager was no accident. Of all people to choose from, why Manafort?

Trumps kids must have stopped at the first line of Manafort's resume: world-wide political consultant (to Marcos, right before he was deposed!!!).

"Hey Dad! Sis and I found a cool guy to help us! He knows foreign policy!!!"

Appearances, appearances... Originally Posted by Prolongus
Manafort has advised GOP Presidential candidates going back to Gerald Ford. He's an experienced operative. He's also a lobbyist. Anyone in politics that long is making money somewhere. The Clintons clearly make Manafort look like an amateur. Are you naive or stupid? Both?
The Clintons do a damn better job of HIDING IT, shit-for-brains. At least from the press, which there isn't a story circulating about their shit like Manafort's.

If he is linked to that Black Ledger, I'm sure it will be "beneficial" to Trump's campaign. Like I said: APPEARANCES.

The press loves this shit. Why give them another opportunity by hiring this guy? Hell, Trump doesn't listen to anyone but himself, anyway.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Clintons do a damn better job of HIDING IT, shit-for-brains. At least from the press, which there isn't a story circulating about their shit like Manafort's.

If he is linked to that Black Ledger, I'm sure it will be "beneficial" to Trump's campaign. Like I said: APPEARANCES.

The press loves this shit. Why give them another opportunity by hiring this guy? Hell, Trump doesn't listen to anyone but himself, anyway.
Originally Posted by Prolongus
The lame-stream media hasn't been genuinely interested in digging up dirt on a dim-retard candidate since Gary Hart's "Monkey Business" exposé.