Hotel VS Private incall

Guys -

do you find that it matters if a provider uses hotels when seeing friends or a private incall like a apartment or home location?

what do you find to be the pros and cons of each?

i for one enjoy having a location so i can decorate and supply with all the goodies i may need, however a hotel requires no clean up as it's part of the fee, which i like: no laundry and vacuuming! LOL

do you feel more/less safe at a hotel?
do you like the amenities offered at private places?

I feel more comfortable and more relaxed at a private incall.
Also, I think that it is more personalized which reflects more on who you are.
I feel more comfortable and more relaxed at a private incall.
Also, I think that it is more personalized which reflects more on who you are. Originally Posted by Manchester United Fan

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