Chelsea Clinton probably didn't for it to come out the way it did...

... but she lamented the fact that her grandmother (Hillary's mom) did not have access to Planned Parenthood's services.

And, across this great nation, countless Republicans think to themselves "If only..."
... but she lamented the fact that her grandmother (Hillary's mom) did not have access to Planned Parenthood's services.

And, across this great nation, countless Republicans think to themselves "If only..." Originally Posted by ExNYer
Her remarks would be a great ad for the Pro Life crowd.

In her zest to be so bound by the liberal creed of worshipping at the alter of choice, she unwittingly gave one very good reason against it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not so fast, have you seen Hillary's brothers?
LexusLover's Avatar
... but she lamented the fact that her grandmother (Hillary's mom) did not have access to Planned Parenthood's services.

And, across this great nation, countless Republicans and Bill think to themselves "If only..." Originally Posted by ExNYer
Fixed it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LL, that is not exactly true. If not for Hillary Bill would not have been president and I think he knows it. Imagine him married to a real woman (yes, that is a Hillary slam) and she walks out on him the first time he leaves the reservation dick in hand while he is still the governor elect of Arkansas.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, that is not exactly true. If not for Hillary Bill would not have been president and I think he knows it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sure they made a deal when he decided to run. Had he not married her it would probably not been on his mind to import some strange into the Governor's mansion ... or "the oral office" for that matter.... beyond that you give her way too much credit.

She botched her shot at running things the first four months of his presidency.

Look around the landscape ... has she learned anything? Nope! She got her call and put him on hold.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not so fast, have you seen Hillary's brothers? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Have you seen their JUNK?

Holy mother of pearl, BSwine! You just can't help yourself, can you?

By the way. As a side note, has any body noticed that Lil Chelsey is starting to get butt ugly?

Granted, not Amy Carter ugly, but she's getting there.
By the way. As a side note, has any body noticed that Lil Chelsey is starting to get butt ugly? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yssup Rider's Avatar
amazingly, her butt ugly mom will be the next POTUS.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
with people like you voting it would not surprise me at all.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who exactly are "people like me," and are suggesting "people like me" should not be allowed to vote?

That might be the dumbest fucking statement you've ever made ... And guess what, bubba... You've made a shitload of them.

I'm sure people like you will continue trying to take away the rights of people like me to vote between now and 2016. Fortunately, people like you are too fucking stupid to do it.

Now GFY!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you talking about the gay daughter?