Bonedaddys - A new place for Sugarbabbies

johnrubmehard's Avatar
Maybe it is just the economic situation, but I have been asked to be a Sugar Daddy by some the hottest 20 year old waitresses at Bonedaddys in the last two weeks...It has never happened before.

They say tips are really bad and they need to make up the difference somehow and they want to know if I have any ideas.....

Anybody else experiencing something like this....

NO but I'm jealous.
Maybe it is just the economic situation, but I have been asked to be a Sugar Daddy by some the hottest 20 year old waitresses at Bonedaddys in the last two weeks...It has never happened before.

They say tips are really bad and they need to make up the difference somehow and they want to know if I have any ideas.....

Anybody else experiencing something like this....

JR Originally Posted by johnrubmehard
To start with let me first say that I have never had the pleasure of visiting Bonedaddys so I am certain I am missing out on seeing some nice eye candy.

I did however stopped by one of my favorite strip joints that I like to go to when I'm in Big D. Usually I only sit at the bar and BS with the bartenders. As I was sitting there having my drink, a very beautiful young lady approached me and very politely asked me if I would allow her to sit next to me. WTF? I have not met many women in my entire life with as good manners as this young lady ( at least in the way she addressed me, she could be different in another setting ).

I obviously told her to make herself comfortable. I tried to buy her drinks but she refused to make me spend a dime on her on drinks despite my repeated offers. She simply sat there and had a very pleasant conversation with me. Not one time did she ask me to get dances or anything. As she and I talked, she used to work at Bonedaddys a few months ago and was now dancing because of the bad tips she was getting as a waitress. I was so impressed after talking to her, I broke my routine of no dances and took her to the back for a half a dozen dances. The dances were high contact but I could not tell you if extras were available. While she was dancing, she took a break half way through our set of songs and sat with me to talk a little more. It turns out she does some modeling on the side.

Those pictures while they are a little glamorized reflect the real deal. She is that pretty and that sweet butt is as advertised. She confided a lot of personal things that I won't disclose here but she is as down to earth as you can find them, twenty three years of age and has a very positive outlook in life.

She finished dancing for me and then asked to stay so that she could retrieve a business card from the back. She sort of decides on her own if she wants to give that info out to you. Her card has a website address and email address for contact. Also since that is a small enterprise she has going, it includes her real name and links to her real world info, so please do not PM me asking for any more info than what I am posting here.

I am simply saying that many ladies are making the jump to adult venues due to the economy. I don't know how far this young lady will go but it would be nice to get her to the dark side. Her butt is to die for and she has some beautiful eyes. The pics are accurate and I am thinking Bonedaddys and Hooters have lots of potentials at this time.

Happy hunting.

Edit to ad: It was at Baby Dolls Dallas, evening shift. I can't recall her stage name so you'll have to spot her there. She is slender and a little taller than average. I guess it would be bad not to share at least the club
Very Nice!!! Keep us apprised if you maintain contact with her as to your experiences. I still find Gentlemen's Clubs interesting because they are so YMMV and "My"MMV with every visit. I don't go often (usually on when travelling on business, never here in DFW), but I love to find those rare ladies like you found who are interesting/wonderful to talk to and not constantly hounding you for dances/drinks. Of course I usually end up spending way more than planned on them ... the other dancers could learn a thing from them about how to really make $$$ from them.
johnrubmehard's Avatar
If you are one of the lucky ones to still have money in this economy, I think I would put some of it into the Sport of Sugarbaby hunting...I think most women between 18-22 working at Hooters, Bonedaddys, Twin Peaks, and the Strip Clubs are very open. You just need to have some game, okay looks and a bit of confidence...

Happy Hunting
johnrubmehard's Avatar
In this buyers market, I am getting very tight with my funny money at Strip Clubs. If they are not 18-25 and fit the Rule of 100, they are not getting a dime from me. We dont have to settle for Strippers that 20+ pounds overweight and 10+ years to old to be stripping anymore...

Young Hardbodies here we cum.....
  • fubar
  • 07-23-2009, 03:57 PM
I am juggling a couple of Lodge dancers OTC right now and it is wearing my ass out physically and financially. I have never had the pleasure of a BD's waitress however.
Which BD's were you at? I frequent the GV BD's and there is some definite eye candy going down there.
If I lived in DFW I might go broke exploring the many possibilities. I think the sugardaddy route might be the way to go with many of the girls out there. I neither have the funds nor the time to be a SD. For those who may go out to BBD and see if they can meet this young lady, expect her hair not to be all made up like this, and more of a casual and straighter styling.

Also, the tat on her left is of a flower. The one at the bottom is of the Pisces zodiac sign. When I get back to Dallas and if I get in touch with her, I may book her for a photo shoot if she is game. Some of you guys out there may get lucky and have fun with her. It is hard to say but, the possibilities are everywhere. You just have to play it well and continue exploring.
  • fubar
  • 07-24-2009, 07:57 AM
Matador if I were single I have no doubt that I would be on the verge of bankruptcy. The pussy available in this town is just crazy.
johnrubmehard's Avatar
Matador...I am going to go find your BD girl at BDD's...Nothing like a good trophy to hunt....
johnrubmehard's Avatar
Some guys are asking for names of Sugar Babys...They are not what may work for one man may not work for another...if you have game, money and time Bonedaddys is a good place to hunt....I was just making a recomendation...

Happy Hunting
Matador...I am going to go find your BD girl at BDD's...Nothing like a good trophy to hunt.... Originally Posted by johnrubmehard

Good luck. I don't know on weekends but during the week she said she usually works every night except Wednesdays. Apparently there is interest in this young lady I got 2 PMs at the other site from guys who had read this post. Maybe someone will report back and tell us if they actually explored any possibilities with her.

Again. good luck to you.
johnrubmehard's Avatar
Spent $$$$ on this hunting trip but did not find the specific trophy mentioned above...Had a great time hunting other trophies...maybe tonight will be sucess....
johnrubmehard's Avatar
Well the hunt has cost me $1400 with no sight of her yet...but I have met a couple of other OTC candidates so money well spent....She should have been required to dance Sunday or Monday at BDD's
mikahranae's Avatar
I don't think she is there anymore. A friend of mine works there and I showed her the picture just so I could let you guys know. (All she saw was the worries) She said she doesn't recognize her. My friend works nights as well. That's funny John you know the dancers have to work a Sunday or Monday.