How Much Have You invested in the Chase...

johnrubmehard's Avatar
After my session with Tara, I got thinking how much I have enjoyed the sport of hunting or chasing fine women over the last 20 years. There is nothing greater than the presence of a fine woman with a great attitude and and an awesome smile. Women that know how to treat a man can make alot of money....

Sometimes I think women forget how much men enjoy the chase. Once you catch her seems like some of the newness wears off. Once you drive a Lamborghini, the next time is really no big deal. Does that make sense?

The amount of money that have I invested in hunting fine women could have easiliy paid for a nice house. I have enjoyed every stripper, escort and massage therapist....Seems a little crazy, but I would do it all over again...Great memories...

Not sure why I wrote this post but maybe to make sure that women understand the chase is a lot of fun!!!


mikahranae's Avatar i'm holding out on giving up the goodies when we meet
Join the club, I've got a few decades more than you invested in the HUNT. Don't want to think about the total cash outlay.