When The Democrats Want To Really Lie, They Bring Out The Expert


Either this is the most naive bitch on the Planet, or the most stupid.

I guess they just wind her up, turn off her brain, and turn her loose.
She's just incompetent.

Rice would fit in nicely with the Austin Reacharound Crew probably with the biggest hard on of the group.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Did she go to the Carney school of press conferences?
If you can defend this president, something is seriously wrong with you!
When The Democrats Want To Really Lie, They Bring Out The Expert Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh come now Jackie! Why would "The Democrats" bring out Cheney and Rummy?
She's just incompetent.

Rice would fit in nicely with the Austin Reacharound Crew probably with the biggest hard on of the group. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Ozombism at it's best... WTF?
lustylad's Avatar
Wow, that Susan Rice is a triple-A liar! Anytime, Anyplace, Any Scandal... Always there to spread the lies! C'mon guys, give her a little credit. She could have said - fuck you Barry, I'm not gonna do that again, find somebody else this time! But she didn't. She marched right back out on the Sunday talk shows and did it all over again! Yeah, Susan! You go, girl! Who cares about Bergdahl? Susan Rice has served with honor and distinction!
Ozombism at it's best... WTF? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
OMG video dome can type???
cowboy8055's Avatar
She's just incompetent.

Rice would fit in nicely with the Austin Reacharound Crew probably with the biggest hard on of the group. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Give her a break. She's only taking after her boss LOL
In that same interview (edited out); Rice offers up another lie about Bergdahl - that he was "captured on the battlefield"....of course every one knows he deserted his post........
If you can defend this president, something is seriously wrong with you! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I guess this is the day monkeys fly because I agree with your dumb ass on this one.

I think what Obama has done here will damage the Democrats far more than any of the other supposed "scandals". I cannot imagine WTF he was thinking as to how this was going to look to people who don't give a shit about Benghazi and the other bullshit the Republicans have been quacking about for years now. This dude was a fucking deserter. The only reason to cut any sort of deal to get him back would be to court-martial his deserting ass.

Set aside the failure to consult with congress. Set aside giving up 5 supposed terrorists. Based on everything I have read, six troopers died trying to find this guy after he walked off voluntarily into the sunset. And, we're supposed to treat him like a hero?

What the fuck was Obama thinking? Is there any way the WH couldn't have known all these facts? Just unbelievable.
Wow........I am surprised you didn't float some crazy explanation like the CIA planted nano-chips in the Taliban Commanders and we can drone strike their asses anytime....................... ..

Good on you.

And the Obama deal is probably a lot worse; what hasn't been confirmed, but reported, is that we may have paid millions of dollars to the Haqqani Group....the Taliban got their commanders back, and the Haqqani's got money for Berghdal!

I guess this is the day monkeys fly because I agree with your dumb ass on this one.

I think what Obama has done here will damage the Democrats far more than any of the other supposed "scandals". I cannot imagine WTF he was thinking as to how this was going to look to people who don't give a shit about Benghazi and the other bullshit the Republicans have been quacking about for years now. This dude was a fucking deserter. The only reason to cut any sort of deal to get him back would be to court-martial his deserting ass.

Set aside the failure to consult with congress. Set aside giving up 5 supposed terrorists. Based on everything I have read, six troopers died trying to find this guy after he walked off voluntarily into the sunset. And, we're supposed to treat him like a hero?

What the fuck was Obama thinking? Is there any way the WH couldn't have known all these facts? Just unbelievable. Originally Posted by timpage
I B Hankering's Avatar
I guess this is the day monkeys fly because I agree with your dumb ass on this one.

I think what Obama has done here will damage the Democrats far more than any of the other supposed "scandals". I cannot imagine WTF he was thinking as to how this was going to look to people who don't give a shit about Benghazi and the other bullshit the Republicans have been quacking about for years now. This dude was a fucking deserter. The only reason to cut any sort of deal to get him back would be to court-martial his deserting ass.

Set aside the failure to consult with congress. Set aside giving up 5 supposed terrorists. Based on everything I have read, six troopers died trying to find this guy after he walked off voluntarily into the sunset. And, we're supposed to treat him like a hero?

What the fuck was Obama thinking? Is there any way the WH couldn't have known all these facts? Just unbelievable. Originally Posted by timpage
At least two died, PFC Matthew Martinek and LT Darryn Andrews, and maybe as many as eight.


want2c's Avatar

Either this is the most naive bitch on the Planet, or the most stupid.

I guess they just wind her up, turn off her brain, and turn her loose. Originally Posted by Jackie S

She was an apprentice under Baghdad Bob