“I actually write about Rahm in the book,” Clinton said. “I asked him not to read it before we sat and did our interview! But it was in the very first chapter, the chapter I rightly call ‘Team of Rivals’ because that’s what it was in the beginning. A senator from Illinois ran against a senator from New York just as had happened way back with a senator from Illinois named Lincoln and a senator from New York named Seward. And it turned out the same way.”

Of course you all know Lincoln was never a Senator from Illinois right ? He lost that election to Douglas !

Oh yeah; that was Clinton sounding stupid; not Sarah Palin !

Hildabeast is really having a bad week isn't she.....I forgot just how terrible she is off script.
She was watching fo machine gun fire on the Tarmac.

Lying Bitch. That is the caption that should be at the bottom of every television screen every time "Mrs Bill Clinton" is talking.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If Sarah Palin had made that comment, BigAssTex would start 3 threads laughing at how stupid she was.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well... Lincoln was from Kentucky. He represented Illinois but did not come from Illinois. He came from Kentucky. Just like Hillary did not come from New York or Arkansas. She came from Chicago (a suburb for the idiot elite).
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What does it matter now?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2014, 06:57 AM
What does it matter now? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
It will matter to you in 2016! Sara Palin can't beat her...only person in the GOP that can is Jeb.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wonder why the libtards aren't defending Her Royal Highness?
Try motherfuckers!!!!
Well... Lincoln was from Kentucky. He represented Illinois but did not come from Illinois. He came from Kentucky. Just like Hillary did not come from New York or Arkansas. She came from Chicago (a suburb for the idiot elite). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well I'll tell ya this if every state was like Illinois America would be a communist country. So by voting for one of Illinois's daughters you can bet she'll bring us all dam close to it.
