To log on, go to ""

Trying to give everyone a way to log in since the main site seems to have forgotten to give people a way to log on.

Just use the mobile site:, log on then look to the bottom for the "FULL SITE" button, click it and you will be back on the full site logged on.
Wow, your right. That does seem to be the only way to log on.
Good, someone saw my message. I realize when they upgrade the board there will be glitches but they have got to be careful not to let the members get too frustrated.

Glad you made it on Nicolet!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Thanks, RL, for the info. I've not had any problems logging on or off or while I'm using the system, but it's good to have an alternative if it does screw up on me.

Sorry to hear that some folks are having problems. Those of you having problems might want to tell of them in the Technical Questions forum in the General Interest area.

Why change it if its not broke. Really, what were they thinking?????
I was just looking at their software and they are using Vbulletin, it may have been a 'required' upgrade. When bulletin boards' software age to a certain point, there is no more support and updates for it so security leaks go unpatched and they have to upgrade to keep it secure.

I used PHP3 years ago and had to do the same thing. they both use the same language, PHP3 was free though.

It can be aggravating but a security leak on a site like this could be a disaster for a lot of people so I imagine that was their reason.
Forgot my password and took me almost a week to get back in. Then I saw your post on using and requesting a new password and got right back in. Do you know where to change password?
I need to know where do you change password?
Get on the regular Eccie site(not the "" mobile one), click on your user name to get the Dropdown List, click "USER CONTROL PANEL" then look on left side bar for "EDIT EMAIL AND PASSWORD", click that and enter old password then the new one in the proper fields and you will have changed it.
  • OTP
  • 02-10-2017, 09:51 AM
RL, Thanks for the info partner... now why didn't you tell me this four days ago when I was having problems logging in (LOL).
To be honest OTP...I forgot! I didn't think about it until I saw this thread pop up again.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

You ought to be a moderator.

Interesting idea JaG...hmmmmmm....

Great info, RL, thanks! It's more of an issue for me to log out since my drop down menu thingy rarely actually drops down to give me the option to log out or to click on "check messages" tab. It's all good though, I just log out on the main Eccie board and access my messages via user CP. :-)