A little info please

Im looking to hook up w a local escort service. How do you find em?? Im in the Biloxi area. You can inbox any info that may be of help. Thanks
Honey, you do NOT want to work for the 2 sleezoids that run agencies on the coast.

The female bitch got me raped and assaulted.
The male, I have known 20 years, was one of the first I started working for ages ago, and is now well known for bait and switch. No screening with either and many arrests made.
yeah no doubt about it listen to Muse. Stay as far away from the coast agency s as possible.

You wouldnt get any more calls working for an agency than you would staying indy plus you dont have to give up a percentage of your money. Just run adds as often as you can give excellent service and try and provide a safe clean incall and you should stay as busy as any provider on the coast.
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Lovely Lady:

Both Muse and BassCat have given you good advice. The agencies on the Coast are slimey - stay away from them.