Encounter: Loveashley

NolaScofflaw's Avatar
Date: 8/31/18
Name: Loveashley
Phone: (228) 257-3590
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=379661
City: Biloxi
State: Mississippi
Address: Wool Market
Activities: Mish, CG, Cuddling
Hair Length and Color: Light brown to shoulders
Age: 33
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Maybe a little heavier than the pictures, but still very attractive.
Recommendation: No
Moonchild's Avatar
I’d put a no, and wrong state
NolaScofflaw's Avatar
Could a mod move this to Mississippi?
Romboid's Avatar
She probably took too much NyQuil.
skeeter's Avatar
Report moved to proper area
I would put a big NO. I had a similar experience the 1st encounter I had with her when she used to advertise on BP was great.

The 2nd experience with her now on eccie was a disaster like she was off, hard to believe it was the same girl I thought she got brand new because of the eccie status . It was her but she wasnt really there.

If we keep giving yes recommendations to bad service they will keep doing to you or the next guy. A no recommendation will make her work harder and show some enthusiasm during session
Deeznutz00's Avatar
Love is right on this one. Alot of guys on the coast say she is they're go to girl but with service like that I'm wondering how could you recommend her to other hobbyists who spend their hard earned money. The 1st experience sounds like you had a good time but that second experience sounds like a nightmare. Dont reccomend if they're not worth recommending, its 100% o.k. to say no, hell no, never again and other people will thank you for it.
NolaScofflaw's Avatar
Maybe it happens more often than I assumed. I would imagine that would show up more in reviews if that were the case. I guess it should be a "No", based on this experience. The edit button disappeared or I would change it. Feel free to change it for me, mods. If you're well off enough to justify taking the gamble, I would take it to see what happens. Finding someone that can deliver on the level that she is or was capable of is difficult. But I could have had the same experience for much less closer to home.
Moonchild's Avatar
I had one visit with her and I have to say she knew how to grind...but overall, the experience wasn’t enough for me to do future dates. I chalked it up to YMMV
I've had a few experiences with her that were great but all around 2 years ago . She was sweet as candy back then . I'll probably give her another go if she comes back up this way . Sorry you had a less than stellar experience
Thanks NolaScofflaw for your "No" recommendation. This will help her show some enthusiasm during session or not to book an appointment on a day she is not feeling well at all.

You can pm the mods to change the recommendation to No like you want
Date: 8/31/18
Name: Loveashley
Phone: (228) 257-3590
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=379661
City: Biloxi
State: Mississippi
Address: Wool Market
Activities: Mish, CG, Cuddling
Hair Length and Color: Light brown to shoulders
Age: 33
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Maybe a little heavier than the pictures, but still very attractive.
Recommendation: Yes Originally Posted by NolaScofflaw
Am I missing something why would you give her a yes if you thought it was a no?
I have spent time with her a few times and had fun. Its been a long time ago now probably a few years but I would repeat for a qv
I saw her twice back in the spring and she was a sweet as could be, attentive and a good time. Sounds like an off day for sure though....
bamacoach's Avatar
I saw her a few weeks ago and she was Staff edit. Forbidden topic, dj8 . Had not showered etc. I packed up and headed out. Should have not given the donation.