Whistling past the graveyard

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The democrats are afraid that Obama will be impeached if the GOP gets control of the Senate. Wonder what they know. This is even more disturbing with the fact that the House could impeach Obama right now. They can't get a conviction in the Senate but they can impeach. So what are they worried about...........maybe they are worried that besides an impeachment, the GOP could get a conviction in the Senate with a couple of democratic senators after the new Senate is seated. Yes, that makes sense and it is logical. The democrats know that they are going to lose the Senate and want to make sure that the GOP can't get a conviction which of course would lead to Obama's removal and become another drag on Hillary (if she didn't get convicted as well).

flghtr65's Avatar
The democrats are afraid that Obama will be impeached if the GOP gets control of the Senate. Wonder what they know. This is even more disturbing with the fact that the House could impeach Obama right now. They can't get a conviction in the Senate but they can impeach. So what are they worried about...........maybe they are worried that besides an impeachment, the GOP could get a conviction in the Senate with a couple of democratic senators after the new Senate is seated. Yes, that makes sense and it is logical. The democrats know that they are going to lose the Senate and want to make sure that the GOP can't get a conviction which of course would lead to Obama's removal and become another drag on Hillary (if she didn't get convicted as well).

http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/28/dn...possibility/#! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The repubtards will do anything to keep Hillary out the White House. The repubtards feel that Chis Christie can compete with Hillary but are afraid that any other repubtard would get destroyed by Hillary in the electoral college.
lostincypress's Avatar
A 2/3's majority is required in the Senate. A few Democratic Senators? Not going to happen.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-29-2013, 08:24 AM
The democrats are afraid that Obama will be impeached if the GOP gets control of the Senate. Wonder what they know. This is even more disturbing with the fact that the House could impeach Obama right now. They can't get a conviction in the Senate but they can impeach. So what are they worried about...........maybe they are worried that besides an impeachment, the GOP could get a conviction in the Senate with a couple of democratic senators after the new Senate is seated. Yes, that makes sense and it is logical. The democrats know that they are going to lose the Senate and want to make sure that the GOP can't get a conviction which of course would lead to Obama's removal and become another drag on Hillary (if she didn't get convicted as well).

http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/28/dn...t-possibility/#! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't be irrational, I doubt they are seriously contemplating that..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A 2/3's majority is required in the Senate. A few Democratic Senators? Not going to happen. Originally Posted by lostincypress
You and Bertie should go talk to the author about who is irrational. I'm just the messenger. It looks like those pesky democrats are either trying to create drama to fuck with the voters and increase donations or they really fear impeachment and conviction. You make the call but blame the democrats and not the messenger.
Admiral, you're either drunk, high on the unmentionable subject or crazy as a shit-house rat if you think there is any chance that Obama is going to be impeached....no matter what happens in the elections.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess Timmie started celebrating early. He thinks I wrote that article or that I am on the fund raising arm of the DNC. Too stupid to breed.
BigLouie's Avatar
ZERO and I mean ZERO chance it happens. When you talk impeachment and removal from office the balls of the Senate shrivel up to the size of BBs. The Senate takes it very serious and would never consider the option based on popularity or some of the half-baked theories I see floating around.
Nov 2014 is so close...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. 17 Seats swing the House to the Democratic Party.

Keep screaming about impeachment ... But watch your asses!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WHY? Why are lefties unable to read? This is an article about democrat fund raising missives. The only ones talking about impeachment is the left. This has nothing to do with the right. You would know that if you could read and think. To reiterate, the DNC thinks you believe this. Either you are too stupid to understand or you do understand which means they THINK you are too stupid. Either way, it does not suggest much respect for you by your masters in the DNC. I know you would like to change the subject but that is how it is. You're fools and your masters demand your money.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Brilliant, JD! They STILL don't get it! Well played!

RedLeg505's Avatar
Yep. 17 Seats swing the House to the Democratic Party.

Keep screaming about impeachment ... But watch your asses! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So Yssup.. did YOU send your money to the DNC like they asked to prevent Obama's impeachment?

Or did you MISS the point that it was the DNC "screaming about impeachment' there?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-29-2013, 11:02 PM
Brilliant, JD! They STILL don't get it! Well played!
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Did you read wtf JD wrote? He thinks they can get an impeachment! That is what posters were responding to dipshit.

The democrats are afraid that Obama will be impeached if the GOP gets control of the Senate. Wonder what they know. This is even more disturbing with the fact that the House could impeach Obama right now. They can't get a conviction in the Senate but they can impeach. So what are they worried about...........maybe they are worried that besides an impeachment, the GOP could get a conviction in the Senate with a couple of democratic senators after the new Senate is seated. Yes, that makes sense and it is logical. The democrats know that they are going to lose the Senate and want to make sure that the GOP can't get a conviction which of course would lead to Obama's removal and become another drag on Hillary (if she didn't get convicted as well).

http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/28/dnc-sends-email-defending-obama-from-impeachment-possibility/#! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn