Kansas gets it right.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Governor has signed a bill that allows concealed carry in the state of Kansas without the need to pay money for a "permit". It goes into affect on 1 July. No more having to worry the expiration date, or having it on your person in case you need it. No more having to worry about an accidental display while moving around in the city.
You are as dumb as the trolls that passed it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great! How about an accidental discharge?
No, even I can't agree with this one. This is madness.
dirty dog's Avatar
No, even I can't agree with this one. This is madness. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Why, nothing is going to change. Do you think bad guys weren't carrying because they did not have a permit. Have you attended the "training" section that was required to get a permit. Do you really think that training makes a difference, was it really benefitial or rather a revenue stream for the state government. Bag guys are going to carry whether or not there is a permit requirement in place. There will not be an increase in violence related to this, nor will there be an increase in passion shootings.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Great! How about an accidental discharge? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We don't need to hear the story of your conception, AssupLiar.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
We don't need to hear the story of your conception, AssupLiar. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
one your best
Why, nothing is going to change. Do you think bad guys weren't carrying because they did not have a permit. Have you attended the "training" section that was required to get a permit. Do you really think that training makes a difference, was it really benefitial or rather a revenue stream for the state government. Bag guys are going to carry whether or not there is a permit requirement in place. There will not be an increase in violence related to this, nor will there be an increase in passion shootings. Originally Posted by dirty dog
No training no background checks from the FBI or the local sheriff What could go wrong ? There was open carry already, so you can strap on your AK and get a burger at Mckie D's. 'I'm waiting for a couple of guys to meet in the street for a shootout like in the movies.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That old canard from the left again! It has not happened. As DD said, criminals don't get permits and the sincere honest carrier trains to be able to do the right thing at the right time. That other group, we will call them cowboys, doesn't train most of the time and doesn't give their responsibilities any real thought but here is the dirty secret; most self defense shooting occur at less than 10 feet and it is hard to miss at that range. Second, even the most jaded person can recognize when their life is in jeopardy which is the basis for a good shoot. Third, the criminals, we'll call them the bad guys, don't care about permits, training, or intentions. They care about getting the money and walking away. If they suspect, think, or know that you are carrying they have a dilemma; do they take the chance that they lose, or do they risk it which brings about a new problem; are they ready to kill someone for money. Most people, even criminals, don't want to cross this line. That hard core who will kill for a bus pass, would do it concealed carry or not. At least we don't have to go like rabbits to the slaughter house. We can fight back whether we are unsuccessful or not.
Besides, being armed and self defense are god given(or you can say nature given) rights that the government has been in the way too long.

As for the gunfighter scenario and the old west analogy; most gunfights were ambushes or back shootings. The Matt Dillon, two men in the street, is mostly a Hollywood invention. What idiot wants to engage in a real gun fight unless it is to raise the tension level for an audience? I'm sure that it happened once in a great while but it is more myth than substance. In fact, Fox News will be showing a series about the western myths, legends, and the truth later this month. You might check it out.

The strapping on the old AK is a sadly stupid comment.
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 12:24 PM
Why, nothing is going to change. Do you think bad guys weren't carrying because they did not have a permit. Have you attended the "training" section that was required to get a permit. Do you really think that training makes a difference, was it really benefitial or rather a revenue stream for the state government. Bag guys are going to carry whether or not there is a permit requirement in place. There will not be an increase in violence related to this, nor will there be an increase in passion shootings. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I did not know that the bag guy at my local walmart was carrying!

Taking Kansas off my list now. Oh wait, it was never on it. Why the FUCK would it be on it?
Why, nothing is going to change. Do you think bad guys weren't carrying because they did not have a permit. Have you attended the "training" section that was required to get a permit. Do you really think that training makes a difference, was it really benefitial or rather a revenue stream for the state government. Bag guys are going to carry whether or not there is a permit requirement in place. There will not be an increase in violence related to this, nor will there be an increase in passion shootings. Originally Posted by dirty dog
There are many reasons why requiring a CCW permit is a good idea. Stopping a criminal from carrying a concealed weapon is not one of them.

You and JD have both made a HUGE and VERY wrong assumption that the responsible, law abiding citizen who chooses to carry a concealed weapon has, of their own free will, availed themselves of hand gun safety courses, target practice, etc to ensure that they actually know what they are doing.

Been on Youtube lately? Type in "idiots with guns" on Youtube. I assure you, you will find hours of quality entertainment. But it will also drive home the point that you don't have to be criminal to be an idiot, and a gun in the hands of an idiot is no better than a gun in the hands of a criminal.

We have to get a license to drive a car, and in order to obtain a license you must demonstrate a modicum of knowledge of how to handle a car safely. Requiring citizens to obtain a license to drive does not stop idiots from driving without a license, nor does it stop idiots from crashing their cars. It does however, ensure that the majority of drivers have had enough training to be reasonably safe behind the wheel - as long as they don't drink, and as long as they put their stupid phones down.

I don't believe that the requirements to obtain a CCW permit should be so onerous as to make it impossible or nearly impossible to obtain one. However, it is not unreasonable for the rest of society to expect anyone granted permission to carry a concealed weapon to have enough practice and training to carry their weapon safely.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Have you taken a CCW class in Kansas? It will not stop you from shooting yourself, the wrong person, or doing something incredibly dumb. Training is about disseminating information only. The only skill they ask for is to shoot a target from a short distance.

I would agree with getting some training and the more difficult the better but this has always been about getting money for the state. Remember, the current law says that the state MUST issue a permit if you pass the training....know anyone who has failed the training? I've never heard of any. So you take the training, you squeak through with your stupidity intact, and the state has to issue you a permit. Most of the people I know go shooting on a regular basis. The people who just get the permit usually get tired of having to watch what they do and how they dress. They just quit.

Of course this is all generalities and there are exceptions. Exceptions are what the left cling to in order to prove that everyone is a problem (except them).
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 03:29 PM

Been on Youtube lately? Type in "idiots with guns" on Youtube. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I believe that is the name of JD's youtube channel.
Have you taken a CCW class in Kansas? It will not stop you from shooting yourself, the wrong person, or doing something incredibly dumb. Training is about disseminating information only. The only skill they ask for is to shoot a target from a short distance.

I would agree with getting some training and the more difficult the better but this has always been about getting money for the state. Remember, the current law says that the state MUST issue a permit if you pass the training....know anyone who has failed the training? I've never heard of any. So you take the training, you squeak through with your stupidity intact, and the state has to issue you a permit. Most of the people I know go shooting on a regular basis. The people who just get the permit usually get tired of having to watch what they do and how they dress. They just quit.

Of course this is all generalities and there are exceptions. Exceptions are what the left cling to in order to prove that everyone is a problem (except them). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yah I took one have had it for years, You and DD don't care now illegals or domestic abusers or petty criminals can carry legal. If you took it apparently did no good must have been one who squeaked through.
dirty dog's Avatar
Yah I took one have had it for years, You and DD don't care now illegals or domestic abusers or petty criminals can carry legal (As I said bad guys don't get the permit to carry anyway. Requiring a permit does not prevent them from carrying. They will do that anyway its in their nature. As for illegals, if the President doesn't care how they get here, why should I care that they carry. Are you stating that illegals are all criminals and a dangerous element?, explain how a permit stops that). If you took it apparently did no good must have been one who squeaked through. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The permit process was put in as a punishment by the left for passing the orginal conceled carry law. They didn't want the law, when the saw that was a losing battle they wanted all this training and all these fees for the sole purpose of taxing anyone who wanted one. The no permit required law is in effect in 4 other states and have not resulted in an increase in violent crime or incidents of accidental discharging of the firearm.