Rep. Tlaib praises group that calls to end US aid to Israel: 'I get strength from all of you'

  • oeb11
  • 10-08-2021, 08:30 AM

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., participated in a virtual event Thursday that supported Palestinians in Gaza while demonizing Israel, praising those involved for their activism.

The event, "Gaza is Palestine," was hosted by Palestinian activist Mohammed El-Kurd, who early in the event called for the U.S. to "end all Israeli funding" and said Congress was "spineless" for "aiding and abetting" Israel by providing aid. Tlaib made a brief appearance late in the program and thanked others for their efforts.
"I don't feel alone with all of you," the congresswoman said, when asked about sometimes being the only member of Congress speaking out against Israel in support of Palestinians. "I get strength from all of you."
Tlaib did not address Israel directly in her brief appearance, but she has been a vocal supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that seeks to isolate and pressure Israel for what she has called "racist" polices.
Thursday's event focused on an Israeli air strike on Gaza in May in which Palestinian civilians were killed. According to the event's organizers, the dead included 22 people from one family.
El-Kurd said it was clear who the "villain" in the story is, although the attack came after Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls Gaza, had fired thousands of rockets into Israel, including at Jerusalem, as part of a wave of violence.
A spokesperson for the Israeli army said the Palestinian civilian casualties were an "unintended" result of an attack on Hamas' "underground military infrastructure." The foundations of the civilians' homes were destroyed when Israel struck the underground facility below them.
At the time of the strike, more than 3,000 rockets had been fired toward Israel from Gaza. Few Israelis died in those strikes due to the Iron Dome defense system intercepting most of the rockets. Left-wing Democrats including Tlaib successfully pushed to have continued funding for the Iron Dome stripped from a recent U.S. spending package. Other Democrats and Republicans in the House then overwhelmingly passed a new measure to provide the funding, but the bill has stalled in the Senate due to Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., wanting the money to come from unused Afghanistan funds instead of a separate appropriation.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

DPST minions /sheeples - Here is Your very own Nomenklatura spewing racist, marxist hatred of all Jewish Peoples in this World
The racism and hatred is ingrained and institutionalized in teh DPST party by teh AOC 'squad' that is teh real leadership of teh DPSTs
Your very own racism and hatred is shown.

happy Now????
Will you be happier when a marxist government puts all jewish Peoples adn Conservatives in AOC concentration camps???
-Your idiotology won't let you think about 'that' - will it ????
So SAD for YOU - DPST victims of racist, marxist indoctrination.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands.
She's entitled to her-own opinion there, mate.
(Unless she claims Biden stole the election
or that OBama did a shitty job as president.)

Just as the people in the great state of Michigan
have the right to VOTE her OUT next time.

### Salty
  • oeb11
  • 10-08-2021, 03:11 PM
SA - just as the DPST cry 'Racist" - against all of a different political POV

They must look in teh mirror at their own institutional Racism and hatred of all Jewish Peoples in teh world.

No - I disagree with your post

The DPST party is NOT entitled to Racism and hatred of a peaceful, productive People in America and this World! SA - I expect you would decry anti - black People racial discrimination - as a product of ignorance, fear, and hatred,

The same is operative for those who are ignorant, fear, and hate the Jewish People's due to Nazi false propaganda planted in teh Middle East after WW2 by Otto Skorzeny. .

No - they are not 'entitled to Hate " and create a New Holocaust - which is exactly what teh 'squad' plans.
rexdutchman's Avatar
A lot of False propaganda flying around
pfunkdenver's Avatar
A lot of False propaganda flying around Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I know! I wish OEB would post a little less!
  • oeb11
  • 10-09-2021, 06:17 PM
Thank U -pfd

Another New Holocaust enabler raises his head above teh muck and mire of teh propaganda of teh DPST antiSemitic racist party!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pathetically race baiting will not advance your case, bub. Give it a rest already. Your ignorance is only eclipsed by your eloquent expression of it.

Name calling and Tourette-like verbal ejaculation. Baseless accusations and falsehoods.

Every day, all goddamned day long.

No, this person is not the gateway to the next Holocaust. You’re incapable of comprehending the last.

Seek professional help, son. Or ESL classes.

rexdutchman's Avatar