Blacks says...PISSANT you ain't treating kammola right!!

Former White House official Keith Boykin also took an implicit shot at Joe Biden, saying that Harris was going to be harmed because she was working for someone who didn’t have a “pro-black agenda.”

More Dem Division: Black Voices Upset With How Biden Has Treated Kamala Harris

Joe Biden has been doing so badly in the polls that, by comparison, Kamala Harris seems to be rising.

She’s still not doing particularly well. But, because she hasn’t gotten as much negative press as he has lately, and she’s been more hiding out, she’s fared better. Pollster John Zogby is warning, however, any buzz for Harris rising seems to be just inside the Beltway — he isn’t seeing it elsewhere.

Harris is caught in the middle, when it comes to the situation she’s in now. She’s attached herself to an incredibly weak person who’s cratering in popularity and whose policies are an abysmal train wreck. That’s not, ultimately, a good look for anyone who wants to run again, and she most certainly does.

Kamala is like Biden in that whenever she opens her mouth, she has a tendency to stick her foot in it, accompanied by an annoying cackle. So, the more she hides out, the better off she generally is — as long as the attention isn’t focused on her.

But to her supporters and some black voices, they don’t think that Biden has helped her with the jobs that he’s given her that haven’t served her well, such as the border issue.

From Washington Examiner:

“Her portfolio is trash,” said friend Bakari Sellers of Biden’s assignment to her of immigration and election reform. “You give someone a portfolio that’s not meant for them to succeed,” he said at a discussion hosted this week by Washington’s Politics and Prose bookstore.

While an impressive list of issues, he said that Biden has stopped her from making progress and often blocked her path by compromising with congressional Democrats on issues such as ending the filibuster.

“The reason I call it trash, which is a colloquialism to describe a no-win situation, is because you did not give her something where she could be successful. You did not give her something that best used her talents to improve the plight of many people in this country, particularly people of color. For example, immigration, I mean, allow her to go to the border and have a conversation,” he added.

Sellers is most certainly right about that. Giving someone the border crisis, with no effort to really resolve it, is a guaranteed stinker and it hasn’t helped her. On the other hand, as far as I know, she could have gone to the borderfor more than a layover and done more than she has, in fact, done. Is Sellers saying they aren’t letting her do more? That would be an interesting, if that were true.

Former White House official Keith Boykin also took an implicit shot at Joe Biden, saying that Harris was going to be harmed because she was working for someone who didn’t have a “pro-black agenda.”

“I think she’s in a bad, bad position,” he said. “I don’t think it’s just a question of messaging. She’s working for an administration that is not aggressively pushing a pro-black agenda, and I don’t think she’s going to be very successful in 2024 or 2028 and in reaching out to black voters if she’s tied to a Biden administration that is incapable of accomplishing anything for black people,” he added.

But she signed aboard, knowing Biden had issues. Indeed, she even called out Biden’s issues on race during the campaign in the primary debates. This shouldn’t be a surprise to her or to anyone else.

Bottom line? She bought aboard this sinking ship, and she’s earned whatever blowback it may cost her.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 10-08-2021, 02:55 PM
SM - she ain't 'black' - even if fiden said she was

However - the country is caught between a fire adn frying pan - neither fiden nor KumHOeLa are capable of leading this country in teh Oval Office.

either choice is BAD!!!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Another OCD rant. Using other people's words. Can't express himself on the "page" because . . .

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Instead of acting like Kidney Person, be more like these 19th-century literary haters.

Today, for no reason in particular, I’m thinking about writerly infighting. It’s alarming to know that your insulting groupchat messages could become public—especially in a culture of networking, where negative feelings about fellow writers are mostly expressed through texts, emails, and bar hangs. But if the contents of your groupchat can be subpoenaed and published at any time, maybe it’s better to cut out the middleman and air your gripes directly—like five naturalist writers in 1887, who took to the newspaper to publish a group-authored manifesto about how much they hated Emile Zola’s new book.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
They roasted his experimental, document-based novels: “[Zola is] armed with faked documents picked up at third hand, full of Hugoesque bombast . . . and lapsing into perpetual repetition and stereotyped phrases.” They outed him as being preoccupied with his sales numbers: not only did his work seem sales-oriented, they said, but “those of us who have heard him talk are not unaware of it.” They said he was psychologically unstable: “Some attributed [his writing] to a disease of the lower organs of the writer, to the mania of a solitary monk.” They also claimed that his bad writing was due to a balance disorder from his kidney disease (?!).
I'm going to use that (?!) and then the period.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
The Five were clearly drama queens, but this literary feud feels ideal to me: everyone got to say their piece. I do believe in niceness, but in a way, I wish more writers acted like this—then, at least people wouldn’t worry about how they appear to others. Plus, it’s fun to read about. More brutal honesty! More self-important pans! Instead of being a Bad Art Friend, consider being a Good Art Enemy.

Got this one... Really Easy.

Our famous Australian artist - Picassoe! Sure looks like him...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That would be Cantinflas, a famous Mexican.
adav8s28's Avatar
SM - she ain't 'black' - even if fiden said she was
Originally Posted by oeb11
K. Harris's father is a black man from Jamaica. Have you seen his complexion? LOL. That would make his daughter (Kamala) a black woman.

You have said that you have published in the New England Journal of Medicine. I assume you know what genes and chromosomes are right? Kamala has some black genes professor. You just have to accept that.
rexdutchman's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Got this one... Really Easy.

Our famous Australian artist - Picassoe! Sure looks like him...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I like this guy. Salty, try this one mate!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by rexdutchman
yeah... they're outta their minds!
VitaMan's Avatar
This thread title and OP opinion piece sounds like a receiver complaining:

"Billy Bob won't throw me the ball. Because I'm black."

But we did get to see the word "pissant" thrown in again.....just like yesterday....and the day before....and the day before that. and...
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Kamala is a victim of white supremacy

However, she also happens to be a white supremacist