Fuck You Very Much Austin Forums !

A lot of the more interesting posters have left these forums . It has deteriorated into a clusterfuck of stupid asshole morons whose every post has to be a punch line , or a comment about their nuts . How incredibly fucking boring you all have become ! So I've decided to let the fucking monkeys have the zoo , done with this shit pit ! I'm not disabling my account , still will be hobbying and reviewing . But that will be the extent of my participation on Eccie anymore ! To my friends I will still check my pm's , and you have my number or email . Whispers pretty much said the same thing minus the expletives , when he decided it was not a place of entertainment or discussion anymore . He was right , it wasnt 'til last night that I finally realized that I don't like it anymore ! Listening to morons crack a joke every single post , makes funny comments NOT funny . It's like you died and went to hell , and get to listen to the same comedian tell the same stupid fucking jokes over and over again , nonstop 27/7 for the rest of eternity ! Truly Fucking Pathetic ! Fuck You Austin Forums !
I agree it's pretty fucking pathetic around here lately. I find myself posting less and less except when I'm fucked up myself and having a little fun. I was going to post in your debate thread but it was fucked up by all the ass hats trying to clown around.

I second your thoughts

fun2come's Avatar
Will miss you guys ...sorry you are so turned off ....
Reincarnated's Avatar
Tell me how you really feel...
Yep, I've got big nuts!
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 03-18-2013, 08:51 PM
Unfortunately this is the way of nearly all open type forums. Doesn't matter if it's hobby, some dating site or even boards like LinkedIn.

There's only been one site I ever saw that attempted to control the moronic inserts into a meaningful thread. What they did there was give control over to the originator of the topic/discussion who could delete the idiot remarks (or actually anything they didn't like posted). That gave the moderators a break since they can't be everywhere.

Your solution is easiest for you.
Seems difficult to "measure" the inherent quality of any given post. As Supreme Court once said, "know it when i see it"... seems inadequate, and subjective.

One objective measurement system (tool in this context) would be to simply divide the number of POSTS by the number of REVIEWS. In the case of the OP approximately 165 posts, per 1 review. 1:165.

The OP raises helpful point, with some wry irony arising from fact that significant of volume has been delivered by the OP, more than double that of Homer with less than 1:100.

Trees and most of the community can fairly easily "screen out" the noise without too much fuss. Being - as it is - a forum on the internet.

Thanks Rocker! Rock on.

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-18-2013, 10:32 PM
Yeah I took some time out due to the mini mafia pretense of the board for a while (what a fucking joke). But I do have beeg cawk and beeg ballz. So I take offense to your assertation Rocker
too bad this isnt face book, then i could hit the 'like' button.
its the internet, get over it, btw this is my first post or comment in a loooooong time.

Easy come, easy go. No great loss.
Easy come, easy go. No great loss. Originally Posted by Smokin Joe
Plus one. It's always interesting to observe how a few try to decide what is meaningful for everyone and have chased away others who did not meet their expectations.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess we have to close the website down. With all due respect to RR, whom I've found to be a value contributor on many diverse subjects, life will go on after his departure.
Passion2015's Avatar
I have to agree with you Rocker on both sides providers and hobbyist unfortunately and that's why I only observe and participate very little anymore. Just saying!!!!!
What took you so long? This is no new development. Eccie is best for checking reviews and keeping an eye out for that increasingly rare "Gotta meet" fresh new talent.
When the pickins became generally more appealing in the civie world and the forum became nothing more than a source for perpetual negative tit for tat and multi handled instigators the forum became old an pointless pretty quick.
One can only tell themselves to get a life so many times before they finally take heed. Time to get a life I guess
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 03-19-2013, 12:49 PM
Pretty much why I'm not around much anymore. Intellectually, things just got a little dull around here. I prefer to just hobby through p411, and not review anymore. All the ladies are over there, and many that arent even here. I just checked in here for the first time in weeks, and frankly, this is the only thread worth commenting on.
