Interesting Dyanmic Graphic to Watch How Provider Business May Have Been Effected

Ugh that is so depressing to look at.
BRB, moving to Nebraska.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I'm going UP past the USA. I was to go to London or Canada.
That was depressing.
Its funny how surprised we are when seeing something in front of our faces that we pretty much already knew. My mouth just dropped open as the graphic progressed, but I knew this. I've seen snippets of life across the country all over the national news. And still, its startling.

I'm going back to Germany, where at least my family will give me a job in their bakeries. LOL.
pyramider's Avatar
A provider covered in batter . . . Yummy!
BRB, moving to Nebraska. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Wahoo, Nebraska has been expecting you.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Thanks for posting that interesting chart, Normal Bob.

Purple used to be my favorite color, but yellow looks much better on this particular chart.

We just have to remember that after every recession comes expansion.

But one has to wonder what's holding the expansion back so damn long?