Glad the Chiefs won BUT...

JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 10-31-2010, 02:50 PM
OT would of been moot if Haley would of kicked the field goal in the first half, instead of going for it on 4th down once again. I get it, he is trying to build confidence in this young team, and establish a killer attitude. I could see that the first few games, but not now. The Chiefs have shown to be a good team and are winning their division.

This going for it on 4th down is not gutzy playcalling, it's stupid and will cost the Chiefs a game sooner or almost did today. Take the damn points in low scoring games like this. I don't think the wind was a factor in the first half (as far as kicking the fieldgoal), so that is no excuse. I like Haley, but he drives me crazy when he pulls this shit. It will bite the Chiefs in the ass if he keeps it up.
jelq's Avatar
  • jelq
  • 10-31-2010, 02:58 PM
No joke.

It was REALLLY windy there today, though. But come on, these are the 0-7 Buffalo Bills... we should have blown them out.

The Defense did their job... but Cassel is completely ineffective.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 10-31-2010, 04:30 PM
I think the last couple games, Cassel has played pretty good. Especially the last drive that won the game, he made some good throws that put us in the position to kick the game winning fieldgoal. He's not a franchise QB, and at this point, he doesn't have to be with their running game...just manage the game and make very few errors. He hasn't thrown an INT in over 100 passes, and has the scrambling ability to avoid crucial sacks. Is he the answer in the long run? I doubt it, but I'm all for giving him this year to make the case. More than likely, they will probably draft a QB probably somewhere in the middle rounds for competition, and one never knows, we may get lucky and pick up the next Brady. Funny, but possible.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
look at your teams past just be happy
jelq's Avatar
  • jelq
  • 10-31-2010, 08:41 PM
look at your teams past just be happy Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
That's a bullshit response.

I'm pleased we are better... but the quarterback sucks... but yeah, it's better than it has been. This team could actually be a contender, but won't due to the QB pissing down his leg in crunchtime.
swarmyone's Avatar
This looks like Martyball all over again. Not saying its a bad thing...we've had lots of success before. Solid running game, mediocre quarterback, and good defense will get you to the first round of the playoffs. Need a little luck to move on though.
dirty dog's Avatar
You cannot put all the blame on Cassel although I do not think he is the answser, but ask yourself this, do we have only one WR. I mean if it was not bowe it was no one. We need a deep threat taldented receiver for the number 1 spot, move bowe to the and we still would need another talented slot receiver. OUr receivers suck and they always have in KC. Even when he has a good passing game under Vermeil think what we could have done with some real receivers and not a worn out Eddie Kennison. Recievers should be 1,2 and 3 on the shopping list this off season.
jelq's Avatar
  • jelq
  • 11-01-2010, 12:47 AM
This looks like Martyball all over again. Not saying its a bad thing...we've had lots of success before. Solid running game, mediocre quarterback, and good defense will get you to the first round of the playoffs. Need a little luck to move on though. Originally Posted by swarmyone
I'm with you... only difference is Marty had no ballsack.

Haley is a renegade with risk in his blood.

I'm liking this team. IMO, with a decent QB that the coaches TRUST... they could go far into the playoffs.

Also, this is a YOUNG team... with years of upside! That is exciting.
jayhawkrobbie's Avatar
Haley needs to learn the value of a field many games in the NFL are decided by seven points or less. He eschewed the field goal last week against the Jaguars with ten minutes left in the game and an eight point lead...a field goal there would have salted the game away.
Not taking the easy three points when it's available is going to come back and bite him one of these days, it almost did Sunday.

I'm not sure why Cassel gets so much hate in this town...last time I checked he was the ninth rated QB in the NFL and moving up.
I've never been a big Cassel fan, but I have to give him credit where credit is due, he is doing what is asked of him (managing the game and not turning the ball over).
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-01-2010, 08:58 AM
I think the Buffs are a better team than their record indicates. They had a close one the week before. The game next week scares me.
Gryphon's Avatar
You cannot put all the blame on Cassel although I do not think he is the answser, but ask yourself this, do we have only one WR. I mean if it was not bowe it was no one. We need a deep threat taldented receiver for the number 1 spot, move bowe to the and we still would need another talented slot receiver. OUr receivers suck and they always have in KC. Even when he has a good passing game under Vermeil think what we could have done with some real receivers and not a worn out Eddie Kennison. Recievers should be 1,2 and 3 on the shopping list this off season. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Moeaki and McCluster have been good options, but I agree with you overall. They have a few other needs, like a young center (Weigmann won't play much longer), but at least two WR's are almost a must. It's hard to tell on some of Cassel's bad throws whether the problem is him, the receiver, or both.