How to be a Whore

PickUpSticks's Avatar
In6ub9's Avatar
I want my 4 minutes back.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
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daty/o's Avatar
So, have you ever sucked a bag of dicks? Originally Posted by PickUpSticks
pmdelites's Avatar
pick up sticks,

it would be helpful if you added some personal note or commentary or even a summary of what's at the link. it would save folks some time and reduce the load on servers in the ethersphere. it might also help people get a better bead on your board personality.

thanks. 9048

Originally Posted by PickUpSticks
Always use aliases and call spoofing when attempting to setup an appointment. I usually pick a random name out of the phone book and then call spoof so his land line number will show up on her cell phone.

Too much risk in giving clients real world info or even board handles. You never know when a provider may roll on her clients when popped by le or go psycho out of the blue like some clients.

It's funny when I leave pieces of paper instead of cash in the envelope and the provider calls John Doe (name I looked up in the phone book) using the number that showed up on her phone. Instead of getting my cell phone which I used to call her, she gets the real land line and real John Doe. John Doe's wife answers the phone and the provider tells her all about John Doe's dirty little secrets. While all of this is happening I'm driving down the freeway laughing my ass off that the provider has no way of knowing who I really was!
pmdelites's Avatar
So, have you ever sucked a bag of dicks? Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
only a poster w/ a handle like yours would post a link to that comedy routine. Louis' routine absolutely had me ROTFLMAO!!!!
pmdelites's Avatar
actually the first video "how to be a whore" is pretty crazy funny, imo.
good filming, sets, costuming, and makeup.
and having a woman play brocan and a man play sally.

had me lauging on the floor.
check out some of onision's videos.
like this one "how to get pregnant."
at least they are creatively funny, something that cant be said about PickUpStick's posts.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
What, exactly, does it take to get banned around here?
PickUpSticks's Avatar
What, exactly, does it take to get banned around here?
You looking to get banned sharky?
Okay dose that remind anyone else of Napoleon Dynamite?
pmdelites's Avatar
What, exactly, does it take to get banned around here? Originally Posted by sharktrager
i suggest you go ask in the "ask the mods" or similary titled forum.

but, i'd say being an asshole, a jerk, a racist, a druggie, a pedophile, a person who let someone else post while you were signed on, an personal attacker of other board members or moderators, etc....

[i'd ignore the answer "pick up sticks" gave.]
SweetAterPie's Avatar
i suggest you go ask in the "ask the mods" or similary titled forum.

but, i'd say being an asshole, a jerk, a racist, a druggie, a pedophile, a person who let someone else post while you were signed on, an personal attacker of other board members or moderators, etc....

[i'd ignore the answer "pick up sticks" gave.] Originally Posted by pmdelites
I suggest a mirror.
