How much does age affect service?

Daen1304's Avatar
This I want answers from everyone. You have an opinion, give it here. You think I'm full of it? Tell me!

Okay here's the deal. I am pretty sure I am on of the youngest male members, possibly the youngest active one in Dallas. And when I mean active, I mean currently posting. I am 27. But I look between 20 and 30 depending how stressed and tired I am. I still get carded for Rate M video games... I look like I shouldn't be drinking is what I'm saying.

Now, I have actually been given mini lectures due to this. I have had more than one tell me I am too young, this is something for old men and that I should get a girlfriend. They still go through with the session, but I still get that warning. And it is a warning. The kind a dealer gives if they actually care about their customers. Now, here's the thing. I only have gotte that response from providers that are late 20's or older. The younger women respond by telling me to get undress then proceeding to rock my damn world. The older ones act like they are assisting me in a hard point in my life. The younger ones act like they are on a mission to make me forget my name. And a certain one damn near succeeded. And at first I thought it was just the younger ones were just ... more enthusiastic in general. But I booked a session with Chris in the AMP circuit specifically because the reviews painted her ans incredibly enthusiastic. And she ended up mothering me. No seriously. I didn't even review her because I felt our lack of chemistry destory the experience for both of us.

So I was wondering about the whole age thing. I would go out and do my own "personal" research. But I'm not much of a hobbiest myself. I have only seen about 5 or so ladies since I started 4 years ago. And I generally only do that since it is the best way for me to destress. So, to be specific, what do you all think about the age thing? Do you find providers react to the age of their clients? Ladies, do you feel a guys age is important? And no one needs to bring up the whole "Minimal Age" thing I see some ladies do. I know a lot of guys in my age range are immature jackwagons. I have met plenty that I have told to grow up. This would be interesting to know, especially since I introduced my friend to Ashli, and he is 22
Having providers lecture you about being too young is annoying until they don't do it anymore. Then you really fucking miss it.
OldGrump's Avatar
Wait until they run to the edge of the bed to help you up. Then you'll know your age is showing.
If I'd started hobbying at your age I wouldn't have one red cent to my name today (LOLS). But, seriously, if you are enjoying the hobby....don't want/ need the hassles that go along with a relationship (g/f, spouse, etc) and providers are "providing" you all you need in regards to "female companionship, etc"...then what do you care if a lecture comes along with getting laid? Just keep on enjoying what you're enjoying (and be grateful you don't need to pop that little blue "vitamin" before heading to your session).
My fear is the day comes when the young lady opens the door and tells me I'm obviously "lost" and that the nursing home is a couple of blocks over.
Daen1304's Avatar
Having providers lecture you about being too young is annoying until they don't do it anymore. Then you really fucking miss it. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Yeah, already understand that. I am starting to get annoyed when I'm not ID'ed or when people get my age right.

Wait until they run to the edge of the bed to help you up. Then you'll know your age is showing. Originally Posted by OldGrump
That made me laugh, stop that. I'm goofing off on my cell at work.

If I'd started hobbying at your age I wouldn't have one red cent to my name today (LOLS). But, seriously, if you are enjoying the hobby....don't want/ need the hassles that go along with a relationship (g/f, spouse, etc) and providers are "providing" you all you need in regards to "female companionship, etc"...then what do you care if a lecture comes along with getting laid? Just keep on enjoying what you're enjoying (and be grateful you don't need to pop that little blue "vitamin" before heading to your session).
My fear is the day comes when the young lady opens the door and tells me I'm obviously "lost" and that the nursing home is a couple of blocks over. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
If that ever happens I will make it my goal to get a nursing home set up with free transport for you regulars.

Though, strange as it is. If I end up with a girlfriend I'll stop all together for that time, unless she is into it too. Then SCORE! I enjoy talking to the girls as much as much if not more than the other activities. It's one of the reasons I go to strip clubs even though I can't get extras for shit versus AMP. Better conversation. But even still the lectures don't bother me as much as it seems like they give a hint of negativity to the whole affair. I don't want them focusing on how young I am unless they like them young. You know what I mean?
  • Oppa
  • 02-16-2012, 08:03 AM
My first true experience in the hobby...meaning when I discovered ASPD and not including a few weak forays into the world of strip clubs and overpriced outcalls...was when I was 28 years old, and the first provider I saw was a long-time ASPD favorite named Lena....who at the time was probably 45. Contrary to your experience, she neither mothered me nor talked down to me, though I'm sure I was by far her youngest client. Rather, she taught me a LOT about lovemaking and some lessons about life here and there. It was a wonderful experience over a period of about a year....until I discovered AMPs and my affinity for Asian women.

Now that I'm knocking on the door of 40, my experiences have tended to be with women much closer to may age, say from early thirties to early 40s. Part of that is that there are very few women in the AMP scene that are under the age of 25. The other part is that I don't LIKE being with the younger girls. I would rather be with a passionate woman that knows what she likes and can figure out what I like....rather than being with a 20-something that hasn't yet learned the art of foreplay or how to do anything really but bunny fuck.

Anyway, don't let the condescension get you down.
Dallasguy's Avatar
shit man, i'm an older (better/wiser?) guy & no way could I f these really really hot young chicks in the "real world". I'm grateful for them.
Invisible1's Avatar
Daen, Like you I started hobbying on a very low volume basis when I was in my mid 20's (about one every year or so) to get rid of stress and to have a needed wild time. I guess I never picked a girl who was more than 10 or so years older than me at the time. I just was not interested in a late 30' something provider when I was in my mid 20's. I never got lectured and most of the babes I picked rocked my world. In fact, some seems really happy to get paid to have sex with an in-shape younger guy for a change.

Now that I am in my late 40's, I still am a low volume hobby guy and am selective about the girls I spend time with. Yes, the younger ones (18-24) fuck like high speed rabbits, but when they actually get into it, it is an amazing, hot, OMG, why can't it be like this all the time experience. My best experiences now are with hot, well researched girls, between 25 and 41. They are past the bunny fuck stage and more into pleasing both me and themselves. Cleanliness, good manners, a drink (or two) and a little conversation before going flippin' crazy on each other usually improves the wildness, warmth and "Oh God!" moments during the following hour or two.
Very interesting read!

I will be 35 in March (and yeah, that's my actual age), and I think maybe it's just that we aren't used to seeing gentlemen who are in their 20's very often. I've only run across a couple yungin's, and it's just kind of a surprise. That being said, I can't remember ever lecturing someone on why they shouldn't hobby, either. I'm certain that my surprise has been obvious, and I'm sure I probably would have jokingly said something to break the ice (cuz that's how I roll!)...but I am very fond of seeing familiar faces, and what you are describing doesn't sound like something you'd wanna go back for.

Age isn't important to me. Much like you, all I care about is how I am going to be treated.
PODarkness's Avatar
What I'm hearing is that some of the ladies you've seen have an attitude, energy, outlook, attributes, personality that you like, and some don't. That's the same for all of us. You don't like it when they lecture you about your age. I don't like it when they whine about their boyfriends, watch the clock, or drone on and on about my resemblance to Brad Pitt and John Holms. Thankfully, it doesn't happen very often.

The point is, don't sweat it. Seek out the ones that turn you on, and give repete business to the ones that live up to your fantasy. The first will be a large group, and the second will be small, just like the rest of us.

Well for a provider (any age) to lecture you about why you should not give her money to please you is just SILLY BUSINESS.

It does not matter if you are old or young married or single. The fact is you chose her over the other 500 ladies in the Dallas area that you could pick from and they should not wonder why you are doing what you are doing they should worry about doing what they do very good so you will be back instead of tryng the next one on the to do list!
Your ? is about age and work ethics it seems that stupidity or lack of knowledge DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE THROUGH THE AGES.
berkleigh's Avatar
LOL ...cute!

Enjoy yourself

Im younger than 25. Every provider I see is actually happy that i am a change of pace to what they usually see :-) I've never been lectured tho lol
Daen1304's Avatar
LOL ...cute!

Enjoy yourself

Originally Posted by berkleigh
I love the response.

I think I should clarify; I have never felt discriminated or wronged due to my age. Even the lectures were more out of concern that I was going to for go the whole normal relationship thing without giving it a chance. Like I becamme a jaded 40 year old without actually reaching 40. But I find age has turned into something I need to consider when trying to predetermine chemistry. And I was wondering if anyone else has the same issue. Now, the ladies that have posted so far I don't think would have such issues with chemistry versus age. And I know we all have our preferences, as POD mentioned, I just didn't expect to have to seriously consider age.

Now, I must state that all but one provider I have seen has had a look of surprise on their face when they first see me. Some hide it better than others, but even Ivy who inspired this : eyes went wide when she saw me, then she kind of just stood there shocked for a second, like she was trying to figure something out. Then a large cheshire cat grin spread across her face, and I knew I wasn't leaving till she was done. The only girl that didn't look surprise is actually pretty new, so I'm guessing she just didn't have any huge preconceptions. And even still, I kind of like the look of surprise, how someone acts after it tells me how the night is going to be.