Dammit! A wasted window

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Realizing that I was going to have a window of opportunity at lunch today, I texted a young lady of my acquaintance yesterday, asking if she would be working today, and, if so, what time would be best for her.

She texted back promptly that noon wojuld work for her, and that she was excited to see me. (Yeah, I know. But it works; that's why they keep saying it.)

So the anticipation builds as I do busywork in the office. I texted her when I left home to confirm. I didn't hear back, but I didn't think much of it, thinking she might still be asleep, a not unreasonable assumption given something she said to me the last time we met. I texted again about an hour before the specified time. Again, no response, but I figure maybe she's with another client.

As the time approaches, I pop the Magic Pill, take a sink bath and get squeaky clean, brush my teeth, apply a sampler of a cologne that the salesgirl assured me would turn me into a chick magnet, use mouthwash, prepare a personal note to go with the donation. I stick a gift that I've purchased or her in my jacket pocket and head out. As I'm leaving the building, I text again, letting her know that I'm on my way and asking her to let me know if she has to cancel. Again, no response. I'm starting to get a bad feeling, but I'm thinking maybe she's still with a client.

I get there five minutes early, wait in the car for four-and-a-half-minutes, then approach the door and ring the bell. No one answers for about three minutes, and then another girl comes to the interior door and asks if she can help me. I tell her who I'm there to see and at what time, and she says my friend-for-an-hour isn't there yet, and that I need to wait in my car.

I did, for a few minutes, but I figured if she was going to show, I'd have heard something, as she's in the past been a pretty prompt texter.

I had no Plan B because my window didn't allow for it. No, I'm not going to name her because I haven't heard from her yet. There may be a reason -- maybe the dog ate her phone -- and I wouldn't want to jeopardize the potential for a great I'll-make-it-up-to-you sesssion.

I know I'm not alone in deriving a not-insignificant amount of pleasure just from the anticipation of seeing someone. The downside of that is that when the appointment falls through, it's a long way back down to the ground.
Aw sorry about your frustrations...especially after such anticipation! Good thing is, there are great ladies in your area that could make it up to you if she can't. Good luck next time♡
Hang in there (sorry that happened). At least you're being decent about it.

I'm about to pull the trigger on seeing a provider asap today/or tomorrow morning and hope I have better luck. It does seem to be a bit more challenging to do these days.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well, that sucks.

I'll tell you something, though, from my viewpoint. If she wasn't able to confirm the appointment this morning, I wouldn't have made the drive.

I've had too many potential appointments, scheduled and confirmed a few days before (or even the previous evening), cancel or not show up the day of.

That's why EVERYONE has to confirm with me the morning of.

Again, sorry that happened. Hope the lady in question is alright.

Happy holidays,
You had mentioned plan B. How do the women feel about being plan b. I am reluctant to have a plan b that I would need to cancel if plan A works. I don't want a provider to double book or use me as a plan b and cancel so I feel it goes both ways. I guess if you had a regular, you could ask in advance, but I am not close enough with any women yet to feel comfortable asking. But yesterday I had a woman cancel an early afternoon appointment mid-morning and I could not find a last minute replacement. So I had a gift burning a hole in my pocket and some disappointment. Of course this woman and I are about 1 for 10 on actually meeting so I should have been more prepared and I joked with her that I had wished I had a plan b. But like I said, what if I had a plan b and we were actually able to meet. How do you let plan b down?
I had similar luck with a lady I've seen before yesterday. It is a big let down, but you are handling it the right way. I really still like and will see her in the future too.

I did take the opportunity to make a new friend today though.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't mind being a Plan B at all! In fact, I've advertised that in the past.

I don't double book and it's my thoughts most ladies do not. However, instead of double booking, for men, it's nice to have a few numbers of ladies who are generally available during certain hours (Elisabeth raises hand!).

Slight segue from topic, I know.

OldGrump's Avatar
What a disappointment. And after all that prep including a (now expensive) pill.

Sorry that happened. It must have been a Fort Worth provider. (OMG, I'm sorry for that. I couldn't resist. The Devil made me do it. He dangled such a pretty in front of me and dared me.)

Seriously, SirLancehernot, that situation hurts. After all that prep and high expectations, you stand there with nothing but a locked door in your face and a phone with no messages.

I hope your next session is out of this world good.
I'm starting to get a bad feeling...The downside...is that when the appointment falls through, it's a long way back down to the ground.
[/vent] Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
The first bit means that you knew when the communication got unplugged that there was a better than fair chance this appointment wasn't going to happen. You've been around plenty long enough to know that when the TCB / Communication window is non existent in the 60 to 90 minute out window and worse, non existent in the under 30 minute window, you're going to your nooner dressed like Hand Solo. The little head can justify anything and send your reason on vacation. I once waited over an hour for a hottie but she was texting me from traffic the whole time. No communication means no appointment, and you know that, and I'm sorry you wasted a pecker pellet and and extra hour and a half on nothing, but I know you saw it coming. This is one of those experience builds character and wisdom moments, right? Better luck next time (be sure she answers the phone)!
ForeignPlaytoy's Avatar
I love being PLAN B! I get to excite and reassure said gentleman that we are not all flaky or goofy and also allow him to calm down and await her reaponse to said Ncns
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Just after the OP, I got a text from her, saying her work phone had been dead and her charger broke. She apologized. I texted her back and asked what her schedule was like the rest of the day, but it's been a while and haven't heard back. So it's off to Ojos Locos to think about what might have been, and look at what never will be.
I don't mind being a Plan B at all! In fact, I've advertised that in the past.
Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I love being PLAN B! Originally Posted by Tay
I'll have to keep this in mind, and maybe make some new friends
That's a nice practical outlook on things (the plan B comments).

My gut tells me that Elizabeth would be a fine Plan-A for anyone. It's nice to see intelligence and sanity balanced with warm and sensual sexuality all wrapped up together in one body.
Painful, SL...but...here's real pain: inject yourself after the two-call confirmation, head towards her door and...you've suddenly been texted out of a session.

So now you get to drive home, wrestling with an hour-long, raging rocket in your pocket.
You can't help getting hosed from time to time, but I would never leave my driveway nor drop the blue pill without a fresh, exuberant text on my phone that confirmed that the lady in question was ready and expecting me. Adventure and misadventure in the hobby have taught me this lesson and it's a critical one to learn.