Showering between appointments

passionseeker38's Avatar
So I've noticed that when u know a girls in a hurry cause someone else is waiting . They finish with u and get dressed again. Don't think they are showering before next . Gross or znormal?
So I've noticed that when u know a girls in a hurry cause someone else is waiting . They finish with u and get dressed again. Don't think they are showering before next . Gross or znormal? Originally Posted by passionseeker38
Neither. Presumably girl at a minimum does quick wipe down of certain areas of her body if no time for a full shower.
A woman should give herself proper time to prepare but hey everyone has a way with how they conduct themselves and business.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
With hair washed & body shaved, it literally takes just minutes to thoroughly rinse & wash the body.

It takes me longer to get dressed than it does to do a rinse/soap/rinse shower

If I have to wash my hair, that of course adds time. Hair removal adds time. Exfoliating, buffing, moisturizing, etc etc. But if we are on a time crunch, we don’t need that between each appointment

Get a shower cap and rinse your slutty body. My goodness. There’s no excuse
As u know better than me, a lot of girls have STAFF EDIT DD demons n personal hygiene n other life skills not their strength.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Oh I am well aware
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Keeping it short-ish I don't even book appointments closer than 2hrs apart.
I like to take a little time properly physically & mentally reset myself between appointments (and that includes a full shower lol) AND refresh my incall (maybe even change the setup depending on the next date). Especially after a certain fetish appointment or one that involved a lot of oils or a lot of Nuru.
Keeping it short-ish I don't even book appointments closer than 2hrs apart.
I like to take a little time properly physically & mentally reset myself between appointments (and that includes a full shower lol) AND refresh my incall (maybe even change the setup depending on the next date). Especially after a certain fetish appointment or one that involved a lot of oils or a lot of Nuru. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Beware of the Great Unwashed
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Keeping it short-ish I don't even book appointments closer than 2hrs apart.
I like to take a little time properly physically & mentally reset myself between appointments (and that includes a full shower lol) AND refresh my incall (maybe even change the setup depending on the next date). Especially after a certain fetish appointment or one that involved a lot of oils or a lot of Nuru. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
I usually work 2 days a week.

I like to start early in the day and end late in the day - so my day feels full, yet leaves me with hours between dates to rest, recharge, freshen, coffee dates, run errands, do admin work, nap, go to the spa, get a oil change, etc etc

Of course it doesn’t always happen that way. I can make a 1hr break work. But even if I have 4 hr between appt - I do not need to wash my hair & exfoliate multiple times a day! The shower time should still be reasonable (for me).
No offense to most of the providers out in the world but the majority of them definitely book back to back and do not clean between.

You guys are on the higher end of the scale. Most are not and simply don't care. That's most of the reason I don't DATY or kiss.
No offense to most of the providers out in the world but the majority of them definitely book back to back and do not clean between.

You guys are on the higher end of the scale. Most are not and simply don't care. That's most of the reason I don't DATY or kiss. Originally Posted by EGrayupstate
Agree with great.With anyone new, I always check around for anyone hiding in bathroom or wherever. In bathroom pulling back curtain don't often see evidence of recent shower. Hopefully some cleanup in between but who knows
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I usually work 2 days a week.

I like to start early in the day and end late in the day - so my day feels full, yet leaves me with hours between dates to rest, recharge, freshen, coffee dates, run errands, do admin work, nap, go to the spa, get a oil change, etc etc

Of course it doesn’t always happen that way. I can make a 1hr break work. But even if I have 4 hr between appt - I do not need to wash my hair & exfoliate multiple times a day! The shower time should still be reasonable (for me). Originally Posted by bustybabygirl

I'm not talking about exfoliating daily (I do that 2-3 times a week max which is plenty). My reply was about what works for me. I'm a planner.
Most of my days are full with errands on top of a civvie job and doing the occasional date 2-3 times a week if I'm not touring. When i'm not touring guys need to book incall a day ahead for that reason (of course on a tour i'm more flexible).
I'm talking about just getting my oral hygiene together, full body shower, unscented lotion (i'm brown so I can't do ashy ), quick fix of the hair, light makeup maybe, getting dressed and fixing up the incall (getting atmosphere right). I need 2hrs. Fairly basic stuff (imo). I don't do well with rushing and I need to be thoroughly clean...that "primping" ritual is what I need.
1hr wouldn't work for me....tried it. I don't like feeling rushed so I'm personally not going to be scheduling dates if I don't feel like I have the time properly prepare. Even touring 2hrs is the minimum notice I NEED.
I like to space things out and I unapologetically like long showers .
Madame X's Avatar
I really don't know why this needs to be said. Here I was thinking that I lived in a civilized nation where soap and running water were reasonable conditions that everyone could enjoy.

Wtf is *wrong* with some people? Wash your damn bits...

I usually work 2 days a week.

I like to start early in the day and end late in the day - so my day feels full, yet leaves me with hours between dates to rest, recharge, freshen, coffee dates, run errands, do admin work, nap, go to the spa, get a oil change, etc etc

Of course it doesn’t always happen that way. I can make a 1hr break work. But even if I have 4 hr between appt - I do not need to wash my hair & exfoliate multiple times a day! The shower time should still be reasonable (for me). Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I really don't know why this needs to be said. Here I was thinking that I lived in a civilized nation where soap and running water were reasonable conditions that everyone could enjoy.

Wtf is *wrong* with some people? Wash your damn bits... Originally Posted by Madame X

After reading some above comments, I was going to say that if i were these gents, I would request a mutual shower at the start of the date.

But I changed my mind. I would pass on those incapable of bathing themselves and stick w those who prioritize washing their sensitive bits all on their own.

Mutual shower should be
- fun
- an elective
- not a necessity to having clean fun
What a great thread !!!
Ha ha ha...

I enjoy showering w a friend but i like to do all my washing , shaving, etc beforehand.. This way the shower together is just fun.. Soapy , slippery , gliding ,sliding feel good fun..

I'll usually throw on a bathrobe or something to open the door to let u out but alot of the times I'll shower after w a friend too..